1 | Unexpected First Meeting

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Hanni POV

Finally, some moments of peace.

The whole world always seems against me for some reason. Everyone around me waits for an opportunity to tear me apart, and it's wearing me thin.

Why do I keep facing problems?

What did I do to deserve it?

Now I'm in a fancy restaurant, sipping on a pricey drink that I can only afford here. Next month, I'm planning a trip with my best friend. I need to tighten my purse strings and watch every penny. Danielle is way too lucky—she's dating a billionaire and I'm not.

I hate my life.

Just as I'm starting to enjoy some moments of peace, an unfamiliar man blocks my path.

Great, what does he want? He looks like he's in his late thirties. Frankly, I'm not into older men. I'm not into romance, either.

I quickly scan the area, searching for a way out of this. He's already standing there, grinning like he's won the lottery. Oh please, just leave me the fuck alone.

"Hey, lady. Are you alone here..."

Just in time, like answered prayers, a tall woman comes into the restaurant, dressed in a crisp navy suit with a white shirt. She's so stunning, breathtaking even, and for a moment, I forgot how to breathe.

Without thinking, I rise from my seat and move towards her, almost as if I'm on autopilot. Maybe I can use some help from her to get out of this.

"Hey, babe! Over here!" I call out, flashing her a smile as if we're lovers.

She seems surprised as she looks at me—a total stranger suddenly calling her out. But then she spots the man standing behind me, and her expression shifts.

With a soft smile curving her lips, she plays along.

God, that smile of hers could probably make the sun jealous. I wonder how many hearts she's stolen with it. Is she even real, or am I dreaming?

"Hey, sweetheart," she replies smoothly as she wraps her arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

My breath catches in my throat. Gradually, I relax into her touch, placing both hands on her shoulders. Heat rises to my cheeks as I meet her dark brown eyes.

She smirks, clearly enjoying the game we're playing.

"Have you eaten yet?" she asks.

"Ah, erm... no. I was waiting for you. I ordered..."

"Really?" she purrs, interrupting me. "Sorry for keeping you waiting, sweetheart. Let's order something good. Your stomach must be grumbling by now."

She flicks a glance behind me, then leans in closer, making my heart pound like crazy. I pray she can't hear this loud heartbeat.

"Is that man troubling you?" she whispers, her warm breath tickling my ear.

With her hand still gripping my waist and mine still on her shoulder, I feel like putty in her hands. I manage a nod, unable to form words.

"He's gone now," she assures me in a whisper.

Slowly, I turn to look, exhaling a sigh of relief when I see that the man has indeed left. My mind is still foggy from the stresses of work. Of course, I'm grateful for the break.

I feel her release her arm from my waist. I gulped, quickly withdrawing my hands from her shoulders and fixing my hair. I meet her gaze again, still mesmerized by her presence and towering figure. I barely reach her shoulder—she must be at least six feet tall.

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