What happens in Rio part 2

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It had been a month since Tony hooked up with Layla in Rio, and he still could not get the memory out of his mind. He constantly reminded himself about what they agreed upon. No one could know about what happened and he could not bring it up again. What happened in Rio stayed in Rio.
    But Tony could not stop the ache that tugged at his heart whenever he looked at Layla. He longed to hold her in his arms, to pull her close, to press his lips against hers. If only he could.
    That night in Rio was the best night of his life, and he constantly wondered if Layla felt the same way. All day he would think about that. What did their night together mean? Did she like him or were they both just caught up in the moment and that was it? Would it ever happen again?
    Tony would stare at Layla when she was not looking, trying to read her mind and find the answers to his questions. What pained him the most was that Layla seemed to be the same as she always was. Whenever he was around her he felt a strong sexual tension, but he had a feeling it was just one sided.
    Whereas Tony kept getting distracted on missions because of his mind trailing off, thinking of that night, Layla did not seem to have the same problem. She greeted him like she always did, she talked to him like she always did, and she looked at him like she always did.
    All Tony wanted was some sort of sign that their night together meant something to her, that she still thought about it too and wanted more. He would always glance at her, hoping to see at least a glimpse of that same gleam in her eyes as when she looked at him that night. But he never saw it.
    Another month went by and Tony still was stuck in the same place. Every day that passed he lost more and more hope that she felt the same way. Slowly, he began to bring himself to the realization that a night like the one they had in Rio would never happen again.
   Soon the thought of their night together drifted to the back of his mind. It was still there, he could not forget it, but he knew he no longer could dwell on it. Keeping it far in the back of his mind helped him finally be able to focus on missions.
As time went on, he found that he was able to act normal around Layla too. The memory was buried so far back in his mind that he no longer thought about it every single time he looked at her. It was in the past and that was where it was going to stay. Or at least that was what he thought.
    While away from LA on another international mission, Tony noticed Layla sending him a few glances when no one else was looking. The looks sent a shiver down his spine and made his heartbeat flutter. The gleam in her eyes reminded him of that night.
    He felt a fiery heat rise in his chest but tried to push it down and not get his hopes up. She had made it clear that it would not happen again. But the way she kept looking at him drew him in and he could tell that was what she wanted.
    Later that night after everyone went to bed, Tony was heading towards his room when someone suddenly pulled him into a different bedroom. Before he had a chance to do or say anything, the door closed and someone's lips pressed against his. Recognizing whose lips they were by the familiar feeling of them pressing against his, Tony melted into the kiss, pulling Layla closer.
    She smiled against his lips as she pressed her body harder against his. "Man have I missed this." Layla said between kisses.
    "Mhmm." Tony agreed. He had been wanting this for a long time, but something about it did not feel quite right. "But what you said in Rio..."
    "Let's forget about it for one more night." She said before pressing her lips against his again. To Layla's surprise, Tony pulled away from the kiss. "What's wrong, Toretto? Don't want me anymore?"
    "That's the problem." He said. "I want you but I don't want this."
    "Why not? You liked it last time." She said, frowning slightly.
    "Yeah, I did. A lot. But I don't like what we're doing."
"Alright. If that's how you feel." Layla turned to leave but Tony stopped her.
"I didn't mean it like that." He said. "It's just, if we do this, I can't go back to just being friends. I can't just turn off my feelings like that."
Layla was silent as she looked away from him, refusing to meet his eyes. "Tell me, how do you feel about me?" Tony questioned her. "Do you like me or is it one sided?"
"No." She said, finally looking up at him. "It's not one sided."
Tony stepped closer to her. "So can we not forget? Can we not leave this in Rio or here?"
Layla smiled. "Okay Toretto. Let's talk about Rio." Satisfied by her answer, Tony did not waste a second and pressed his lips against hers.
He deepened the kiss, trapping her against the wall as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Their kiss quickly grew in intensity as his hands ran down her waist and under her shirt as he pulled it up.
They broke the kiss for a moment so he could take off her shirt and toss it onto the floor. Making their way over to the bed, they exchanged short kisses as they briefly parted to remove each other's clothes. By the time they got to the bed, the last of their clothes were already discarded onto the floor.
    Their lips met again as Tony got on top of Layla. As they were both filled with pleasure and passion, more than they had ever felt before, they forgot about what had kept them apart. Now, in this moment, they were together. And they both wanted it to stay this way.
"Why haven't we done this sooner?" Layla said as she collapsed onto the bed next to Tony. Both of them were still out of breath and breathing hard.
"I've been thinking the same thing since Rio." Tony said.
"I'm sorry for making you wait so long." Layla said, regretting her decision to stay away from Tony.
"It's alright." He said. "I know a way you can make it up to me." She raised an eyebrow in question. "By doing this more often."
She kissed him and parted with a smile. "That I can do."

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