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    "Whatcha up to, Frostee?" Tony said as he walked into the room in the garage Frostee used as his lab.
"Working." He responded vaguely as he kept his eyes glued to a test tube he was pouring a strange liquid into.
"Whatcha working on?" Tony asked but Frostee was too focused on what he was doing to bother with answering. Bored and intrigued by all the strange things Frostee had all over the room, Tony began to look around on his own.
One shimmering serum in particular caught his eye. "What's this?" He asked, picking it up to get a better look at it. But he was ignored yet again.
"Hey, Toretto. Miss Nowhere wanted to see us for a mission." Layla said upon entering the room. "Whatcha got there?" She asked when she noticed what he was holding.
    He held it up in the light so she could get a better look. "I'd know if Frostee would tell me."
    "Don't either of you touch anything." Frostee said before looking up. When he saw what Tony was holding, his eyes widened. "Quick! Put that down!"
    Startled by the sudden outburst, Tony tried to put the vile back but it slipped out of his hand, fell to the ground, and broke. "I said careful!" Frostee yelled in a panic.
    "You said quick!" Tony argued.
    "I meant careful!" Frostee said as he made his way over to the door. "Don't either of you move!"
    "Where're you going?" Layla asked but Frostee had already left, shutting the door behind him.
"He'll be back." Tony said with a shrug.
"Just don't touch anything else." She said, rolling her eyes.
    Several minutes passed and Frostee still had not returned. "What is he even doing?" Layla complained.
    "We could go find him." Tony suggested. He turned to leave but before he could even take a single step, two people wearing hazmat suits stepped inside, quickly closing the door behind them. One was holding a hose while the other was holding two other suits.
"What's going on?" Layla asked in concern as they approached her and Tony.
"Don't worry, it's just us, Julius and Gary." The one holding the suits said. They recognized his voice as Julius's. But his words did nothing to calm her or Tony's nerves.
"Where're you doing?" Tony asked.
"Stand still. I just have to hose you down." Gary said before spraying them with the hose. Tony and Layla yelled in protest but he did not stop until they were drenched.
"Now, put these on." Julius said as he handed them the suits.
"But we're all wet now!" Tony said.
"Sorry but we have to move you two somewhere else now so we can decontaminate this room. There's no time to waste." Gary said.
"Will someone tell me what's going on?" Layla asked as she and Tony put on the hazmat suits.
"That serum Tony spilled on both of you was a contagious virus Frostee was working on nullifying." Gary explained.
"What? Is it dangerous?" Tony asked as he felt himself beginning to panic.
"No, no. Well, it shouldn't be." Julius said.
"That's very reassuring." Layla rolled her eyes.
"Well, that was what Frostee was working on. You two don't seem to be experiencing any of the symptoms, but you still could be carrying the virus." Gary said as they led them out of the garage and into a black van.
"Better safe than sorry." Julius said.
"Where're you taking us?" Layla asked.
"To a facility where you two will be quarantined while we figure out if you're contagious and how to stop it." Gary said. Tony and Layla wanted to argue but it was out of their hands.
    When they arrived at the facility, Tony and Layla were locked in a sealed room that did not have any windows and was filled with artificial light. There was a couch, a bed, a few books in a corner, and a mini fridge with food, but other than that it was empty.
    Once they were inside, they were given a change of clothes and were told that they could take off the hazmat suits. "We'll be back later with Frostee to run some tests. If you need anything until then, call us." Gary said before he and Julius left.
    Alone together in their wet clothes, Layla and Tony glanced at each other awkwardly. "You turn that way and I'll turn this way." Layla said. "Don't turn around until we're both done."
    "Alright with me." He said as he grabbed his change of clothes and took a few steps away from her to give them both some space. Turning their backs towards each other, they began to strip out of their wet clothes and exchanged them for the new, dry ones.
    Tony finished quickly and began to turn around. "You don-." He began to ask but stopped when he saw her just in her underwear. His face turned bright red as he froze, unable to think or look away.
    Layla turned, her eyes first widening then glaring when she saw he was looking. "Hey! I told you not to look!" She yelled as she did her best to cover herself up.
    Tony quickly turned back around. "Sorry! I didn't mean to!" He said. Layla shook her head as she quickly got dressed. When she was done, she nudged him with her arm.
    "Now you can look." She said. Tony was slightly hesitant but turned around to face her, doing his best to settle his bright red blush.
    "Um, not to be weird, but you have a great body." He said, hoping to alleviate the tension.
    "Complementing me doesn't help." Layla frowned.
"Sorry." He apologized again, scratching the back of his head. "Looks like we'll be stuck together for a while."
"Hopefully not too long." Layla said.
"What's wrong with hanging out with me?" Tony asked.
"It's not like that. I just don't want to be stuck here too long." She said.
But several hours passed and there still was no word from Gary or Julius. "How long are we gonna be stuck here?" Tony complained.
    "A lifetime." Layla said. "Or at least it'll feel like that with you complaining the whole time."
    "But I'm so bored." He walked over to the bed and dramatically collapsed onto it.
    The sound of the door suddenly opening caught their attention and they looked up to see Frostee entering in a hazmat suit. "Took you long enough!" Tony said as he sat up. "Can we go now?"
    "No. I have to run a few tests on you two real quick." He said.
    "And how long will that take?" Layla asked.
    "Just a couple minutes." He said. Tony and Layla perked up. "But it'll take a few hours... or days to get the results." They sank back down, giving up on getting out of there any time soon.
Frostee quickly ran the tests and left, leaving Tony and Layla alone again. Though Layla was not too bothered with being quarantined as she happily kept herself occupied on her phone, Tony could not stand it. He had a hard time finding anything to do and whenever he thought of something, he got bored of it quickly.
    He went from trying to stack the books, since they were all too boring to read, to doing pushups, to just pacing around the room. After a while he just laid down on the bed with his head hanging upside down off the side.
    As the blood in his body rushed up to his head, he looked around the room, amused at how funny everything looked while upside down. His eyes stopped when they got to Layla. For several minutes he watched her without even realizing what he was doing.
    When the blood rushing to his head made him start to feel a little dizzy, he rolled over so that he was lying on his stomach. Propping his head up with his arms, he continued to watch Layla.
    He was not sure why he was so intrigued by her. He just was. He could not look away.
    Wondering why Tony was suddenly quiet and not complaining about being bored, Layla glanced away from her phone and found him staring at her. When their eyes met, Tony's heart jumped and strange heat filled his chest. His face flushed slightly and he did his best to brush it off.
"Need something Toretto?" Layla asked.
"Can I braid your hair?" He asked. He was not sure exactly why he asked it. He just wanted to get closer to her and that was the first excuse that came to mind.
Layla raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you even know how to braid hair?"
"No, but you can teach me." He said.
She thought about it for a moment before shrugging. "Sure. Why not?"
Tony eagerly got up and made his way over to the couch where Layla was sitting. She moved over a little so that he could sit down behind her.
    "So, what do I do?" Tony asked.
    "Well, first I have to take my ponytail out." She said as she pulled out her hair tie and used her fingers to comb her hair. "I wish I had a brush. It'll be hard to braid if my hair is tangled."
    Tony combed his fingers through her hair, trying to help her untangle it. "Wow, your hair's really soft." He said in awe.
    "It's called showering. I highly recommend it." She remarked. Tony rolled his eyes as a smile settled on his face.
    "So what now?" He asked.
    "Separate the hair into three sections." She instructed. Tony did as she said as she continued to instruct him, though she did have to explain it several times in several different ways before he finally began to understand.
    When Tony finished braiding her hair, it did not look perfect, or even that good, but he was proud of it anyway. "Wow, you actually did it." Layla said, surprise in her voice. "I didn't think you could learn."
    "Well, I did." He said. "And it looks pretty." Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her from behind. "You look pretty."
    Layla's face blushed bright red as she felt butterflies swarm around inside her stomach. She was relieved that he was behind her and unable to see how red her face was.
    "What're you doing?" She asked.
    "I'm bored again." He complained as he rested his head on her shoulder. Layla felt sparks explode through her skin everywhere he touched her. Unknowingly, her breath caught in her throat and for a second she forgot to breathe.
    "Then rest or something." Layla told him. She tried to get up to give him some space but his arms stopped her from moving. "Tony?"
    "You're not going anywhere." He said before burying his face in the crook of her neck. Layla tried to break out of his tight embrace but he just tightened his grip.
"Tony!" A small laugh escaped her lips as she continued to struggle to break away from him. Tony smiled as he snaked his arms around her waist even tighter.
"You can't escape me." He said. As she kept trying to pry his arms off of her, Tony wrapped his legs around her as well.
    Layla could not help but laugh as they playfully fought. She felt strange to admit it to herself, but she loved how close he was to her. She especially loved the feeling of his arms around her.
    After several minutes of struggling against his grip, Layla finally managed to slip away from him. But before she could get up, he grabbed her and pinned her to the couch. As he did, the world around them slowed down and they both froze.
    Suddenly aware of how close they were, they could do nothing but gaze into each other's eyes as their faces flushed bright red. Layla's hands slowly rose to his cheeks, gently caressing his face as she brought it down to hers. Their lips met slowly with a soft, gentle passion.
    When they parted, they stared into each other's eyes again, both wondering what had just happened and what it meant. But instead of asking any of the questions they were thinking, they just looked to the other's eyes for answers. After several seconds, they both found their answers.
    Without a second's hesitation, they went back in for another kiss that quickly grew in intensity. All of their feelings were poured out to each other in that moment as they gave in to their desires.
    "I don't think I have to worry about being bored anymore." Tony said as they parted for air.
    "I can think of one way we can pass the time." Layla said, glancing over to the bed with a sly smile. Tony immediately got up with a smile and grabbed Layla's hand, pulling her up and leading her to the bed. Being quarantined sucked, but at least they had a way to keep themselves occupied.

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