7.3 - Yun Shiyan fell into a coma and had a high fever for two days

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After the luncheon, they took a short rest, and then the group went to the back mountain to worship their ancestors. Although Yun Shiyan was a little tired of dealing with these rituals, the more solemn the ceremony was, the more unquestionable his identity was, so he still stayed calm and behaved. followed all the way.

As a five-year-old child, he followed him throughout the whole process, neither crying nor making trouble nor making trouble unreasonably. Everyone's impression of Yun Shiyan became better and better. The fifth frivolous person even praised him, saying that he had the demeanor of his former disciple Bai Yi. His This father was also precocious and became the Young Palace Master early. He never looked like a child.

Zishu Bai Yi didn't express anything about Wu Wu's frivolous words, but his face became much gentler. Yun Shiyan didn't bother to pay attention to their compliments. He was not a real five-year-old child. He was proud of such a small thing. He did Not coming.

There were not as many things in the afternoon as in the morning. After worshiping the ancestors, the group could rest. Yun Shiyan was hugged by Bai Yi and recognized the person. Everyone's face, identity, and information from last night were completely matched. .

As a child, he was naturally taken advantage of by everyone. Fortunately, Yun Shiyan had been in so many worlds, so there was no pressure to switch roles, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with being a junior. He should be called uncle when he should be called uncle. He made a group of people happy and fell in love with this young palace master even more.

There's nothing you can do if you don't like it! Haven't you seen their palace master holding someone in his arms all afternoon? Considering their Palace Master's problem of not letting people get close to him, if he could hold the Young Palace Master for so long today, he definitely liked the Young Palace Master very much!

After the dinner, the group of people dispersed. Yun Ping came to pick up Yun Shiyan. After all, he was a child. He had been tired for a day and fell asleep in Zi Shu Bai Yi's arms. When Yun Ping came over, she was very attracted to the other party's aura. They were familiar, so Yun Shiyan automatically and consciously snuggled into Yun Ping's arms. He couldn't open his eyes, so naturally he couldn't notice Zi Shu Bai Yi's strange expression.

Yun Ping skillfully hugged Yun Shiyan, and Fu Shen and Zi Shu Bai Yi left: "Fenghua Residence has been cleaned up. I will take the young palace master back."

Zi Shu Bai Yi lowered his eyes. After the person in his arms was taken away, his mood that had been softened for a day gradually faded away. He nodded and asked Yun Ping to take good care of Yun Shiyan, then waved her to leave.

As the night progressed, Yun Ping took a cloak, wrapped Yun Shiyan up, and took him back to Fenghua Residence.

Fenghua Residence and Liu Ke Residence naturally have different specifications. The courtyard with several entrances inside and outside is no worse than the palace of the royal family. Yun Shiyan's living room is on the east side, relatively close to the side door, which is connected to Zi Shubai. The Jinyu Pavilion where Yi lives is convenient for Yun Shiyan's future martial arts learning.

Yun Shiyan was sent back to his new residence in confusion. He felt a little sleepy after being sleepy. Yun Ping coaxed him to drink a glass of milk at night. Yun Shiyan was not in good health when he first came here, and the doctor said he should drink this. It is good for the body, but I couldn't escape after drinking one cup in the morning and one in the evening.

After drinking the nutritional supplements and changing out of his Chinese robe, Yun Shiyan took a bath and felt a little more awake.

Yun Ping dried his hair, made the bed, and told him that there was nothing to be afraid of on his first day here. There would be people guarding the door and they would come in if he called if there was anything. Then he put Yun Shiyan on the bed. .

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