Night Swim

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A soft wind flowed through the warm night air. Silence hovered over the ground, submerging the woods in peaceful tranquility. The moon hung high in the sky, illuminating the scene with a silvery light.
    Standing alone outside of her tent, Layla drank up the peace and quiet. She and the other Spy Racers were on a camping trip, which was fun, but she was glad to finally have a break from everyone.
    They spent the entire day racing to the campsite and setting up their tents. It was already getting dark by the time they set everything up and made a fire.
    She liked hanging out with her friends and enjoyed their company, but sometimes she liked to just take a step back for a moment. Now that everyone else had already turned in for the night, Layla was finally able to relax and enjoy a breath of fresh air.
   Though it was dark out, the woods did not seem creepy in the slightest. It looked calm and serene. It was a great place to go camping, but the beautiful scenery was not the reason they decided to camp there. It was because of the natural hot spring located nearby.
The others had planned on going to the hot spring the next day, but Layla could not wait. She was excited to feel the warm water and wanted to try it out before going to bed. It was the perfect thing to help her relax, which would help her fall asleep easier too.
Walking in the direction she had been told the hot spring was, she was able to find it with little trouble. It was a less than five minute walk away from where they made camp and the path was clear and easy to follow.
The hot spring was slightly bigger than a jacuzzi and had a slight trace of steam drifting off of it. Kneeling down, Layla felt the water with the tips of her fingers. The water felt warm, but not too hot. It was the perfect temperature for relaxation.
Briefly looking around, Layla stripped out of her clothes and stepped into the warm water. She felt her body relax immediately as she sank down until the water was up to her chin. Letting out a sigh, she closed her eyes as a peaceful smile settled on her face.
    After a few minutes of relaxing in place, she began to swim around a little. The way the warm water flowed around her body felt like pure bliss. Submerging herself underwater, she held her breath as long as she could, enjoying the tranquility she felt.
    A sudden but slight disturbance in the water caught her attention and she quickly stood up. Opening her eyes, wiping away the water that blurred them, she turned to find Tony now in the hot spring with her. The both of them were startled when they saw each other and let out a yell.
    Tony's eyes were wide as they stared at her and subconsciously traveled down. Layla followed his gaze and her face flushed bright red. Quickly, Layla wrapped her arms over her chest. Tony's face turned red as he tried to look away.
    "Sorry!" He muttered, his eyes glancing in every direction. He tried to look everywhere except at Layla, but no matter what, his eyes kept drifting back to her.
    "What're you doing, Toretto?" Layla asked, shifting uncomfortably.
    "I guess we both had the same idea of coming here." He said. "But I didn't see you... I'm sorry. I can leave."
    "No." Layla said before she realized what she was saying. Tony raised his eyebrow, not expecting her to say that. "You don't need to leave, you just got here."
    "But you were here first and I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He said.
    "It's fine." She said. "I don't mind if you stay. Just don't make it uncomfortable."
    "I won't, I promise." He said sincerely. Turning away from him, she sank down into the water so that it was above her chest. The water was mostly clear, but it at least obscured her chest a little more than when she was standing above the water.
    Tony also turned away as he submerged himself in the water as well. He was surprised that Layla let him stay, but was glad she did. The water felt amazing, but what was even better was that he was there with Layla. She was in the water with him, only a few feet away, and like him, she was naked.
    He tried to keep his mind clean but had a hard time doing so. The fact that she was right there, just behind him, was a constant reminder of their situation. What he did not know was that Layla was having similar thoughts.
She glanced over at Tony, her face flushing more. She was not sure what had gotten over her. When she told him to stay she surprised herself even more than him. But she could not help herself.
Even though it was nice to be by herself, it felt even better to be with him. Specifically because it was him and not anyone else. She could not help herself from admiring him and his body and when she looked over at him, she noticed that he was doing the same thing.
"Can't stop staring at my chest?" She smirked at him.
Flustered, his eyes darted away from her. "No! I mean, yeah, I guess. I'm sorry."
Something came over Layla. Perhaps it was her relaxed state that was induced by the warm water. Maybe it was a random new courage she found in herself. Whatever the reason, she strangely felt comfortable enough to have a bit of fun with Tony.
Standing up in the water, she slowly approached him. His eyes were immediately drawn to her and drifted down. "Did I say you could look?" She said slyly.
Tony tried his best to pull his eyes away from her but failed. "Sorry, I... you.." He was too flustered to be able to form complete sentences. It took every ounce of strength in his body to restrain himself around her.
Standing right in front of him, she looked up with a seductive look in her eyes. "Like what you see?"
"What?" He asked, positive that he did not hear her right.
"Do you like what you see?" She repeated.
"Yeah." He said the first and only thing that came into his mind. Layla was flustered slightly by his response, but hid it with a smirk.
She stepped closer to him so that her chest was pressed against his. She could feel Tony straighten as their bare skin came into contact. His face was filled with a mixture of bewilderment and lust. "Tony." She whispered as she looked up at him.
A shiver ran down his spine at the way she said his name. They stared into each other's eyes before glancing down to the other's lips. Tony took that as a sign to let himself give in.
He pressed his lips against hers as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body against his even harder. Tony's arms snaked around her waist, letting there be no space between them as their kiss quickly grew in intensity.
Layla could feel something hard pressing against her and smirked into the kiss. She opened her mouth, letting him in as she began to slowly grind her body against his. Tony groaned into the kiss as his hands moved around her body, groping her soft skin.
Their bodies were slowly submerged more and more into the warm water as they let it surround them. Tony pushed Layla against the side of the hot spring as her legs wrapped around his waist. As he thrusted into her, they continued to exchange heated kisses, parting only briefly to breathe.
When their lips parted, Tony trailed kisses down her chest, sucking at her skin. Soft moans left Layla's lips as Tony's mouth latched onto her left breast, his hand roughly massaging the right. He switched back and forth between the two as blissful pleasure coursed through the both of them.
After reaching the climax of their passion, they both collapsed in the water next to each other, still in each other's arms. Layla rested her head on Tony's shoulder as she looked up at him. "That was amazing, Toretto."
"We should do it more often." He sent her a smirk before capturing her lips with his. Despite being tired, their kiss quickly grew heated once again. Not letting her lips part from his, Layla got onto Tony's lap. He bit her lip at the feeling of her skin pressing hard against his, doing his best to muffle a groan.
Tension rose between the two of them again the longer they kissed. They continued, the heat rising until Tony could not take it anymore and turned her around, inserting himself inside her again.
They could not get enough of the passionate, pleasurable sensation of pure bliss that flooded their senses. They regretted every moment they spent not in each other's embrace and never wanted to part again.
Once their kisses started to slow down, they held each other in their arms as they caught their breath. "I love you, Layla." Tony said.
"I love you too." She said with a soft smile. Giving him one last kiss, she parted from him and stood up. "What do you say we go back to my tent?" She suggested.
His eyes lit up as he smiled. Standing up as well, he followed her out of the hot spring and they both dressed themselves. Tony was slightly disappointed at the clothes covering her body, keeping it from his eyes. But he was assured by the fact that it would not stay that way for long as they quickly rushed back to camp and into Layla's tent.

Fast and Furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots 2Where stories live. Discover now