2 | Reunited at the Park

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Hanni POV

I lace up my running shoes before stepping out into the crisp morning air. There's something about jogging—that lifts the weight off my shoulders, even if for a moment.

Work has been wild lately, suffocating me almost to death with its endless demands and pressures. But out here, surrounded by the tranquility of nature, I can finally breathe.

I plug in my earphones and queue up my favorite playlist, letting the music take over me as I pick up the pace. With each step, I feel liberated, as if I'm leaving all my worries behind me on the path.

I start to lose myself in the rhythm of my run until suddenly, I stumble over a stray root. My foot catching on the uneven ground. Pain shoots through my ankle as I stumble forward.

I consider stopping, but something inside me urges me to keep going. With gritted teeth, I push through the pain, forcing myself to steady the rhythm of my breath.

I round a bend in the path, acting like nothing happened and everything is okay when it's totally not. I spot a figure up ahead, making her way towards me.

As she draws closer, I realize with a jolt that it's her—Minji.

I smile widely as I approach, my heart racing with excitement. I quickly reach up and pull out my earphones, eager to greet her.

"Minji!" I call out, relief flooding through me as I come to a stop in front of her. "What a surprise to see you here."

Minji returns my smile warmly. Her eyes taking in my slightly messy look.

"Hanni. Fancy meeting you here."

I chuckle nervously, suddenly self-conscious about my sweaty appearance. 

I hope I still look good to her. Shoot, what am I even thinking? Why does it matter what I look like to her?

"Yeah, I come here to clear my head sometimes. The city is too chaotic, so I prefer nature more." God, I sound like an old soul saying that.

Minji nods in understanding. Her eyes penetrating mine with an intensity that makes my stomach curl up.

"I can see why. Sometimes, we're just too caught up in the workplace. Having some fresh air does really help." Oh, so she's a nature lover too. Didn't expect that.

Even though we're from different backgrounds, we still appreciate the simple pleasures of life.

"Let's go for a round together, shall we?" She flashes me her usual smirk before starting to step away.

"Who do you think you are for me to jog with you?" I reply jokingly, falling into steps with her.

"Who do I think I am, hm?" She seems impressed by my boldness. "You're my lady. So I might be... your knight in shining armor."

I laugh. She turns to me, her ignorant smirk has now turned into a lovely smile.

We jog side by side. The synchronization of our steps soothes me. Despite the pain in my foot, I push myself to keep up with Minji. I don't want to ruin our precious moments. It's not like I see her every day.

But as we turn a corner along the path, the pain intensifies, forcing me to stop abruptly. My breathing becomes erratic.

I lower myself onto a nearby bench. My hands trembling as I reach for my injured foot, hoping to not find it as bad as I thought.

Minji halts her steps and asks, "Are you okay?" Her voice pierces through the pain fog. My mind spinning for a moment.

I look down and gasp to find her already kneeling in front of me, her eyes filled with worry. Without hesitation, she takes off my shoe and holds my foot. Her touch gentle yet firm as she examines.

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