What happens in Rio stays in Rio

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-This one shot takes place at the end of season 2-

    After stopping Rafaela's plan, Tony and Layla turned the spy plane around to go back to Rio. Once they turned Rafaela in to the authorities, they joined the others in the giant dance party that was still raging. Feeling triumphant and excited, Tony talked and danced with his friends. But even as he did so, he could not stop his eyes from wandering to Layla.
    For some reason he was drawn to her. He could not take his eyes off of her. He wanted to be near her. He wanted to get closer to her. No, he had to get closer to her.
    What Tony did not know was that Layla was feeling the same thing. She kept stealing glances at him, unable to look away from him for too long. She felt a strong heat bubble in her stomach and rise to her chest. Soon she could not take it any longer.
    Working her way through the crowd, Layla approached Tony and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Pulling him down slightly, she brought his ear to her mouth. "Come with me." She told him.
    Her hot breath tickled his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. She did not have to tell him twice. Without letting go of his shirt, she led him through the crowd and he followed.
    Looking for the closest private area, Layla found the Hauler and decided to go there. Once they were inside and the door was closed behind them, Layla finally let go.
    "So, what're we-." Tony started but was cut off by Layla's lips suddenly smashing against his. Tony was frozen for a second, unable to process what was happening. Layla was kissing him? Layla was kissing him!
    He could hardly believe that what was happening was real, but kissed back, not holding himself back anymore. He wanted this so bad. The feeling of her lips against his felt even better than he ever could have imagined.
    Layla's arms wrapped around Tony's neck while his wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him. As they exchanged kisses that got more and more passionate each time, Layla pressed her body harder against his.
    Something sparked inside of Tony as Layla's body pushed his against the wall of the Hauler. He felt an immense want to be with her. A strong need to get even closer.
    Tony's hands stroked up and down Layla's waist. Slowly they began to move further down her hips and further up her waist towards her chest. A shiver shot down Layla's spine. She loved his touch but was annoyed by the clothes that served as a barrier between them.
    Layla broke the kiss for a moment to take off her red leather jacket and threw it on the floor before connecting their lips again. Still not satisfied, Layla broke the kiss again and removed her shirt as Tony did the same. They both discarded their shirts onto the floor as they went back in for another passionate kiss.
    Without thinking about what he was going, Tony's hands traveled up to Layla's chest and began to stroke the skin around her bra as their kisses grew in intensity.
    "Mmm Toretto." Layla moaned between kisses. Acting purely on instinct and thoughtless desire, Tony's hands moved to her back and unclipped her bra, letting it fall to the floor.
    As their desire for each other grew beyond what they could control, Layla pulled Tony to the floor and got on top of him, rubbing her bare chest against his as they kissed.
    Wanting a turn in control, Tony flipped them over so that he was on top. His hands massaged her chest before moving down across her stomach to the waistline of her pants. Before continuing, Tony pulled back from the kiss as the both of them caught their breath.
    "Are you sure about this?" Tony asked.
    "I want you, Toretto." Layla said. "I want you right now."
    Having the answer he wanted, Tony kissed her again as he unzipped her pants and slid them down. Layla rolled them over so that she was on top and did the same to him. Rolling around the floor, they took turns on top as they removed the rest of each other's clothes.
    Once there was no longer a barrier of clothing between, they were finally able to take what they wanted and give in to their desires. Pleasure like they had never felt before coursed through them as they rolled around together on the floor, their bodies intertwined.
    In that moment, time meant nothing to them. The rest of the world faded away and was completely gone. They did not care about the party outside or all the fun everyone else was having. This moment was something they wanted, no, needed more than anything and they would never forget it.
    When their passionate moment came to an end, Layla laid next to Tony for a few minutes before getting up and getting herself dressed. Tony watched her dress in awe before getting up and dressing himself.
    "That was amazing." He said, still processing what had just happened and the fact that it was not a dream.
    Layla turned to him and stared directly into his eyes, showing him she was serious. "We speak nothing of this, okay?"
    "Alright, alright." He said. "What happens in Rio stays in Rio."
    She continued to stare at him silently, their faces only inches apart. Without warning, she gave him one last kiss and pulled away with a smile. "Exactly." She said before making her way out of the Hauler.
    Tony watched her as she walked. His heartbeat was still far from being normal. Maybe they both just got caught up in the moment. Maybe that was all this was. But he knew the feelings he felt were more than that and he had a strong feeling that this was not going to be the last time something like this would happen.
    He knew he would not be able to stay away from her too long and he had a strong feeling that  it would be the same for her. But as for now, what happened in Rio would stay in Rio.

Fast and Furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots 2Where stories live. Discover now