One bed

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It was late in the afternoon when Tony got a call from Miss Nowhere, telling him to report to the garage immediately. When he arrived there, he found that the only one there other than Miss Nowhere and Gary was Layla.
"What's up?" He asked Miss Nowhere.
"I have an important mission for you." She said.
"Where's the others?" Layla asked.
"This mission is for the two of you." She answered. Layla and Tony glanced at each other before turning back to Miss Nowhere. "An important political figure is doing business in Los Vegas."
"Why there?" Tony asked.
"That's not important. All you two need to do is follow him and make sure he doesn't encounter any trouble." Miss Nowhere explained.
"That all?" Layla asked.
"You also must stay out of view. He refused to take bodyguards or any protection. He won't be happy if he found out you're following him."
"Sounds easy enough." Tony said.
"That may be so, but don't let it distract you. I need you both to do better than your best and stay professional."
"I'll have no problem with that." Layla said. "Toretto on the other hand might."
"Hey! I can be professional. I've been doing this spy thing longer than you." He argued.
Layla rolled her eyes. "Maybe, but not better."
"This right here is exactly what I was afraid of." Miss Nowhere said, shaking her head. "If you two can't handle this, I'll have to send Echo and Cisco instead."
"We're just playing!" Tony quickly said.
"That's the problem." Miss Nowhere said.
"Toretto and I got this!" Layla confidently told her.
"Yeah, Layla and I make a great team!" Tony added.
Miss Nowhere looked at them seriously for a several long seconds. "Alright. Just don't mess this up!" She said sternly.
"Trust us." Tony said. "We won't."
"Good. We have the political figure's schedule. Gary will send it to you. Make sure you don't let him out of your sight until he's back in his hotel room." Miss Nowhere said.
"You can count on us." Layla said before turning to Tony. "C'mon Toretto, I'll race you!"
Tony smiled. "You're on!" They both ran out of the garage and sped off in their cars.
Miss Nowhere groaned as she watched them leave. "What a bunch of children."
"Think they can handle this?" Gary asked.
"I know they can." Miss Nowhere said. "It's just how they handle it that may cause problems." A smirk covered her face as she got an idea.
"Oh no. I know that look." Gary said. "What are you plotting?"
"Nothing bad." She said, still smirking. "I just need you to call the hotel they'll be staying at."


By the time Tony and Layla arrived in Las Vegas it was already night. After parking their cars in the parking lot of the hotel they were going to stay at, they checked the schedule they were given. The political figure would arrive the next day, meaning they were good to turn in for the night.
"We haven't been here in a while." Tony said.
"Yeah. I remember saving your life on these streets." Layla said.
"And I remember saving your life twice in Rio." Tony said.
"What does that have to do with anything?" Layla asked.
"What? I just thought we were reminiscing about old times." He said.
"Hm. In that case, I remember the first mission we went on together. Oh, and I saved your life that time too." She said.
"Alright, alright." He said.
    Walking into the hotel, they stopped at the front desk to ask about their rooms. "Here's the key to your room." The receptionist said as she held out the key and room number.
"Room? No, there should be two." Layla said.
The receptionist looked down at the screen of her computer before looking back up at them. "I'm sorry but our system says there is only one room booked for you."
"Can we get another room?" Tony asked.
"Unfortunately, all of the rooms are already reserved." She said.
"Alright then." Tony said as he took the key. "Maybe there will be two beds." He said to Layla as they took the elevator up to their floor.
"I hope so." She said. When they got to their room, they were disappointed to find that their hopes did not come true. There was only one bed. "I blame Miss Nowhere." Layla groaned.
"Of course she'd do this." Tony said, shaking his head. "So, who gets the bed?"
"I'll arm wrestle you for it." Layla offered.
Tony smirked. "You're on!" Sitting down at the small table that was next to the kitchen, they grabbed onto each other's hands, trying their hardest to push the other down.
Their hands went back and forth several times before Layla finally managed to pin Tony's hand down against the table. "Yeah! I win!" She cheered.
"You totally cheated!" Tony argued.
"And how would I even do that?" She rolled her eyes.
"I'm sure you'd find a way."
"Yeah, well you can brainstorm how I might have "cheated" while you sleep on the couch." She said before happily getting into bed.
With a low groan, Tony pulled out a blanket and made himself comfortable on the couch. By the time morning came he was sore. "Tonight, you're sleeping on the couch." He told Layla when she woke up.
She shrugged. "Fine."
    Tony was sore while on the mission and tired due to not sleeping well. And it did not help that the mission was completely boring. All they did was stand around while keeping surveillance of their surroundings.
Several times he almost fell asleep and Layla had to snap him out of it. "Pull it together, Toretto!" She quietly snapped at him.
    "I'm trying." He said. "I didn't sleep well last night. And this is so boring!"
    "But it's still our mission." She said.
    Tony tried to hype himself up, telling himself that something was sure to happen. But at the end of the day, the mission proved completely uneventful.
    "Well, that was a waste." Tony said when they got back to their hotel room.
    Layla rolled her eyes. "I know. You've said that multiple times on the way back here."
    "And it gets truer every time." He said. "I'm so ready to sleep now. Enjoy the couch." He smirked slightly as he jumped into the bed.
    "I doubt that it's as bad as you say." Layla said, but after an hour of tossing and turning on the uncomfortable couch, she took it back. No matter what position she laid in, she could not seem to fall asleep.
    After a while, she got up to get some water. She had a hard time moving around in the dark, and an even harder time with how tired she was. With a bit of trouble, she was able to pour herself a glass of water, but when she went to put it down once she was done, it slipped from her hand.
    The glass fell to the floor and shattered into several pieces. The loud noise woke Tony and he quickly ran into the room, turning on the light. "What happened?"
    "I accidentally dropped my cup." She said, rubbing her eyes to help them adjust to the brightness of the light.
    "Stay right there, I'll take care of it." He told her. Carefully, he cleaned up the glass and threw it in the trash. "What're you doing up?" He asked, turning to her.
    "Couldn't sleep." She said.
    He smirked. "See, the couch sucks." When he saw the exhausted look on her face, his smirk fell. "Hey, if you want we can trade back."
    She raised an eyebrow at him. "Really?"
"Yeah. I know how uncomfortable that couch is." He said. Though he did not want to sleep on the couch, he did not want her to be uncomfortable.
"But then you won't be able to sleep." She said.
"We could share the bed." He said, meaning it as a joke. Layla shrugged. "Wait, really? You wouldn't mind?"
"Honestly, I'm too tired to care about anything." She said.
"Alright then." He said as they both got into the bed. It was pretty awkward for the both of them as the bed was not that big. When they turned onto their sides, they accidentally came face to face with each other.
    They could feel each other's warm breath against their skin as their faces were separated by less than an inch. Both of their faces turned red as they quickly separated.
    "Um, good night, Layla." Tony said awkwardly.
    "Good night, Tony."
They both did their best to fall asleep but had trouble doing so. Both of them were hyper aware of the other's presence beside them. They could feel each other's body warmth and even the slightest of movements.
The only thing they could think about was each other and how close they were. "Layla." Tony whispered.
"What?" She asked in a groggy voice.
"You awake?" He asked.
"No." She said sarcastically.
"Oh, sorry." He said.
Rolling her eyes, Layla turned around to face Tony. "Can't sleep?"
"No." He said. "But it looks like you can't sleep either."
"Yeah." She said. "Funny, huh? We both got the bed but still neither of us can sleep."
Tony could feel Layla's warm breath tickling his lips. They were both so close but neither of them moved away. "We could just... stay awake." He had a hard time forming any words or thoughts as he was distracted by how close they were.
"And do what?" She asked.
His sleep deprived mind thought of several different things. Not all of them were something he could, or should, say out loud. "You." He said. She raised her eyebrow. "Uh, I mean, do you have any ideas?"
Layla shook her head. Their faces were so close that hers almost brushed against his. Tony could not move his eyes from her. Though it was dark, he did not even need to see to know how beautiful she was.
Tony smiled. "Beautiful."
Layla was surprised. "What?"
"You." He said. "You're beautiful."
"And you're tired." She said.
"Maybe... definitely. But that doesn't make it not true." His hand brushed through her hair before gently caressing her cheek.
Layla's breath caught in her throat as a spark of heat coursed through her chest. "What're you doing, Toretto?"
"Sorry. Want me to stop?" Feeling a bit disappointed, he moved his hand away.
"No." She said. "You don't have to stop."
Tony smiled as he continued to gently brush his fingers against her cheek. Her skin was soft and smooth. Being this close to Layla made him want to get even closer.
His fingers slowly brushed across her jaw and touched her lips. He was not sure what he was doing. He was drawn to her lips and was not sure why.
Without thinking about what she was doing, Layla gently kissed his finger. It was a small kiss but it was still enough to make his heart jump. Staring into each other's eyes, Tony slowly moved his hand back.
"Toretto..." Layla said in a whispery voice. The sound sent a shiver down his spine and he could not hold himself back. Leaning forward, he planted his lips against hers.
Layla was slightly surprised. More of the fact that this was actually happening. It felt like a dream, but she knew she was awake.
Their first kiss was short and soft. Less than a second after they pulled away, Layla pulled him in for a second kiss. Their arms wrapped around each other as their kisses grew in heat and intensity.
They became an entanglement of limbs as their hands greedily moved around each other's bodies. As their kisses quickly became countless, Layla got on top of Tony, straddling him between her thighs.
    Tony smirked into the kiss as his hands traveled under her shirt. Soft moans escaped Layla's lips as he groped her soft skin. They separated only for a moment so that Tony could remove Layla's shirt and toss it onto the floor.
    Layla pressed her chest against his but found that she did not like the layer of clothing that separated them. Parting from their kiss again, Layla removed his shirt and threw it onto the floor as well.
    For a moment they stopped as they just stared at each other, both admiring the other's body. Tony's hands moved up and down Layla's waist before reaching up to her chest. She smiled.
    "It looks like we won't be getting much sleep tonight." She said.
    "Not if I can help it." He said before bringing her in for another kiss.

Fast and Furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots 2Where stories live. Discover now