Layla to the rescue

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    When Tony woke up, he found that everything around him was pitch black. It was so dark it was as if his eyes were still closed. Where am I? He wondered. And why is it so dark in here?
Finding himself slightly groggy, he let out a low groan as he tried to move his hands but found he was unable to. Panic surged through him as he realized both his arms and legs appeared to be bound to the chair he was sitting on. Seriously, where am I?!
"Hello!" Tony called out into the darkness, hoping someone was there or nearby. "What's going on?"
Out of nowhere, a light suddenly flickered on, illuminating the entire room. Tony was now finally able to see his surroundings which appeared to be a small, abandoned warehouse. There were a few dusty shelves here and there and a few overturned boxes, but other than that, it was empty.
"Is someone there?" Tony's voice echoed through the room. Once his echo faded away, the sound was replaced by footsteps approaching him from behind. He craned his neck, trying to get a look at who was there but couldn't turn around far enough to see anything.
"It's good to finally meet you, Tony Toretto." A voice he did not recognize said.
"Who are you? Do I know you?" Tony asked, still struggling and failing to see whoever was behind him.
"Sadly no." A different unfamiliar voice said.
"But we know you." As they spoke, they stepped in front of him, revealing themselves. Tony was finally able to see his captors and was surprised to find that it was four girls who all looked to be around his age.
    They all wore almost the same outfit like it was a sort of uniform or something. The only thing differentiating them from each other was their hair style. One had straight blonde hair, one had curly hair, one was a brunette, and one had her hair up in a bun.
"How do you know me? And what do you want from me?" Tony asked.
"So many questions." The brunette said, shaking her head slightly. "Though we would expect as much from you."
    The blonde one stepped forward with a smile. "Let us introduce ourselves." She said, placing a hand on her chest. "My name's Cara. That's Rina," -she pointed to the one with curly hair- "Mandy," -the brunette- "and Kim." The last girl gave a little wave.
    "Um, okay. And why am I tied up?" Tony tugged at the ropes binding him.
"So you won't get away." Rina said.
    "You seem like nice girls. You could just untie me and we can talk normally." He tried to bargain with them.
    The girls blushed as they smiled at each other, giggling amongst themselves. "He thinks we're nice!"
    "He's so sweet."
    Tony watched, confused as they swooned over him for a few minutes straight. Finally, they composed themselves and turned back to him. "I'm not so sure about that, sweetie." Cara said.
    "Sweetie?" Tony's nose scrunched up. Now he was just even more confused.
    "You're ours now." Kim smiled at him.
    "What?" Tony choked on his own saliva.
    "You see, we're your biggest fans!" Mandy said.
    "And we've been waiting for this moment." Said Cara. "When you'll be all ours!"
    "Someone will come for me." Tony said.
    They smirked. "We're counting on that."


    Back at the garage, Layla walked inside to find it strangely empty. "Hello?" She called out as she walked inside. She knew that Echo, Frostee, and Cisco were all away for the weekend, but she was sure that at least Tony would be there. Especially since his car was in the parking lot. 
    As she looked around the garage, she thought of every possibility of where he could be. Maybe he was resting in a quiet place? But she checked everywhere she could think he would be and could not find him. Maybe he went on a walk, though that did seem unlikely. Maybe his car broke down, so he left it in the parking lot. But that did not seem likely either.
    When Layla finished searching the garage, she noticed a piece of paper sitting on a table that she did not see before. Thinking that it could have been a note from Tony, she picked it up and looked it over. The first thing she noticed was that it was not his handwriting. It was way too neat.
    Getting a bad feeling in her stomach, Layla read the note:

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