Not just a prank

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(These past three one-shots were inspired by suggestions from SimonaMihaelalvan. Thanks for the requests!)

When Layla arrived at the garage, she found it strangely quiet and empty. Though it was midday, there were no cars parked outside and no sign that anyone had been there. "Where the heck is everyone?" She wondered aloud.
She checked her phone. It was a half an hour past when Echo told her to come to the garage. So where was she? Where was any of them?
The sound of Layla's ringtone suddenly filled the air and she looked at the caller ID to find it was her boyfriend. She smiled as she accepted the call. "Hey Toretto."
"Layla... I need you... come here... quickly. They've got m-!" Suddenly the call was disconnected leaving Layla in a panic. What just happened? He sounded like he was in trouble.
"Tony," She muttered under her breath. "You've gotta stop getting yourself kidnapped." Over the three years they had been together, he had gotten himself into trouble that she had to save him from countless times. Though to be fair, he did help her out of many tough spots as well.
But something felt off this time. The frantic tone in his voice, the way he got disconnected suddenly, it sounded serious and filled her with worry. If only she knew what was going on, if she had some clue. But she had nothing.
The only thing she had to go off of was one frantic phone call that gave her no information at all. He told her to come quick but he did not get a chance to say where. So without knowing what else to do, she called Miss Nowhere.
After she explained the situation to her, Miss Nowhere said she would get her tech guys to track Tony's phone. In a matter of minutes, Miss Nowhere got back to her with his location. Luckily, he was not that far away.
Quickly jumping into her car, Layla drove to Tony's location. It led her to an abandoned hotel. Carefully scanning her surroundings, she slowly made her way inside, not sure what to expect or what she might find.
Inside the hotel it was dim and vacant. It was mostly empty except for some old, dusty furniture. As Layla walked past the front desk, she heard voices coming out of one of the rooms behind it. She could tell there were multiple people talking. She figured they must have been the ones who kidnapped Tony.
Layla quietly approached the room where the voices were coming from and as she did so, she realized something. "What is going on here?" She said as she swung the door open and stepped inside. Echo, Cisco and Frostee all looked up at her in surprise.
"Layla! Um, you're not supposed to be here. In this room. Right now." Cisco said nervously.
"Why're you guys here? Where's Tony? Is this a prank?" Layla asked as she folded her arms.
"Why don't you go find Tony yourself?" Echo said. Layla rolled her eyes before stepping out of the room, closing the door behind her.
First she checked all of the rooms downstairs before moving to the second floor. She checked the rooms as fast as she could, but since there were so many of them it took forever.
After she searched the second floor and did not find him, she moved on to the third. Where the hell was he? She was just as unsure about what was happening as she was before, but now she was slightly irritated.
At least Tony was safe. But if he was not actually kidnapped then what was going on? Did they do all of this just to prank her? If so then why? She did not find it funny or amusing in the slightest.
Finally, after searching every single room, Layla got to the very last one. This one had to be it. There was nowhere else he could be.
Tired and slightly out of breath, Layla opened the door. When she stepped inside, what she saw made her freeze. The room was covered in red rose petals and decorated with dozens of candles that formed a path on the floor, their soft yellow flames lighting the room. And in the center of it all stood Tony in a suit.
    "Took you long enough." He said with a smile.
    "What's going on?" Layla asked as she slowly approached him, mindful of the carefully placed decorations.
    "Layla, we've been through so much together. I could not imagine life without you. You're my family, the love of my life. You've always been by my side and I always want to be by yours." He said.
    As he spoke, Layla was at a complete loss for words. All she could do was stand there as her smile slowly grew.
    "I know I can be a bit of an idiot. I'm reckless and I can get ahead of myself. But I love you with all my heart and want to be yours forever, if you will have me." He slowly began to kneel down onto one knee as he pulled a small box out of his pocket. Layla covered her widely smiling mouth with her hand as happy tears gathered in the corner of her eyes.
Tony opened the box, revealing a shimmering diamond ring. "So, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" When he finished, he waited nervously for her response.
    Layla shook her head. "So that's what this all was about." She said. "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you." Smile widening, Tony eagerly stood up and slid the ring onto her finger before pressing his lips against hers.
    "I love you, Gray. Or should I say Toretto?" Tony said when they parted.
    Layla smirked. "I could get used to that." She said before kissing him again. "I love you but this whole staged kidnapping thing was a stupid idea."
    Tony smiled. "I knew you'd love it." He said. She rolled her eyes and he chuckled before going back in for one more kiss.

Fast and Furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots 2Where stories live. Discover now