Chapter 22

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I woke up the next morning, Kain's arms wrapped around me tightly.
My head was still against his bare chest, hearing the sound of his heart beating slowly.

I tilted my head up, seeing he was still asleep.
Thank fuck.

I slowly try and maneuver myself out of his hold, nearly squirming out of his arms.
"Not a chance princess" he mumbles, using one arm to pull me back into him.

His eyes are still closed but I can notice a small smile on his face now.
I refuse to give up, trying to push myself away from him but he just holds me there effortlessly.

"Let me go you big fucking brute" I sigh, trying to twist away.
"You needed this big brute to sleep last night so I wouldn't talk."
My face heats up and I fight harder against his hold.

"Come on- I have class to get to." I groan
"Hmm... no"
I roll my eyes, leaning up towards him.
I put a hand on his chest, bringing my lips down to his.
He was so surprised by my actions he lost his grip on me, allowing me to roll out of his bed.

"Fucking idiot" I smirk, walking out of his room.
"I'll get you Drea. Trust me." He calls out, but I'm already out of the room.

I get dressed for class, taking one of the cars down to campus.
I tried my best to relax but I still felt myself looking over my shoulder throughout the day.
Just in case.

And I wasn't thinking about that, I was thinking about last night.
How I willingly crawled into Kain's bed.
He'd never let me hear the fucking end of it.

I got lucky earlier today but I wouldn't be able to avoid him for long.
He wouldn't let me.

I check my phone, and speaking of the devil,
Kain: Call me if you see anything suspicious. I mean anything Drea.
Dramatic as always...

Drea: Everything's fine. You'll have to play white knight another time.

I put my phone away, forcing myself to pay attention to the lecture.
The few classes I had went by slowly, and it felt like an excruciating countdown till I had to go back home and face Kain.
Which I was dreading.

I took the longest detour on the way home, anything to put it off a bit longer.
I knew the second I came in I'd see Kain's smug smirk, taunting me.

But when I arrived back, he wasn't there.
I sat in the kitchen, studying for a bit while I watched the door, waiting for him to come in.
I waited hours till my stomach started to growl, and I got up to make dinner.

It almost felt weird since Kain always did this... I'd rarely even had to cook since Andrew.
I made some extra in case Kain came in...
I mean, it was just because he always made it for me.
It would be weird if I didn't.

I sat down to eat alone, my leg bouncing up and down as I waited.
For something.
Even a text.

The sky is dark outside by the time I finish up, washing the dishes when I hear the door open.
I look behind me, seeing Kain walk in, clearly frustrated.

He spots me and lets out a deep breath, looking at the container of food I left out.
"You made this for me?" He asks, walking over
"It's not poisoned. This time." I tell him, causing a small smirk to form on his lips.

"Hmm you sure?"
"If I were to kill you it would be slow and painful, promise." I grin.

He takes the food, putting a big bite into his mouth.
"Delicious, thanks princess" he mumbles between bites.

I roll my eyes, heading upstairs to my room.
I stop when I open the door.
All of my shit is gone.

I come back downstairs, annoyance clear on me face.
I can tell by his grin he knows exactly what he's doing.
"What's wrong baby?"
"What the fuck did you do with my stuff Kain" I glare at him.

"Oh I moved it, don't worry." He smirks
"And where exactly did you move it then?"
"Into my room."
What the fuck.

"Why on earth would you think I'd move into your room with you?" I spit back, pacing around the kitchen with how pissed I am.

"It's really simple. You'll sleep better knowing you're safe with me, and I'll sleep better knowing it too." He shrugs, like it's nothing.
"Last night was a one time thing. It's not happening again." I tell him
"Try and sleep in another bed and I'll carry you back to mine." He smiles

This man drives me fucking insane.
I can't even stand to have this conversation anymore so I go back upstairs.
Into his fucking room where all my stuff is apparently.

I start grabbing my stuff everywhere and I see Kain come to the doorway with a smirk,
"I wouldn't do all that princess." He tells me
I roll my eyes, continuing anyways.
"Put the stuff down and try and get into your old room."

I drop my things, heading down the hallway to find my door now locked.
Fucking locked.
He really wasn't going to give me another option.

"Fuck you Kain." I tell him, shoving him out of my way as I go back to his room.
I hear him laugh behind me, following me in.

I huff, grabbing some pajamas to change into before making my way to the bathroom.
"You know you can change in front of me, yeah? My tongue has already been inside you." He smiles.
"Wouldn't dare give you the satisfaction." I reply, closing the door.

Once I'm changed I come back out to see Kain lying in bed, working on his computer.
I grudgingly make my way to the other side of the bed, trying to keep as much distance as possible between us.

I pick up my book that he left conveniently on the nightstand next to me, starting to read.
Kain puts down what he was doing, watching me.
Fucking weirdo.

"What?" I snap at him
"Just find it interesting you're reading that..."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I glance up at him

"Well- I couldn't help my curiosity so I took a look inside." He smirks, and my stomach tightens.

"I have to say, my favorite part was when he ties her to his bed and fucks her till she's crying and begging for more."
Oh my fucking god.

I gulp hard, unable to form words.
I feel his rough hand slide between my thighs, teasing the edge of my shorts.

"Want to see what that's like princess?"

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