Chained to love

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    Everyone was quiet and focused. Everything was going according to plan. The mission was about to be a success... until a loud noise broke the silence.
    Hearing the noise, the Spy Racers' target immediately bolted. "Cmon, Toretto! You scared him away!" Layla yelled, her voice filled with annoyance as she sent him a pointed look.
"Hey, don't blame it on me! You were in my way. That's why I tripped!" Tony argued.
"So you're saying it's my fault?" She shot back.
"No," he said. "I'm just saying you caused this."
"That's it." Layla angrily approached Tony as he smirked at the fire of rage in her eyes.
"Guys! Quit it!" Echo interrupted them before they could do anything. "The target's getting away!"
"I'm on it!" Tony said as he charged off in the direction the target had fled.
"No, I got it." Layla said as she chased after him. "You'll just mess it up. Again."
They both ran as fast as they could, but they were not fast enough. Before they could reach the target, he disappeared down a street and neither of them knew which direction he went in.
"I think he went left." Layla said.
"No, he went right!" They argued back and forth until the other Spy Racers caught up with them.
"Where'd he go?" Cisco asked.
"Left." Layla replied.
"Right." Tony said at the same time.
Echo groaned. "I can't believe you lost him!"
"Yeah, Layla. I can't believe you lost him." Tony said, turning to Layla with an accusatory look.
"What? Me? This was your fault!" She argued.
    Before they could argue more, Frostee stepped in. "Well, he's gone now. There's not much we can do now except report back to Miss Nowhere."
    Layla and Tony gave each other one last annoyed glare before parting to go find their cars and drive back to the garage.
    When they got back, Miss Nowhere was surprised to see them. "Back so soon?"
    "The target got away." Echo said.
"What?" Miss Nowhere yelled. "You had one simple job! How did all of you mess it up?"
"Well..." Echo trailed off as a loud commotion caught their attention.
"What're you doing, Layla?" Tony said loudly as he stood next to a chair Layla was sitting on.
"What do you want, Toretto?" She looked up at him in annoyance.
"What do I want? I want my spot back! I was just sitting there!" He pointed to the spot where she was sitting.
"Sit somewhere else."
"Why? So you can steal that spot too?"
They began to argue back and forth and Echo sent Miss Nowhere a look. "See what we have to deal with?" She said.
Miss Nowhere groaned before approaching Tony and Layla who were on the verge of fighting as Tony was trying to move her out of his spot.
"What's the big deal, Toretto?" Layla yelled as she held her ground.
"You're the one making it a big deal by refusing to move!"
"What's going on with you two!" Miss Nowhere yelled over both of them. They stopped fighting and were immediately silent. "First you ruined the mission and now you're ruining the peace!"
"It's not my fault Toretto is so unreasonable." Layla said.
"It's not my fault Layla is so stubborn." Tony said.
"I'm stubborn? What about you?"
As they started to argue again, Miss Nowhere's jaw clenched and she stormed away. Less than a minute later she came back holding something in her hand. "I've had enough of you two." She said. "Hold out your hands."
Confused, they hesitantly did as she said. Before they had time to realize what was happening, Miss Nowhere handcuffed Layla's right hand to Tony's left hand.
"Hey!" Tony yelled.
"What'd you do that for?" Layla asked.
"If you want me to un-cuff you, you'll have to start getting along! Until then, you'll have to get used to each other."
"What? You can't do that!" Tony said.
"Really? Because it looks like I just did!" She said before walking away.
Layla shook the handcuffs as she tried to get it off, but it did not work. "You don't need to do this. We're getting along great!" She called after Miss Nowhere.
"I'll be the judge of that!" Miss Nowhere yelled back.
Layla groaned. "This is going to be annoying."
    "You don't have to tell me that." Tony said. "And you're still in my spot."
    The rest of the day Tony and Layla did their best to just ignore each other, but that was almost impossible to do while they were cuffed together. Though they tried not to get into any arguments, Miss Nowhere did not un-cuff them at the end of the day.
    When they were ready to go home, they went to find Miss Nowhere but could not find her anywhere. Confused, they went to Echo. "Where's Miss Nowhere?" Tony asked.
    "She went home." Echo said.
    "What? But she didn't un-cuff us yet!" Layla said.
    "Yeah, that's kinda the whole point." Echo said. "You don't get to be un-cuffed until you start getting along."
    "We've been getting along all day!" Tony said. Echo raised her eyebrow.
"Well, what are we supposed to do now?" Layla asked.
Echo shrugged. "Deal with it." With that she walked away.
    Layla turned to Tony. "So, what do we do now?"
    "Go home I guess."
    "That's kinda the problem." She gestured to their cuffed hands.
    "Oh." Tony realized what she meant. Then he realized the extent of the problem. "Oh. Um, I guess we can go to my house."
She rolled her eyes. "If we must."
"It seems like it." He said, eyeing the handcuffs. Awkwardly, they walked out of the garage in silence. Then they realized they had another problem. "Um, whose car are we taking?"
"Mine." Layla said. "My left hand is free. It only makes sense for me to drive." Tony would have rather been the one to drive, but he understood that it made more sense to take her car.
"Alright, I guess." He said. It took them a little while to scramble into her car and get situated and once they arrived at Tony's house it took them even longer to get out.
After taking way too long to awkwardly get ready for bed, they went into Tony's bedroom and stood in silence. "I'm not really sure how to do this." Tony said. "I'd sleep on the floor but the chain isn't really long enough for that."
    "Well, then we don't have much of a choice, do we?" Layla said. "Just don't make this weird."
    "Of course not! I would never." He said. She gave him a look but knew he was telling the truth.
    Getting into bed, they awkwardly laid next to each other. It took them a long time to find a comfortable position and even longer to finally fall asleep.
The next morning Tony and Layla woke up to find their faces less than an inch apart. They immediately pushed themselves away from each other just to be reminded that they were still cuffed together and unable to go far. "Uh, morning." Tony said awkwardly.
"Morning." Layla responded. They kept their eyes downcast, neither of them looking at the other as if that were to somehow make the situation less awkward. It did not.
They got ready in silence and then drove to the garage to meet up with the others. "Sleep well?" Echo said with a sly smile when she saw the two walking inside the garage.
"How could I do that with Toretto snoring." Layla said.
"I don't snore, and you know that!" Tony said.
"I see the two of you haven't learned your lesson." Miss Nowhere said as she approached them. "Maybe another day will fix that. Or another week. It's up to you."
"You can't keep us cuffed like this!" Tony said.
"Yeah! How are we supposed to go on missions?" Layla chimed in.
Miss Nowhere chuckled dryly. "Who said anything about you going on missions? Today you two are sitting out."
"No fair!" Tony and Layla argued against her, but her mind was already made up and they could do nothing to convince her. After briefing the others about the mission, they all left, leaving Tony and Layla alone.
"This sucks." Layla said.
"Tell me about it." Tony groaned. At the same time they both took a step in the opposite direction and nearly knocked each other over. "Where are you going?
"Where are you going?" Layla shot back. It was going to be a long day.
When the others finally got back from their mission, Tony and Layla asked Miss Nowhere to remove the handcuffs, but she refused. "Why'd you have to do this to us?" Layla said, sending Tony a glare.
"Still trying to pass all the blame over to me?" He returned the glare as they got in each other's face.
"I'm just stating the truth!"
"And this is why I will not be removing your handcuffs any time soon." Miss Nowhere said. Before they could argue more, she left.
Letting out annoyed groans, Tony and Layla quit their argument and headed home in silence. When they got back, Tony turned to Layla, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand nervously. "Um, I kinda needed to take a shower today."
"Me too." Layla said. They stood in silence for several minutes, both not wanting to address how awkward the situation was. Finally, Layla let out a sigh. "Alright, here's what we'll do. We'll both take turns while the other stands right outside the shower with their eyes closed."
Tony knew that there was no other solution, so he nodded in agreement. "Sounds good to me." Heading into the bathroom, they both gave each other a look. "Uh, I'll go first unless you want to." Tony said.
"Go ahead." Layla gestured to the shower before turning around as best she could and closing her eyes. She could hear the sound of clothes wrestling and the water turning on. She did her best to keep her face from flushing red and to keep her thoughts clean.
After a few minutes, Tony got out of the shower and dried off. "Alright, you're turn." He said once he was dressed.
"Turn around, Toretto. And don't even think about peeking." Layla said. He turned away, closing his eyes, and she began to undress. She got into the shower and struggled to wash herself with the handcuff restricting the movement of one of her hands. "Get closer, Tony, I can't move."
He carefully moved his hand more into the shower, feeling nervous and awkward the entire time. As Layla tried to wash her hair, Tony moved slightly, and the handcuff suddenly jerking downwards. Caught off balance, Layla lost her footing and slipped. Feeling her begin to fall, Tony quickly reached out and caught her.
"You okay?" He asked. In the moment, he completely forgot about their situation and had opened his eyes to catch her. Both of their faces turned bright red as they stared at each other.
"Toretto! Don't look!" Layla yelled. Tony immediately closed his eyes as he helped her back to her feet. She finished her shower quickly and got dressed even faster. "Okay, you can look now." She told him once she was completely dressed.
Tony opened his eyes but was too nervous to look at her. Surrounded by an awkward silence, they went back into Tony's bedroom and got into bed. Without a word, they closed their eyes and went to sleep.
The next morning, they woke up to find themselves in the same position they woke up in the day before. Only this time it was even more awkward. Blushing bright red, they turned away from each other and got ready in silence.
When they got to the garage, they did not bother asking Miss Nowhere to remove the handcuffs. They already knew the answer to that. Instead, they asked if they could go on the mission. But unfortunately, the answer to that was also no.
After being told what the mission was, the others left and Tony and Layla were left alone yet again. But this time Tony refused to be left behind. "Come on, let's go." He told Layla.
"Where?" She asked.
"On the mission."
"You heard Miss Nowhere. We're supposed to stay here."
"Yeah, until she sees that we can work together, and the best way to do that is on the mission." He said.
Layla gave it some thought. "You know what? Let's do it. She might have tied us together, but she does not get to tie us down!"
Getting into Layla's car, they drove to where the mission was taking place. When they got there, they did their best to go along with the plan Miss Nowhere had explained to the others. Entering the building from the back, they found themselves in a large warehouse stacked with boxes.
Quietly, they crept through the building. Everything was silent. At first, they felt like they were in the wrong place. "What was it they were supposed to retrieve?" Tony asked.
"Some package that's being stored here." Layla said as they looked around. She stopped when she saw a small box with strange symbols all over it. "There it is! I believe that's it!" She pointed to it. The box was on top of a large stack of wooden crates looming high above them.
"I got it." Tony said. Using the small grappling hook in his spy watch, he aimed it at the small box and pulled it down. But the sudden movement of the box made the other crates start to shake. One from the very top came loose and plummeted strait towards Layla.
"Layla! Watch out!" Tony yelled as he pushed her out of the way. The two of them flew out of the way of the falling crate and fell to the floor. When Tony opened his eyes, he found himself lying onto top of Layla as she gave him a bewildered look.
Glancing at the crate, she looked back at Tony, eyes wide. "Thanks, Toretto." She said. Their hearts pounded in their chests as they gazed into each other's eyes. They both had a strange feeling spark in their stomachs and fly to their chests. It felt like butterflies swarming inside of them.
Layla was not sure exactly what she was doing but before she had time to think, her hands were on his cheeks, bringing his face down to hers. He was surprised when their lips met, but did not hesitate to kiss back.
"You alright?" Tony asked when they parted.
"Yeah, thanks to you." She said. Standing up, Tony held out his hand and helped her to her feet.
Suddenly they heard several footsteps rushing towards them. They turned to see the other Spy Racers looking at them with surprised faces. "We found the thing you were looking for." Tony said as he picked up the box.
"Nice one, Toretto." Echo said.
"It was all Layla." He told her.
"Well, if it weren't for Toretto, I wouldn't be here right now." Layla said.
"Wow, did something happen to you two?" Frostee asked.
"You're not clones disguised as Tony and Layla, are you?" Cisco asked.
"What? No." Tony said. He and Layla both gave each other a look, blushing slightly as their eyes met.
"We just finally realized the value of working together." She said with a smile.

Fast and Furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots 2Where stories live. Discover now