Chapter 10

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I got through my last day of classes this week before finally heading back home.
The house was empty so I just make myself some dinner and settled down to watch a show for a little while.

My phone vibrated in my lap,
Maya: Come out with us tonight- it's been forever! We're meeting at Lazen at 11... I won't take no for an answer
I smile to myself,
Well... it has been too long since I've had some fun with my girls.

I send her a quick text back that I would be there,  turning back to my show.
This would be good for me, I needed to let loose after everything that happened.

I pause the tv, hearing a knock on the door.

I open the front door to see a large man with a head of dark hair, he looks down at me confused for a moment before a friendly smile comes onto his face.
"Can I help you?" I ask him calmly, not opening up the door all the way.

"Ah yeah sweetheart, I'm lookin for Kain. This is his place right? And who are you sweetheart, you a friend of Kain?"
I get a vibe I don't want to be involved in whatever this shit is.
"I'm a maid here for Mr. Beretti." I answer clearly.

He looks me over for a moment before humming.
"You're a pretty little maid huh?" He grins and I raise a brow at him, wondering what the fuck he wants here.

"Alright then, you tell Kain that Lorenzo stopped by. We're... old friends." He grins, reaching out to touch my face for a moment.
Fucking disgusting.

"Will do. Goodbye." I tell him, quickly shutting and locking the door behind me.
Weird ass dude.

I head back into the kitchen, starting up my show once again.
Another few minutes go by and I hear Kain burst through the doors, making me turn my head around in confusion.

"What the fuck is your problem-"
He grabs me, quickly pulling me up off the couch as he looks over every inch of me frantically.
He cups my face in his hands, looking over every inch with concern in his eyes.

"Kain what are you-"
"You're ok? Did he touch you? I swear to god..." he rasps angrily and I realize he must be talking about the man who came by.

"God- I'm completely fine. He didn't do anything. Barely grazed my chin with his finger, what's the fucking deal?" I ask, looking up at him confused.

"That man is not someone who should fucking be here. I have no idea how the hell he got the balls to show up here. Fuck- why did you open the door Drea?"
He looks so distraught at the moment, an emotion I've never seen on him before.

"I didn't think it was a big deal Kain... nothing happened. I'm fine." I sigh, waiting for his hands to leave my face.

"He saw you Drea. He knows you were here. Did you tell him anything? Anything Drea?"
God you'd think this man almost killed me.

"I didn't say my name. I told him I was your maid and that you were gone. He seemed to buy it." I tell him.

"Thank fuck-"
He kisses me on the head like I'm the best thing he's ever seen, catching me way off guard.
"Fucking smart girl. Good. Fuck- I don't know what he would've done to you." He gets out softly.
I can feel my face heating.

"He told me to tell you Lorenzo stopped by." I told him.
"Yeah I fucking know who he is. Not a fucking friend to us. Don't ever open the door when I'm not there Drea. Please. Promise me." He tilts my head up so I can look in his eyes.
He's dead serious.

"I won't do it again..." I tell him, holding his wrists softly so that he hopefully calms the hell down.
I'm fine. Don't see what the big deal is.

"Good. Fuck- I almost had a heart attack when I saw you open the door on the cameras outside..." he sighs.
Didn't even think twice about it.

"I won't do it again Kain." I reassure him.
Seeing him like this is enough to even put me on edge- damn.

"Can you please be careful the next few days... make sure you keep your eyes open for anyone around you" he asks
"Yeah... I'll make sure. I don't think he suspected anything" I say softly, the nerves in my stomach building.

He nods. Rubbing my cheek softly before finally letting me go, walking off upstairs with a sigh.

Shit- I need to get ready.
I head upstairs quickly to take a shower, blow drying my hair before styling it into soft curls.

I went ahead and put on some more makeup than usual, doing a brown smoky eye to make my eyes pop.
I look through my closet and pull out a short, long sleeve black dress that hugged my body perfectly.
It looked good on me and it was comfortable enough to dance in so I threw it on.

I haven't looked like this since before Andrew... and it felt damn good.
I put some lotion on my exposed legs, spraying some perfume on while I was at it.

I sat on my bed while I strapped on some high heels, noticing Kain leaning in the doorway.
"Going somewhere princess?" He asks, looking me over with a smirk.

"Just out with some friends..."
I move to do the other heel but Kain stops me, grabbing my leg and placing my foot on his thigh as he does up my other shoe.
Since when are you a gentleman?

He just smirks down at me, giving me a hand up.
"You look good princess." He tells me softly and I look away from him, not wanting him to see my reaction.
This man has got to fucking stop doing that.

"I'm coming with. I'll drive." He tells me, trying to guide me along.
"The fuck you are- you're not my dad Kain. You're not coming." I tell him plainly

"I'm already on edge that Lorenzo saw you. I just want to make sure you'll be okay. Plus you can drink all you want and have fun since I'm driving." He grabs my hand, trying to pull me along.
"Kain- I don't need-"
"I wasn't really asking princess." He looks back.

I look at the time, seeing I needed to leave.
Fucking hell.
"Fine." I grudgingly let him take me downstairs, stepping into the passenger seat of one of his cars.

"You're buying my drinks tonight for this shit." I tell him.
"Gladly." He smirks, driving off

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