Chapter 19

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By the time I woke up again it was pitch black outside, the moon high in the dark sky.
I placed a hand over my growling stomach, realizing all I had to eat today was that bagel.

I walked downstairs, rubbing my eyes as I make it to the kitchen.
Turning on one of the dim lights, I open the fridge and grab myself whatever I can find.

I leaned up against the kitchen counter, looking at the time shown on the oven.
So much for a little nap.

I go into the pantry to grab some chips when I hear the door open.
I peak out and see Kain just coming home, and the moment I see him I drop what I'm doing.

He curses softly under his breath when he sees me, trying to turn away.
But I'd already noticed the split eyebrow, the bloody knuckles, the bruises.

"What the hell happened?" I come over to him so I can get a closer look, forcing him to face me.
"Don't worry about it. What are you doing awake? Are you still feeling sick?" His brows furrow together as he looks down at me.

"I'm fine- god Kain you're bleeding." I gently wipe away the blood dripping down the side of his face.
"Come. Sit." I order, running upstairs to grab some stuff from the bathroom to patch him up.
"Don't fucking move." I holler

I'm slightly proud of myself when I come back to find him sitting by the kitchen counter where I left him.
"You don't have to do this. It's nothing." He mumbles, watching as I bring a wet cloth to his face, cleaning off the blood.

"Shut up. You look awful." I tell him and his lips curl into a smirk.
"Alright then- patch me up princess"
I roll my eyes, grabbing a needle and sterilizing it with some alcohol before going to stitch up his eyebrow.

I can feel his eyes staring at me intently but I focus on what I'm doing.
As I pull the thread through, his hands grip my hips, squeezing.
I look down into his eyes for a moment, raising a brow and he grins.
"What? Helps with the pain."

He pulls me a bit closer between his legs, his eyes closing as I finish up.
"You smell good." He mumbles, leaning in closer to my neck.
"Give me your hands."

He smirks at me for a moment before leaning back, holding out his hands.
I take some alcohol on a cotton pad, cleaning off his bloody knuckles. Luckily the cuts aren't too deep so they should heal fine.
"You make a good little nurse." He tells me, and I hum in response.

"I like you getting all worried about me too. Proves you don't hate me as much as you say you do." He grins
"Oh I wouldn't get ahead of yourself." I smirk, finishing up his other hand.

"Shirt off" I tell him
"Whatever you want sweetheart" he grins, pulling his shit off.
And the bruises were so much worse than I thought.
Deep purple areas along his abdomen and one by his chest.
"Kain..." I sigh, looking up at him.
"You should see the other guys." He replies, winking at me.

"I can handle myself princess, don't worry your pretty head about it."
I shake my head, taking some arnica cream and softly rubbing it into the bruises.
I notice the other tattoos across his chest that I'd yet to see, trying to not let my eyes linger too long.
"Okay." I tell him, leaning back when I'm finished.

He stands up, catching me off guard as he lifts me up onto the counter, bringing his lips down to mine.
I freeze for a moment in shock before I give in, not giving myself a chance to think about it.
Because it feels fucking good.

One of his hands holds my face in place, the other running along the curve of my hip.
He pulls back for a second, his thumbs hooking onto my shorts as he pulls them down.

"What are you doing?" I get out breathlessly, watching him toss the fabric aside.
"Saying thank you" he grins, placing another kiss on my lips.
I put my hands on his chest, feeling too many things.
"You can just say it..." I say softly, my eyes meeting his.
"I'm not good with words..."
his hands slide up my thighs, nearing the edge of my panties.
"Better with actions" he grins, watching me squirm.

"I can't-I-" I stutter as one of his fingers glides over the thin material, bitting down on my lip to stay quiet.
"So fucking drenched for the man you hate" he teases, rubbing over my clit through the lace.
Oh my god

His fingers drag the fabric slowly down my thighs, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Kain..." I warn softly
"Just let me taste you." He husks lowly, making me feel so damn needy.

I lean back as he spreads my legs, tugging me forward till my ass was on the edge of the counter.
He looks at me for a moment, smirking at the sight before kneeling down.

His mouth is on me before I can take another breath, and I fight the need to close my thighs around his head, keeping him there.

He doesn't start slow, immediately swirling his tongue around my slit. I can feel the vibration of his groan against my pussy and it only makes it that much better.
And I wish it didn't feel as good as it did.

"Stop thinking so much for once"
He mumbles against my skin, bitting the inside of my thigh before diving back in.
I gasp out softly, and let my hands thread into his hair.
His tongue swirls around my clit, a moan leaving my lips before I can catch it.

His hands grip my thighs and pull them even wider and I know I'm done for.
"Fuck..." I moan louder, my head falling back in pleasure.
"Moan my name princess" he mutters making me snap my gaze back to his.

I bite down on my lip defiantly, refusing to give him the satisfaction.
He grazes his teeth against my clit, making my mouth drop open again.
"You wanna cum? My name."

"Make me." I smirk, and I feel him speed up, focusing around my clit.
I'm a squirming mess and Kain has to pin my hips to the counter to keep me from moving away

He doesn't stop till my eyes are rolling back and not a single thought is in my mind anymore.
"Oh fuck- Kain" I moan, my back arching as my orgasm hits me.

He keeps going, working me through my orgasm as my body trembles.
I can see his dark eyes watching me as he gives me one last slow drag of his tongue.
My body shutters as he pulls back, a wide smirk on his face.

I can feel cheeks burn and how my heart has yet to slow down, and my cum still glistening on his mouth isn't helping in the slightest.
"So fucking pretty cumming for me" he sighs, licking the last of my arousal off his lips.

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