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Frostee was walking through the spy plane with Cisco when a sudden strange noise caught his attention. "Did you hear that?" He asked Cisco, his voice lowering.
"Hear what?" Cisco asked in his normal voice.
"Shh!" Frostee shushed him. "Listen. It sounded like a-." He stopped as a hushed moan came from the room up ahead of them.
Eyes widening, they quickly crept closer to the door to be able to hear better. "What was that?" Cisco whispered. Frostee gestured for him to be quiet and he shut up as they both listened in.
"Oh, that's good, Toretto." They heard Layla's voice say. Their eyes widened even more as they looked at each other, their mouths hanging open.
"You're so tight." They heard Tony say with a low groan. "Just relax and let me work my magic."
Frostee had to clasp his hand over his mouth to make sure he did not accidentally make a sound. "That's Tony and Layla!" Cisco whispered. Frostee nodded. "Are they..." He nodded again.
"It sounds like it." He said, his voice reduced to a hushed squeak. With their ears practically against the door, they continued listening.
"Aw, Toretto!" Layla exclaimed.
"Sorry, did that hurt?" He asked with concern in his voice.
"No, don't stop, it's good." She told him.
It took everything in Frostee and Cisco not to completely flip out at their surprising discovery. They had to use both of their hands to cover their mouths in order to stop the squeals that threatened to leave their lips. They both looked at each other, in their minds chanting Tony and Layla! Tony and Layla!!
"What're you two doing?" A voice suddenly said from behind him. They both quickly turned around to see Echo and shushed her. Echo raised an eyebrow at the two of them as she placed her hands on her hips.
Frostee pointed to the door he and Cisco were huddled in front of. Another moan was heard from inside. Echo's eyes widened as she too was confused and intrigued. "Is that.."
"Harder, Toretto!" Layla's voice said from inside the room.
"How's this?" They heard Tony ask followed by a moan from Layla.
"Tony and Layla?" Echo whispered.
"Tony and Layla!" Frostee whispered back, his body practically vibrating in excitement.
Echo stepped away from the door, shaking her head. "We shouldn't be listening to this." She quietly told them.
"Come on! Tony and Layla!" Frostee whispered, dramatically gesturing to the door. Echo rolled her eyes before grabbing Frostee and Cisco, pulling them away from the door.
Inside the room, Layla was lying on a bed with Tony on top of her. His hands moved up and down, groping the skin under her shirt as he massaged her back.
"Ah, you're good at this, Toretto." She said.
"I told you." He said as he took his hands out from under her shirt and got off of her. "So, do you feel better now?"
Layla stretched a bit before looking at him with a smile. "Much better. I don't feel so tense anymore. You really know what you're doing."
"I told you." He said. "Now come on. We should go before anyone notices we're gone."
"Yeah. The last thing we want is for the others to notice we're gone and get the wrong idea." Layla said as they both got up and left the room only to be met by the suspicious smirks of their friends.

Fast and Furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots 2Where stories live. Discover now