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Five Years Later...

Minji POV

The sun is just starting to rise as I stand outside the kindergarten, hand in hand with the love of my life. The morning air is crisp and filled with the sounds of children's laughter.

Today is a very important day because today, Minju and Minjae, are about to start their first day of school.

Minjae, ever the independent one, hugs me tight and plants a quick kiss on my cheek as I kneel down.

"Bye, Mommy!" he says with a bright smile, his dark brown eyes twinkling with excitement.

I try to hide my sadness, but it's obvious. "Do you have to grow up so fast?" I ask, pouting slightly.

Hanni chuckles beside me, clearly not expecting my sulkiness. She ruffles Minjae's hair before he skips off to join his new classmates.

Minju, on the other hand, clings to my leg as her twin goes. She looks up at me with wide, Hanni-like eyes, her little hands gripping tightly.

"Mommy, don't leave me," she whispers in a tiny voice.

I scoop Minju up into my arms, brushing her long brown hair softly with my fingers. "It's just for a little while, sweetie. You'll have so much fun. You're going to draw, play with toys and make a lot of friends. And guess what? Mama and I will be right here to pick you up when school is over."

She looks up at me with those trusting eyes, asking, "Promise?"

"Promise," I answer.

Minju nods slowly, still not entirely convinced. Her tiny arms wrap around my neck. I can feel her heart racing against my chest. She looks so much like Hanni. It's unbelievable.

Hanni steps forward and gently takes Minju from my arms, giving her a tight hug. "You'll be okay, Minju. We'll see you soon."

Minju looks between us, finally nodding with a small smile. "Okay, Mommy. Okay, Mama."

Slowly, Hanni puts Minju to her feet. Minju begins to take some steps, though hesitantly, keeping glancing back at us over her shoulder.

I wave goodbye with Hanni, encouraging her to go and assuring her it's going to be just okay.

As Minju walks toward the school entrance, Minjae reaches up and takes Minju's hand. He looks up at us with a confident smile. "Mama, I'll take care of Minju."

Hanni smiles down at him. "I know you will, buddy."

Minju glances back at us one last time, her little face full of nerves but assured.

I watch them slowly fade into the distance, disappearing from our view.

"They're growing up so fast," I whisper, turning to Hanni.

She rests her head on my shoulder. "They are. Now it's time for us to watch them learn and grow. They're no longer our little babies anymore."

"I know. It's just hard to let go."

Hanni kisses my cheek, her lips warm and comforting. "Like it or not, we'll have to watch them grow. And for as long as that happens, we'll always be here for them, giving them the love they deserve."

I smile, kissing her head back. "You sure can't stop talking when it comes to parenting, can you?"

"Come on," Hanni says softly. "Let's go get some coffee. We deserve it."

She takes my hand, intertwining our fingers as we walk away from the school. Both of us ready for a well-deserved break after a long while.

The sun shines brightly over the beach. The waves crashing gently against the shore. Laughter fills the air as Minjae and Minju play with Haerin and Danielle's son, Kang Daehyun.

The three kids build sandcastles together. Their faces lit up with so much happiness as they play and laugh together.

In the sea, Danielle and Haerin splash the water to one another, their laughter carrying on the breeze.

Nearby, Hyein and Yoona stroll hand in hand along the water's edge, their faces glowing with happiness. They savor their ice cream, the sunlight glinting off the engagement rings on their fingers.

I stand back, observing everything closely. My eyes scan the beach until they land on my wife.

She's laughing with Daehyun, helping the children gather shells for their sandcastle. She looks so beautiful with sunshine painting her face, her smile is brighter than the sun.

Then she catches my eye, her lips curving into a smile. She gets up and starts walking toward me. Her steps light and carefree.

When she reaches me, I can't resist. I twirl her around, her laughter mingling with the sound of the ocean.

We come to a stop. I pull her close, our foreheads touching.

"Kim Hanni," I whisper in a heavy breath.

Hanni giggles, her eyes sparkling. "Yes, my love?"

We stare at each other for a moment, lost in our love. Then, I lean in and kiss her softly, loving the warmth and sweetness of her lips. When we pull apart, she looks at me with so much love that it takes my breath away.

"Loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me. Loving you is both my salvation and sweetest sin. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for saving me over and over again, sweetheart."

She smiles, mirroring mine. "And thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world."


A/N: Hello, my beloved readers! Seems like we've come to the end of the story already. I always want to write a short fluff story, and it seems like I managed to write one (with a little twist in the middle ;).

Anyway, I would like to thank everyone for reading this. For all the votes and comments, I really appreciate it.

Let's see each other again in another universe, yeah? Love ya.

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