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Layla breathed in a long breath and let it out. It was time. She could not wait any longer. She had to tell Tony how she felt.
For the longest time she had been hiding her feelings. But now it was starting to drive her crazy and she could not keep it a secret any longer. Even if he did not feel the same way, she had to tell him.
Though it was meant to be a way for her to make herself feel better, the thought made her shudder instead. Wait, what if he did not feel the same? She did not want to make things awkward between them! Maybe it was best for her to say nothing.
"No." Layla said to herself, shaking the thought out of her mind. She had already decided that she was going to tell him. There was no going back now. She had to do it.
Stepping out of the garage, Layla got into her car and began to drive to Tony's house. To say she was nervous would be an understatement. She was so deep in thought about how her conversation with Tony would go that she was barely paying attention to the road.
When Layla was only a few minutes away from Tony's house, she snapped out of her thoughts, realizing that she had not been paying much attention and was almost speeding. She began to slow down, but not before she heard a loud horn honking at her. She looked up to see bright headlights before everything went black.
Tony bursted through the hospital doors, running straight up to the front desk. "Layla. Layla Gray. Where is she?" Tony said all in one breath.
"I'm sorry, Miss Gray is in surgery right now and will not be able to take visitors for the next few hours." The receptionist told him. He felt his heart drop. Surgery? Was she okay?
"Hey Tony." Echo said as she approached him gently. Tony turned to find Cisco and Frostee already sitting in the waiting room too.
"What happened to Layla?" He asked her.
"C'mon, Tony, let's sit down." Echo said.
"What happened to Layla?" He repeated, refusing to move.
"They said she got into a car accident." Echo told him. Tony's heart clenched. His legs became wobbly and he almost fell over. "You okay?"
"Yeah." He assured her as he caught his balance.
Echo eyed him for a moment before continuing. "From where they found her it seems like she was driving to your house."
"My house? Why?" He wondered out loud.
"I dunno." Echo said. She could tell that Tony was not doing too well. He looked like he just might fall over. "You should sit down."
She led him to the others and he took a seat next to them. Seeing that Tony was distraught, Cisco and Frostee tried their hardest to cheer him up and reassure him. Tony appreciated their efforts, but it did not help.
After several long hours, a doctor came out and told them about Layla's condition. Tony was relieved to find that the surgery was a success and she was alright. "Can I see her?" He asked.
"She has not woken up yet but you are welcome to visit her one at a time." The doctor said.
Cisco, Echo, and Frostee all nodded at Tony, signaling him to go ahead. He gave them a small smile before following the doctor to Layla's room.
When he saw Layla, his heart ached. Her eyes were peacefully closed as she laid on top of the hospital bed, hooked up to a bunch of weird-looking machines. He felt like everything happened so fast. He had just been talking with her that morning and now he was staring at her as she was unconscious in a hospital bed.
He got closer to Layla, not moving his eyes from her. "I'm sorry this happened to you." He said softly. "I hope you wake up soon."
Tony did not want to leave her but had to eventually step out of the room so that his friends could have a turn seeing her. By the time they all were done, visiting hours were over and he had to wait until the next day to come back.
    That night Tony could barely sleep. The thought of Layla kept running through his mind. It all happened so fast it barely felt real. He wanted more than anything to wake up and find out it was all just a dream. But in the morning he was just reminded of the harsh reality.
    He immediately drove to the hospital, hoping to find Layla awake. His heart dropped when he found her still unconscious. "When will she wake up?" He asked a nurse.
    The nurse looked uncertain. "It may take a few days." She said.
    "But she's alright... right?" He glanced at Layla with concern flashing in his eyes.
    "The doctor said she should make a full recovery." The nurse gave him a comforting smile before stepping out of the room.
    Tony sat down on the edge of the hospital bed, gazing down at Layla. "Hey Layla." He said softly as he brushed a strand of her hair out of her face. "Please wake up. I just want you to be okay." He watched her carefully, hoping to see her open her eyes or at least move a little. But nothing happened.
    The next few days Tony visited Layla in the hospital, but even after all those days she still had not woken up. Tony started getting more and more worried with every day that passed. He kept asking the nurses if she was okay and if she would wake up soon. They kept giving him the same answer but after a while they began to grow more uncertain.
    Echo, Cisco, and Frostee also came nearly every day to visit Layla and try to comfort Tony. They offered to take turns staying with her while he got out of the hospital to take a break but Tony refused to leave her side. Even Miss Nowhere and Gary came to visit, but no one was able to get him to leave.
    Tony hated every moment he was not by her side. It terrified him to see in her in this state, leaving him hoping and praying for her to wake up. But his worries were even worse when he was not by her side.
    Holding her hand, he stroked her skin softly with his thumb. "Layla, please wake up. Please be okay." He said, the corners of his eyes began to grow wet as he gazed down at her.
    There was a knock at the door and Tony turned as Layla's doctor stepped into the room. "What's going on with Layla? Why isn't she awake yet?" Tony asked.
    "We are not quite sure. Everything appears fine. We're running more tests on her. We haven't found anything yet, but if she doesn't wake up soon something could be seriously wrong." The doctor said.
    Tony turned back to Layla and squeezed her hand. "She'll wake up." He said, mostly just to himself. "I know it."
    As the next few days passed and the doctors still could not find out why Layla was not waking up, Tony began to grow desperate. "Wake up Layla, please." He begged her, hoping that if he said it enough she would hear his words and open her eyes.
    "I can't live without you." His voice was low and broken. His throat was dry but he refused to get up to get some water.
    He stroked his fingers across her cheek gently. "I love you Layla." He said softly. Leaning down, he placed a small kiss on her cheek. "Please, wake up."
    He gazed at her closed eyelids, hoping to see them move, hoping to catch a glimpse of her baby blue eyes. But nothing happened. Disappointed, he looked down, trying his best to hold back the tears that threatened to fall.
As he held her hand, he gave it a small squeeze. After a few minutes he felt a small squeeze back. His heart jumped as he looked up at Layla. Her eyes were still closed and she showed no signs of waking up.
For a moment he thought that he had imagined what he felt until Layla's hand squeezed his again. Tony's eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat as he watched Layla slowly start to stir. Her face scrunched up slightly as she moved her head a little and opened her eyes.
"Layla!" Tony exclaimed. "You're alright!"
"T- Toretto?" Layla's voice was quiet and hoarse but it was still a sound he loved to hear. "What happened?"
"You got into a car accident and have been unconscious for a week." He told her. "I was so worried."
"I should've paid more attention while driving." Layla muttered.
"It's not your fault." He said. Layla tried to sit up but was stopped by her head starting to hurt and her vision suddenly blurring. "Careful. Take it easy." Tony said as he helped her carefully sit.
"Thanks Toretto." Layla said. "I'm really glad you're here."
"Of course. I'll always be here for you." He gave her a smile which made her cheeks flush a light shade of pink. The way Layla looked while blushing made Tony's heart jump.
"You were talking to me while I was unconscious, right?" Layla asked. Now it was Tony's turn to have his face flush pink.
"Uhh, yeah." He said. "You heard?"
"I could hear your voice but not exactly what you were saying." She was silent for a moment, looking down nervously. "I have something I need to tell you."
"What is it?" Tony ask, his curiosity piqued.
"I've been wanting to say this for a long time..." Her eyes glanced around the room before settling on him. She took a deep breath to calm herself before saying what she had to say. "I love you, Toretto."
Tony smiled. He was so happy that he felt like his heart just might explode. "I love you too."
"Really?" She asked in disbelief.
Tony got closer to Layla, placing his thumb under her chin and lifting up her face. Slowly, he leaned closer until their lips met. Their kiss was slow and soft and made both of their hearts skip a beat.
"I was so scared when you didn't wake up." Tony said when they parted. "I can't live without you, Layla."
She smiled. "I'm not going anywhere, Toretto."

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