Chapter 18

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"I can't believe you, how'd you even find me?" I mumble, feeling his scent taking over my senses.

"Like I've said before princess, you can't run away from me. I'll always find you." He tells me, opening the passenger door of his car and placing me inside.
He buckles me in before getting in himself.
"This is kidnapping, I should have you arrested." I groan softly.

"Kidnapping isn't nearly the worst of my crimes sweetheart. But keep the threats coming, it's adorable." He smirks, pulling out of the parking lot.
"Why do you do this shit?" I turn to look at him, my vision hazy in the dim light.

"Because you belong at home. With me." He looks over at me for a moment and I turn to face the window instead.

"Your car is still back at Maya's place." I mumble
"I'm not worried about that. I'll send someone to get it tomorrow."

I hum in response, leaning my head against the cool glass.
"And Drea? If you ever pull this shit again, I'll have you chained to your fucking bed and make sure you never get a chance to run off again."

I gulp softly. Even in my current state I could tell how serious he was.

The rest of the ride was silent and I found my eyes closing shut, the soft hum of the car lulling me to sleep.
Not long after I felt arms circling me again, pulling me into a warm body.

My eyes squint open for a second, groaning.
"It's just me princess, go back to sleep." I hear Kain tell me softly, my body following his words automatically as I drift back into my sleep.


I wake up late the next morning, groaning at the light that's filled my bedroom.
I cover my head with a pillow, instantly regretting last night.

I'm unable to even drag myself out of bed till I hear the obnoxiously loud sound of Kain using the blender downstairs.
I swear he's doing this shit on purpose.

The sound practically echos in my head and it takes all my energy to get myself downstairs to the kitchen, where I yank the power cord out of the outlet, glaring at him.
"If you turn that thing on again. I'll kill you. Bring you back to life, and kill you again."

He faces me with a wide smirk, watching as I plop down on a barstool at the kitchen counter, my head dropping down into my arms.

"Good morning to you too princess" He laughs, teasing.

"Shut the fuck up." I mumble into my arms, refusing to look at him.
He stays quiet but I hear him walking closer. But I can't find the energy to stop him.
His fingers gently stroke through my messy hair, making a soft sigh leave my lips.
I also can't find the energy to act like this doesn't feel good.

"You want food?" He asks softly and I nearly gag at the mention.
"God no." I groan.

He steps away for a few moments and sets down some pills and a glass of water.
"Take these. You'll feel better. I'll make you something to eat when you can stomach it."
Why is he being so nice to me?

I reach out and take the pills, sipping on the water slowly.
The last thing I want to do is move another inch so I just sit there for another hour or two while Kain silently works beside me on his laptop.

I finally sit up, facing him.
"Do we have more bagels?"
He grins.
"Stay there."

I sit silently as he toasts up a bagel for me, putting my favorite cream cheese on it.
He bring it over to me, and it looks like the most perfect hangover cure.

"Oh my god-" I reach out to grab it and he stops me, grabbing it and taking a big bite out of one of the pieces.
"I hate you." I frown, seeing him grin as he sets the rest of it in front of me.
"You wound me baby." He teases, putting his hand over his chest in pain.

I roll my eyes, eating the rest of the delicious bagel myself.
Always so dramatic.

"Not going to class today?" Kain muses, watching me eat.
"Definitely not" I sigh, rubbing my hands down my face.
The medicine has started to help the headache but I still felt like shit.
I'd get notes from people tomorrow.

"So very irresponsible princess. Cutting class..." he smirks.
I flip him off and his smirk grows.

"Well- I have to go take care of some things, unlike you- I can't spend the entire day hungover and complaining. Have fun princess." He looks back over at me one last time before leaving, and I watch as his car pulls out of the driveway.

Alone. Fucking finally.

I force myself to get up and make the walk back upstairs to my room.
If I was going to take the day off I was going to try and enjoy myself.

I went into the bathroom, finally making use of the massive tub that could probably fit 3 of me.
I added epsom salts and whatever fancy soap that was sitting beside the bathtub, letting the warm water slowly rise.

I threw off my clothes from yesterday, sinking into the sudsy water with a sigh.
It smelt like honey, and I could feel my headache easing away.
Lying back, I just soak there for a good hour or two, feeling the tension and stiffness leaving my body.

I finally pull myself out of the bathtub, putting my hair up out of my face and getting into some comfortable clothes.
After everything that happened last night I just needed a good fucking nap.

I lay back on my bed, wrapping a fuzzy blanket around me.
Just a quick nap.
Then I'd get up and get something productive done.

As soon as my eyes closed I couldn't hold it off anymore, blissfully falling asleep.

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