Body swapped

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    Layla and Tony quickly rushed after the criminal they were in pursuit of. They were so close.  They could not let her get away.
    After chasing her down several different streets, they were finally able to corner her in a dead end. "There's nowhere to go." Layla said.
    "You won't get away now!" Tony added.
    The criminal smirked. "Oh really? We'll see about that!" She said as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a vile of a strange purple fluid.
    She threw it on the floor right in front of Tony and Layla and a lavender smoke surrounded them. "We can't let her get away!" Tony said through coughs.
    "Where'd she go? I can't see!" Layla said as she attempted to fan away the smoke. It did not work.
    They stumbled around through the smoke, but by the time the smoke cleared enough for them to see, the criminal was gone.
    "No! She got away!" Layla said, but for some reason her voice did not sound like hers. Confused, she looked over at Tony but did not see him. Instead she saw herself.
    "Wow, what's going on?" The other her asked.
    "You tell me! Who are you?" Layla questioned.
    "Who are you? And why do you look like me?" She was questioned back.
    "Wait." Layla looked down to find that she was wearing Tony's clothes. Not just that, but she looked like him too. "Tony?" She said, looking up at the person who looked like her.
    "Yeah. Are you me too?" He asked.
    "No." She rolled her eyes. "I'm Layla."
    "Layla? If you're Layla, then why do you look like me?"
    "If you're Toretto, then why do you look like me?" She shot back.
    "What?" Tony looked down, realizing what she was talking about. "Why? What? How did this happen?"
    "It must have been that strange smoke. It somehow made us swap bodies!" Layla said.
    "Well how do we fix it!?" Tony asked.
    "Why're you asking me? You think I know? We should ask Frostee."
    "You're right. If anyone knows how to fix this, it'll be him."


"Yeah, I don't know how to fix this." Frostee said after they explained the situation to him back at the garage.
"What?" Tony yelled.
"Then what're we supposed to do?" Layla asked.
    "I mean, I'm sure I can figure something out. But I'd need some time." He said.
    "How much time?" Tony asked.
    "At the very least a few days." Frostee said. "At most... months."
    "We can't wait that long!" Layla said.
    "The easiest way would be to find that criminal lady again and have her turn you guys back." Frostee told them.
    "I doubt she's just gonna help us willingly." Layla said.
    "I didn't mean ask her. If you can get her to spray you two with the same serum it should switch you again, putting you back to normal."
    "Great idea, Frostee!" Tony said then turned to Layla. "Let's go find her!"
He was about to run out of the garage but Miss Nowhere stopped him. "Not so fast, Toretto. We don't even know where she is."
"We won't stop looking until we find her!" He said, full of determination.
Miss Nowhere let out an annoyed sigh. "Think before you act, Toretto. You won't get anywhere by blindly running around LA."
"Then what do you suggest we do?" He asked.
"Gary and Julius will track her down. In the meantime, just stay out of trouble." She said.
    "Fine." Tony said. "Just don't take too long."
    "Yeah, I don't want to stay in this body any longer than I have to." Layla said, looking very uncomfortable in her skin. Well, technically Tony's skin.
    They had hoped that the criminal would be found before night, but unfortunately that did not happen. As everyone was beginning to leave the garage, going home for the night, Tony and Layla awkwardly approached each other.
"Well... this is awkward." Tony said scratching his- well Layla's- head.
    "You better not do anything... weird with my body." Layla warned.
    "I wasn't even thinking about that. But now..." He looked down at his- her- chest with a smirk.
    Layla hit his arm. "Quit it, Toretto."
    "Careful, you're gonna give yourself a bruise." He said.
    She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. See you tomorrow. Night."
    "Good night."
    When Tony got home, the first thing he did was look in the mirror. He still could not believe that he was in Layla's body. For some reason, looking at the reflection made his heart pound fast and made his cheeks flush pink.
    Then his face turned bright red as he realized that he needed to get ready for bed. And to do that, he needed to get changed.
    Pulling out one of his shirts that was big enough to be pajamas for Layla's body, he closed his eyes as he got undressed. But when it got to unclipping the bra, he had a lot of trouble.
    Opening his eyes, he kept pulling at the straps in the back, but it would not come off. "How the heck does this stupid thing work!" He exclaimed.
    He stood in front of the mirror as he continued to pull at it. Finally it came off. "Yes!" He yelled. When he caught sight of his reflection, he froze. He could not tear his eyes away from the mirror and did not even try.
    Several minutes later he finally realized what he was doing and quickly looked away. His face was as red as a tomato and was so hot that it felt sunburnt.
    He quickly pulled his shirt on and got into bed. Though he tried to keep his thoughts away from what he just saw, his mind kept drifting back to the image of Layla's body. She was gonna kill him.
    The next day Tony woke up to a knock at his front door. Pulling himself out of bed, he dragged his tired body to the door and opened it. Standing there was Tony. Well, his body.
    At first he was shocked to see his own face staring at him, but then he remembered what had happened. "Morning, Layla." He said, stepping aside to let her in.
     "Morning." She said as she stepped inside and went straight into his room. She had a backpack slung over her shoulder which she tossed onto his bed.
    "What's that?" He asked.
    "Clothes for you so you don't have to dress my body in that." She gestured to the shirt he was wearing.
"I think it looks great!" He defended.
"You know that's my body." She said. "So you're saying I look great."
"Yeah, you look cute in my clothes." He said. Layla blushed slightly but disguised it as she shook her head.
"Whatever, get dressed." She said as she began to go through his drawers, looking for something to wear. When they both picked out their clothes, they turned to each other awkwardly.
"Um, you can get dressed in the bathroom." He said. "I, uh, I'll try not to look at... anything."
"Hmm, alright." She said as she took the clothes she picked out and went into the other room.
Doing his best not to look at Layla's body, he began to get dressed. But when he got to the bra, he had trouble again. "Ughh, this thing is even harder to put on!" He groaned.
No matter how hard he tried, he could not clasp it. "Uh, Layla." He called.
"What?" She asked as she came into the room, completely dressed.
"Umm, I could use some help." He said nervously. When she noticed the bra, she rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, sure. These can be hard if you're not used to it." Stepping behind him, she easily clasped the bra.
"How'd you do that?" He asked.
"You just have to put both hooks through the loops." She told him.
"And how do you take it off?"
    "You just unclasp it like this." She said as she demonstrated.
    "You make it look so easy!" He said.
    "It gets easier when you have to take it on and off every single day." She said as she clasped it again.
    "I couldn't imagine having to do that." He said. "Thanks for showing me. Knowing how to unclip a bra will be useful." He looked up at her with a smile.
"Uhh." A slight tint of pink brushed over her cheeks. Then Tony realized what he just said and the implications.
"Oh, no, not like that. I mean, maybe sometime, but no, I-." He stopped, knowing he was just digging himself a bigger hole.
"Just put a shirt on." Layla said as she turned away, face still pink as her heart was beating fast.
When they got to the garage, they asked Miss Nowhere if the criminal had been found, but there was still no sign of her. They spent the entire day awkwardly avoiding each other.
"What's up with you and Layla?" Cisco asked Tony as he and Frostee approached him.
"Other than the whole body swap thing." Frostee added.
"Nothing. Nothing happened. Everything is fine and not awkward at all!" He quickly said.
"Yeah, that's suspicious." Cisco said.
"Did you," Frostee looked around and lowered his voice. "see anything?"
Tony flushed bright red. "What? No..."
Frostee and Cisco smirked. "You totally did!" Cisco said.
"What was it?" Frostee asked. Tony glanced down at his- Layla's- chest. Frostee and Cisco's smirks grew. "You saw her-."
"Saw my what?" Layla asked as she appeared behind him. Tony nearly jumped.
"Um, I didn't mean to. It just... I." He tripped over his own words as he failed at explaining himself. Layla just shook her head and walked away. He did not see her until that night when it was time to go home.
"We're going to your house." She told him, leaving him no room to argue.
Tony gulped. "Ok." This was it, he knew it. She was going to kill him.
When they arrived at his house, Layla did not look at him. "Layla, I'm sorry I looked at your chest. It was hard to get undressed without looking, I really didn't mean to." He said.
She finally looked up at him. Her face was bright red. "Seeing each other wasn't really avoidable." She said, surprising him with how understanding she was. "But that's not what I wanted to talk about."
"What is it?" He asked.
"I, uh, need to take a shower. That is, you need to take a shower for me." She said.
"Oh." He said. "I actually could use a shower too." He said.
"Yeah, I know." She said. "Just... don't make this awkward, ok?"
"You won't get mad at me for... seeing you?" He asked skeptically.
She glanced down as her face flushed red again. "No." She said. "But don't think that gives you permission to do whatever you want!"
"Ok, I know." He said.
    "See you tomorrow." She glanced up at him for a brief moment before leaving.
    "Good night." He called after her.
    Going into the bathroom, he turned on the shower and slowly stripped out of Layla's clothes. The weirdness of his situation sunk in again.
    Making sure he did not look in the mirror, he stepped into the shower. It felt strange to wash Layla's body. The entire time he felt butterflies stirring in his stomach.
His shower was quick since he knew that if he stayed in there too long he might have gotten carried away. Layla was not doing too well either. Every time she looked down or into the mirror, she could feel her heart skip a beat.
Both of them just wanted to go back to normal. But they knew that even when they did, things would still be different between them.
The next day they received great news from Miss Nowhere. Gary and Julius were able to track down the criminal and sent the location to Tony and Layla.
"Finally! It's about time!" Tony exclaimed.
"Let's go set things straight." Layla said as the two of them rushed back to their cars.
    They raced to the location that was sent to them and were able to find the criminal from before. "It's you!" Tony yelled.
    The criminal looked up. Her eyes widened. "It's you!" She said before bolting.
    "Way to go, Toretto." Layla said as they ran after her.
    "You didn't get me last time and you won't get me this time!" The criminal yelled over her shoulder.
    "We'll see about that!" Tony said.
    When they got to a fork in the road, the criminal turned around to face them. "Why don't we switch things up again!" She threw a purple vile at them which spawned a cloud of smoke around them.
    Layla and Tony felt a strange sensation course through them and when the smoke cleared, they found that they were back in their respective bodies. "Yes! Finally!" Tony exclaimed, happy to hear that his normal voice came out of his throat when he talked.
    "I don't ever want to do that again." Layla said.
    "What? You didn't like being in my body?" He asked.
    "Not that way." Layla said. Tony blushed slightly.
    Brushing off his embarrassment, he replaced it with a smirk as he stepped closer to her. "Well, I loved being in you." He said. Now Layla blushed.
    "Calm down, Toretto." She said as she placed her hand on his chest. She could feel his heart beating fast. Just as fast as hers. "And maybe sometime you'll get your chance."
    The two of them slowly began to lean in. Just as their lips brushed against each other, a sudden yell interrupted them. They both quickly pulled apart as Echo and Cisco approached them, dragging the criminal by the handcuffs they had put on her.
    "So, you two back to normal?" Echo asked.
    "Yup." Tony said.
    "Good. Now let's go turn in this criminal." She said as she and Cisco continued to haul her away. Tony and Layla followed several paces behind them.
    As they walked, they slowly moved their hands closer to each other. Their fingers brushed against each other and they grabbed each other's hand as smiles spread across both of their faces.

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