15 | Little Angels

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Hanni POV

Tonight, Minji and I decided to host a dinner to share our happy news with our friends.

We decorate the house elegantly, with fairy lights casting a warm glow over the living room. Fresh flowers adorn the table—from pink daisies to white tulips—flowers that Minji has given me throughout our time together.

Later, the doorbell rings. I open the door and see the lovey-dovey couple arrive first. Danielle pulls me into a hug immediately, while Haerin flashes me her trademark smirk.

"What's the matter, Han? Suddenly decorating your house like this? Whose birthday is today?" Haerin jokes.

Danielle smiles warmly before suddenly gasping, covering her mouth. She looks at Haerin with wide eyes.

Haerin furrows her brows, not getting the signal.

"Does that mean..." Danielle mutters.

"Does that mean what?" Haerin asks.

"Come in first, you two. Talk later," I jest, taking both of their hands and guiding them inside.

Soon, Hyein and Yoona arrive. They greet me with hugs and smiles, their faces glowing with happiness.

"Happy birthday, Han," Hyein says.

"Hyein, it's not my birthday," I laugh.

Hyein exchanges glances with Yoona. "Oops, sorry, I thought... Shoot, it's obvious I don't remember your birthday." Hyein scratches her nape.

"Maybe it's Minji's birthday?" Yoona guesses in her sweet voice.

"Not that either," I reply with a smile.

Minji shows off her cooking skills, preparing a feast fit for the occasion. The table is full of gourmet dishes—tender roast beef, creamy truffle mashed potatoes, and an array of colorful, fresh salads.

We take our seats around the table, everyone looking happy and eager to dig in.

"I didn't know Minji could cook this well," Danielle mumbles through a mouthful. "You should really learn from her, Haerin."

"Again?" Haerin rolls her eyes before continuing to munch on the food.

"Wow, this is so delicious. Hanni must be having high-quality meals every day," Yoona says genuinely.

I giggle. "Am I, babe?"

Minji smiles warmly. "Of course, sweetheart. I'd make sure you always have the best."

Hyein takes a napkin and wipes Yoona's mouth gently.

"Thank you," Yoona mutters, her cheeks tinting red.

We finish the main course with a peaceful dinner.

Minji stands up and glances at me. I nod curtly.

"Everyone," she starts, "Hanni and I have some happy news to share. We're going to have a baby!"

There's a moment of stunned silence before the room erupts in cheers and applause.

Haerin claps her hands in delight, Danielle's eyes brim with happy tears, and Hyein and Yoona exchange excited glances.

"Oh my God, congratulations! I knew you'd have a baby before me!" Haerin exclaims, jumping up to hug Minji tightly.

Minji groans, trying to push away, but the drunken Haerin won't let go.

"I can't believe this. My best friend is going to be a mother," Danielle adds, wiping away a tear.

"That's amazing, Han. Congratulation," Hyein says, her eyes shining with curiosity. "Do you have a picture to show?"

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