Parents for a day

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    Layla and Tony sped off in their cars, racing down a somewhat-empty street. They went back and forth, each taking turns in the lead as they fought to find out who was faster.
"You'll have to be faster than that if you wanna stand a chance against me, Toretto!" Layla called as she took the lead.
"You'll have to drive better than that if you want to beat me!" He retorted as he sped up.
"I'm a better driver than you could ever dream to be!" She said with a laugh.
"Then how did I just pass you?" He said as he sped by, though Layla was still right on his tail.
"Don't get used to it! You won't be in the lead for long!" Layla skillfully maneuvered her car as they took several sharp turns down several different streets until they got to the last stretch which was a long empty road.
Suddenly a bright blue light flashed in the sky. Neither of them knew what it was as they were momentarily blinded and slammed on the breaks. When Tony opened his eyes, the light was gone and he saw Layla speed past him.
"Don't get distracted!" She taunted him. Slamming his foot on the gas pedal, he hurried to catch up with her.
Right as Layla was about to reach the designated finish line, she noticed a figure suddenly stumble onto the road ahead of her. Slamming on her breaks, she stopped just in time so she would not hit them. Behind her Tony swerved and stopped his car so he did not crash into her.
They both got out of their cars and Tony was about to ask Layla why she stopped when he noticed a young girl standing in the middle of the road. She looked to be about ten or eleven years old. She had bright blue eyes and auburn hair pulled up into a ponytail.
She looked frightened, but when her eyes landed on Tony and Layla, they flashed with what looked like relief and awe.
"You okay, kid?" Layla asked.
She nodded. "Y-yeah." She said in a quiet voice.
"Where's your parents?" Tony asked.
The kid looked around before glancing down sadly. "They... they're not here."
"We should take her back to the garage." Tony said to Layla. "Maybe Miss Nowhere will be able to find her parents."
    Layla nodded to him before turning back towards the kid. "What's your name?" She asked.
    "Camille." The girl responded.
    "C'mon, Camille. Wanna beat Toretto in a race with me?" She asked. The young girl smiled.
    "Yeah!" She and Layla quickly got into her car and sped off with Tony following close behind. When they got back to the garage, they explained the situation to Miss Nowhere.
"So, do you think you can find her parents?" Tony asked.
"We should be able to." Miss Nowhere said then looked down at the child. "What's your name?"
"Camille." She answered.
"No, your last name." Miss Nowhere clarified.
"Oh." Camille's eyes moved around the room nervously. "It's T... Tatro." She said.
"I'll have Gary run it through our system." Miss Nowhere said. "Until we track them down I'll need you two to watch her."
"What?" Layla asked.
"You're the ones who found her!" Miss Nowhere told her. Layla wanted to argue back. She did not want to be stuck babysitting all day, but she decided not to say anything. The kid was still right next to her and would have been hurt if Layla straight up refused to watch her.
    Layla sighed. "Alright, c'mon kid."
    For the rest of the day they took Camille around LA, doing their best to keep her entertained until the end of the day. Just as the sun was beginning to set, they returned to the garage. They had not heard anything from Miss Nowhere all day, but still had hope that she had found Camille's parents.
    "Did you find them?" Layla asked.
    Miss Nowhere shook her head. "We couldn't find anyone with that last name who lives nearby. We'll have to extend our search tomorrow."
    "Tomorrow? What're we gonna do with the kid tonight?" Layla asked.
    "I'm not sure. Kids aren't really my thing. I'm sure you can find something to do with the little monster."
    "Wait, you're leaving her to us to take care of?" Layla asked.
"Think of it as You and Toretto's assignment." Miss Nowhere said. Before Layla could argue she left to go home for the night.
"What'd she say?" Tony asked Layla as he and Camille approached her.
"That we have to look after her until they find her parents." She said.
"Sounds like Miss Nowhere." He said. "So, you wanna come to my house tonight?" He asked Camille. The young girl nodded.
"You sure you can take care of a kid?" Layla asked him skeptically.
"Yeah, no problem." He said as they all walked outside. "See ya tomorrow."
"Bye!" Camille waved to Layla as she got into Tony's car.
"Bye." Layla waved back with a small smile.
The next morning Layla woke up to a phone call from Tony. "What happened, Toretto?" She asked as she answered the phone.
"Nothing happened!" He said. "I, uh, I just don't have any clothes for little girls."
Layla rolled her eyes as she got out of bed. "I'll pick something up and take it to your house." She said. He thanked her before hanging up the phone.
On her way to Tony's house, Layla stopped by a random store and picked out a couple pairs of clothes for the girl. When she arrived at Tony's house, Camille's eyes lit up in excitement. She was happy to see her and even happier when she realized that she had picked out some clothes for her.
Accepting the clothes, Camille ran into the other room to try them on. "Thanks for helping me out." Tony said.
"It was nothing, Toretto. You watched her all night, it was the least I could do." She told him. "So, how did it go last night?"
"It went great, of course! Did you not think I could handle it?"
"You want me to be honest?" She smirked. Tony rolled his eyes.
After a few minutes Camille returned dressed in her new clothes. "Thank you!" She said as she gave Layla a hug.
Layla was surprised but smiled. "No problem, kid." She said as she ruffled her hair slightly. "Now let's go."
When they arrived at the garage, they were surrounded by the other Spy Racers. "Aww, who's this?" Cisco asked.
"Is it your kid?" Frostee asked Tony and Layla.
They both looked at each other before yelling, "No!"
"Definitely not!" Tony said.
"Why would you even ask that?" Layla said. Camille laughed a little.
"I was only joking." Frostee said.
"But you do have to admit that she does kinda look like the two of you." Echo said. "She could totally pass as your daughter."
Tony and Layla glanced down at Camille then looked back at their friends as they shook their heads. "Yeah right." Layla said.
"No, I see it too." Cisco joined in.
Tony rolled his eyes. "Very funny guys." He said. Then he turned to Layla and Camille. "C'mon, let's go have some fun." Camille nodded in excitement.
They spent the rest of the day racing around LA while Miss Nowhere and Gary continued the search for her parents. But at the end of the day they still came up with nothing.
For the next few days they watched over Camille. Layla and Tony both felt really close to the young girl. It felt like they were a family.
Tony and Layla were so used to hanging out with her that they knew they would be sad when the time came for her to go back to her real parents. But at the same time, they also felt bad about all the time she spent separated from her family.
When they arrived at the garage on the fourth day of watching over Camille, Tony approached Miss Nowhere while Layla kept the girl occupied on the mechanical bull.
    "Any word on her parents?" Tony asked.
    "No." Miss Nowhere said, her voice serious. "We looked everywhere. We checked everyone with her last name. We could not find her parents anywhere."
    "That's because they're not here." Camille said in a soft voice. Tony looked down, realizing that she was right behind him and had been listening to their conversation. "They're not anywhere!"
    Tears began to pool in the corner of her eyes as she ran out of the garage. "Camille!" Tony called after her.
    "Toretto, c'mon." Layla said, already running out the door after the girl. Tony quickly rushed after Layla and the two of them found the girl crying in the parking lot. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." Layla wrapped an arm around the girl to comfort her.
    "I want my mom and dad." Camille cried.
    "We'll find them, I promise." Tony said as he wrapped his arm around the girl as well.
    "I miss them. I want to go home." Tony and Layla's hearts felt like they would break as they knew there was nothing they could do to help the little girl.
    Suddenly a bright blue light flashed close by. Tony and Layla closed their eyes tightly as they held onto Camille. When they opened their eyes, they saw a strange looking car parked in front of them.
    It was shiny, silver, and new. Neither of them knew what model or brand it was. It was like nothing they had ever seen. The doors of the car opened and two figures stepped out. Layla and Tony's jaws practically dropped.
    "Mom! Dad!" Camille yelled excitedly as she ran to the figures that stood next to the strange car. They wrapped their arms around her as their faces held looks of relief.
    "I'm so glad we were able to find you." The mom said.
    "You should know better than to play with the things your Uncle Frostee makes." The dad said.
    "I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Camille promised. Her parents smiled as they hugged her.
    "I had a feeling we'd find you here." The dad said as he looked up, smiling at Tony and Layla. Their eyes were wide as they stared at the two strangers that were startlingly familiar.
    The mom had blue eyes and blonde hair with pink and green coloring. The dad had auburn hair and brown eyes. There was no denying it. Her parents looked exactly like Tony and Layla, just older.
Tony opened his mouth to speak but could not find any words. His older self chuckled. "Thanks for looking out for Camille. I know you've been through some pretty weird stuff, but this must be the weirdest."
"Are you... are you me?" Tony asked.
He nodded. "Yeah, just more handsome." He said. The older Layla rolled her eyes as she smiled.
"And that's Layla." Tony said as he pointed at Camille's mom. "So that means..." He trailed off as he looked over at Layla. They both blushed and quickly looked away from each other.
Future Tony and Layla laughed a little as they watched their past selves become blushing messes. Camille stepped away from her parents and hugged Tony and Layla. "Thank you." She said with a smile.
They smiled as they hugged her back. "No problem, kid." Layla said.
"It was nice getting to know you." Tony said. Camille reluctantly let them go and returned to her parents.
"Oh, could you not mention this to Miss Nowhere." Future Tony said to his past self. "We'll never hear the end of it if she finds out about this." Tony gave him a nod.
The family got into the car, waving one last time before driving off. The bright blue light surrounded the car again and when Tony and Layla opened their eyes, it was gone.
"I'm gonna miss that kid." Layla said, looking off in the direction the car disappeared in.
Tony grabbed her hand and smiled. "We'll see her again soon." He said. Layla rolled her eyes and nudged him, but still had a smile on her face.
Still holding hands, they went back into the garage. "Where's the girl?" Miss Nowhere asked.
"She found her parents." Tony said.
"Really?" Echo asked. She and the others held confused expressions.
Tony and Layla gave each other a small smile. "You'll understand one day." Layla said.

Fast and Furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots 2Where stories live. Discover now