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Tony came home from a long day of racing Cisco and Frostee around LA to find his girlfriend, Layla, asleep on his bed. A smile spread across his face as he watched her. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. Even though they had been dating for several months, he could not stop his heart from jumping whenever he looked at her.
    Lying down beside her, he began to stroke her hair as he studied her features. He had seen them and studied them so many times but could not stop himself from continuously doing so whenever he got the chance.
    Layla slowly started to stir and opened her eyes. She smiled when she saw him.
    "Good morning." He said, his fingers moving from her hair to her face as he gently caressed her cheek.
    "I wasn't sleeping." She said in a slightly raspy voice that made it clear that she had just woken up.
    "Mhmm, it sure looked that way." He said before nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck. She lightly laughed a little at the feeling of his warm skin tickling hers.
    "It looks like someone missed me." She said.
    "I'm not sure what you're talking about." Tony continued to nuzzle against her as he spoke, making his voice muffled slightly.
    "Really?" Layla said. She started to sit up but he stopped her by wrapping his arms and legs around her.
    "No, you're not going anywhere." He said before pressing his lips against hers. Layla smiled as she kissed him back.
    Their kiss was long and passionate but quickly turned into several short, sweet kisses as he began to trail them down her chin. When Tony's lips reached her neck, he nibbled and sucked at her skin as his hands ran up and down her body. A small moan left Layla's lips as her fingers dugs into his hair, playing with it and messing it up.
    Tony looked up at her, his lips momentarily leaving her skin. "I love you, Layla."
    She chuckled softly at how affectionate he was being. "I love you too, Tony." She said with a smile. He brought his lips back to hers for another passionate kiss, even longer than the first.
    Their lips slowly moved in sync, both hungry for each other. The kiss perfectly communicated to the other just how much they cared. No other words needed to be exchanged.
    Once they broke the kiss, Tony rested his forehead against hers. "So, what do you wanna do today, Toretto?" Layla asked.
    "This." He said as he nuzzled his face against hers. She smiled as she kissed his cheek.
    For nearly an hour they cuddled, content in the warmth of each other's embrace. But after a while, Layla reluctantly pulled away from Tony. He looked up at her with furrowed eyebrows and a frown.
    "I have to go soon." She said with a sad smile.
    "Why?" Tony asked, not wanting their time together to ever end.
    "Echo and I have plans." She said.
    He shook his head as he pulled her back into his embrace. "No."
    "No. You're not leaving." He said, wrapping his arms and legs around her as he burred his face against her chest.
    "Come on, Toretto. Don't make this harder." She said. As much as she loved hanging out with Echo, she really just wanted to stay in Tony's arms. But since she already agreed to meet up, she had to go.
    She did not want to make Echo wait, but it was already hard enough to leave Tony. And now that he did not want her to go and was trying to stop her, it was going to be even harder.
    "If you want to go, you'll have to escape." He said.
    Layla smirked. "That sounds like a challenge."
    They rolled around on the bed for over ten minutes as she fought to escape his grasp and he tried his hardest to keep her down. Finally, Layla was able to manage to wiggle out of his grasp and get up.
    "I win." She said, smiling triumphantly down at him. She was about to leave when the disappointed look on his face stopped her. The features on her face softened. "Alright." She said as she got back onto the bed next to him.
    Tony immediately perked up. "You're gonna stay?"
    "Just for a few more minutes, okay? Then I have to meet up with Echo."
    "Okay." He said as he wrapped his arms around her. His hands traveled up and down her body as he kissed her until it was time for her to go.
    "Have fun with Echo." Tony said, giving her a soft smile, trying to hide the lingering disappointment he felt.
    "I will." She said before giving him one last kiss. "Don't worry, I'll make it up to you tonight."
    Tony's smile widened. "What're you waiting for? Go already!" Layla shook her head, smiling as she left. What a boyfriend she had. But she knew she would not want it any other way.

Fast and Furious: spy racers Tony x Layla One shots 2Where stories live. Discover now