Chapter 15

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I could still feel his lips against mine.
I could even see in my reflection how they still were slightly swollen from his kiss.
Standing out as a reminder of him.

I sat down on my bed, thinking over exactly how the hell I got myself here.
I had wanted him to stop ignoring me and well... guess I got what I wanted and way more.
Too much.

I thought I could play this game with him.
Hoping I would have some entertainment and go about the rest of my day unbothered.
But I had underestimated him.
And how much of an effect he seemed to have on me.

I hated how he made me feel for those few minutes.
Irrational. Helpless. Fucking needy.
I hated how I would have let him keep going if he pleased.
I hated I didn't put up more of a fight. Or a fight at all.
I hated that I enjoyed it as much as I did.

But that's all done now. No going back.
So I do all I can do in this moment, sleep.
And hope somehow I get myself out of this situation.


The next morning I woke up feeling better. More level-headed.
Last night emotions were high and I made decisions I shouldn't have.
But that's all it was.

We were both angry and close and the tension got the best of us.
The kiss and the things he said... it was all in the heat of the moment.

We're not fucking children, it's not a big deal.
Just a little kiss.

I just need to stay calm and mature about this... not make it any bigger of a deal than it is.
Which is nothing.

And I wasn't going to stay in my room avoiding him all day because of it.
The quicker I face him and get everything back to normal the better.

I head downstairs to make myself some breakfast, seeing him sitting down with a coffee in hand.
He looks up at me with a grin, sipping out of his mug as his eyes follow me around the kitchen.

I try and give a quick smile back, hoping my expression is staying neutral.
Nothing happened.
I place a bagel in the toaster and start cutting up some strawberries.
I can still feel him staring.

I hold my breath as I hear him get up, walking over to me.
"Mind if I have some?" He asks, looking down at the carton of strawberries.
"It's your house." I shrug, not looking over at him.
He laughs softly as he grabs one of the strawberries and takes a big bite.
He's leading against the counter so close to me I can smell him.

"Very tense today princess." He smirks, his eyes falling over my body slowly.
"Hm. I just slept wrong I guess. Stiff." I get out softly, wondering where the fuck my voice went.

"Ah is that so?" He comes around behind me, leaning in,
"Maybe I can help." His hands come around my waist, slowing rubbing down to my hips.
I suck in a deep breath, nearly cutting my finger slicing up the strawberries.

"I'm fine Kain, I don't need you to..." I stop myself before I can finish, my face becoming hotter.
"Well you just seemed so relaxed in my arms last night... thought it might help." I can feel him press up against my back and I push aside his arm, slipping out from under him.

"Whatever you think you're doing- stop." I tell him, grabbing my bagel.
I move to walk away from him and I feel his hand grab my shoulder, stopping me.
God- can he ever listen?

"I swear Kain, get the fuck off of me and-"
"Your strawberries, princess." He smirks, handing me the bowl of fruit I'd forgotten.
"Oh-" I could practically feel my face burning.

I take the bowl from him quickly, walking around the table to sit my stupid ass down.
His arrogant smirk isn't helping.

"I was going to go see Luke if you wanted to come with?" He asks me, getting my attention.
I do need to go see him...

"Yeah ok, let me finish eating and we can go."
This would be good.
Things could get back to normal with us and I could forget all about last night.

I finished up my bagel and stood up, grabbing a jacket before we left.
I get into the passenger seat of his car, looking out the window as he drives off.

"I'm glad you're seeing him more now. He misses you." Kain tells me, making my stomach clench with regret.
I had spent too long being mad about him getting arrested in the first place...
But Kain sure as hell didn't have the right to say anything about me and my brother.

"You're bold to say that, given you're the reason he's in there."
I've had enough of him dictating what I need to be doing.

"We both know that's not all true. And what you don't know is how worried sick he is about you. All this time. He always asks me about you every time we talk. Just wants you to be happy."
He tells me and I turn away, feeling my eyes water for a moment.

I let out a breath, blinking away the tears.
"Oh and now I'm safe under your watch right?" I grit out softly.
"He knows I'd do whatever it takes to make sure you're ok." He replies, and I stay quiet.
I didn't have any argument against him.

We pulled up to the prison and waited for security to check us through.
It felt weird sitting with Kain, waiting for my brother.
I haven't seen the two of them together since he got arrested, I'd been too angry to even see Kain.
But look where I am now.

I see Luke walk out, his eyes darting between Kain and I before a big smile comes onto his face.
"Well look at you two..."

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