Chapter 1

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TW: abusive relationship  (briefly)

I twirled my keys around my finger as I walked back to my apartment. The last bit of light from the sunset peaked out over the horizon as the sky grew darker.

I let out a soft sigh as I make my way into the front door, dropping my bags on the floor.

Exhausted form a long day, I step into the shower, letting the warm water wash everything away.
Once I've finished up, I go change into something more comfortable, wanting to get some assignments done before my boyfriend gets back home.
I needed some peace and quiet.

I'm working through my research paper when I hear the front door slam shut, stealing my focus.
I stay quiet, hoping he might just move on and do his own thing for a while.

"Drea!" he calls out, and I can hear him walking around till he finds me at my desk.

"There you are. Didn't you fuckin hear me?" He grumbles, eyebrows furrowing.
"Oh- I must have missed it." I tell him, flashing him an innocent smile.

"Mmhm. I'm starving. You making dinner soon?" He asks impatiently, looking down at his watch.
"Yeah, I'm just finishing this up and-"
"You can come back to it later." Andrew looks down at me, tilting his head out to the kitchen.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes as I close my laptop, standing up to go to the kitchen.
I make my way to the kitchen, putting a pot of water on the stove to boil as I get out the ingredients I need.

I can feel his eyes on me as he waits by the kitchen, sipping on a beer.
My body is tense with irritation but I don't say anything. I just wanted this to be done as soon as possible.

"What's the matter with you? Very quiet tonight." He calls out, swirling his drink around.
"Just a long day I guess." I reply smoothly, tossing the salad I had made.

"Oh you had a long day?" He laughs,
"Don't worry about me, I just work all day long and provide everything for your spoiled ass." He taunts, stepping closer.
"I wasn't trying to complain..." I reason softly.

"Yeah I bet. You should really show some more fucking appreciation for everything I do around here. Find a way to make yourself useful." He looks down over me, frowning at the old t shirt and shorts I'm wearing.

"Yeah Andrew. Whatever you say."
I simply can't deal with another fight right now.

I can tell my answer only provokes him more as he comes behind me, gripping my arm.
Don't react.

I stop chopping onions, setting down the knife softly as I let out a small breath.
"What was that? Didn't sound like a thank you." He grits in my ear, his grip tightening.
"Sorry. Thank you." I hiss softly.
He pins me harshly against the counter, my hip bones crushing up against the granite.

"You always have to be so fucking difficult. Can't believe I put up with you." He turns me around, gripping my face harshly as his nails dig into my cheeks.
"Andrew-" my words are cut off as he squeezes my jaw shut.
"You are such an ungrateful little bitch."

Tears well up in my eyes against my will, I try and move out of his grip.
He pushes my head back, slamming it against the cabinets behind me.
I feel pain spread throughout my skull, trying to keep myself together.

"Anything to say now?" He taunts, smirking.
He bangs my head back into the cabinet again, and my vision blurs for a moment.
When I open my eyes again I see his wide smirk, looking so proud of himself.
I can't fucking do it anymore.

Before I know what I'm doing, my hand finds the knife behind me jabbing it straight into his gut.
His smirk falls and his grip leaves my face as he stumbles back a step.
He looks down at the knife, mouth open in shock.
I stay pressed against the counter, frozen as he pulls the knife out with a groan.
Fucking idiot.

He grips onto the sink as blood seeps out of him.
"You little bitch- fucking help me" he gasps out, leaning over.
"No." The word slips out of my mouth easily and I feel like I can finally breathe.
He drops the knife onto the floor as he groans loudly, clutching his stomach as blood pools beneath him.
He finally drops to the floor, pain and fear etched on his face.
"You deserve this." I tell him, watching him fall.

He glares up at me but can't seem to work up the energy to speak. I stand there and watch as he blends out, my heart racing.
He's dead.
On my kitchen floor.

After a few minutes, a sense of panic finally comes over me.
What I had done.
I don't regret it.
But fuck- here I am with a dead man.
I didn't think this through.

What the fuck do I do here? I can't call the police and tell them I fucking killed someone.
There's so much blood.
Fuck. Think Drea.

I need to take care of this. Get rid of the body.
How the fuck do you get rid of a body?
I can't do this- fucking hell.
My hands shake as I pace around my apartment, trying to find an answer.

I pause.
Fuck no- I can't do that.
I can't call him.

I sit down on the floor, running my hands through my tangled hair as I try and figure out another way.
I won't call Kain.

I hate that man more than anything. He's everything I despise.
He's the one who got my brother stuck up in his bullshit that landed him in a prison cell.
I fucking hate him.

I get up, trying not to gag as I make my way over to Andrew's body. I grab both of his arms, trying to move him aside to clean up the blood.
Fucking heavy ass idiot.
As I drag him, my foot slips from beneath me and I end up on the floor, soaked in his blood.
I can't fucking do this. I can't.

I force myself to take a deep breath as I grab my phone, searching for Kain's contact.
He probably has a different number by now.
He won't even answer I'm sure.
Just fucking do it.

I press his number, and my stomach knots up as I wait.
Fuck. Pull it together.
"Kain. It's Drea. I um- I just needed..."
What do I even say?
"What happened Drea. Talk." His voice clears my head and I just blurt it out.

"I killed someone."
Oh my god- why the fuck did I do this

"You at your apartment?" He questions calmly.
"Yes I-"
"I'll be there soon. Don't fucking do anything."
He hangs up.
Fucking asshole.

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