6 | Be My Girlfriend

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Hanni POV

I can't stop smiling ever since I got her message. Minji is so sweet. I know I say that a lot, but it's true.

There's just something about her that keeps making me fall in love over and over again, to the point I forget where it all started. Because after all, I'm so in love with her all the time.

I step out of the building and my feet stop in their tracks as I look up.

I can't tear my gaze away from the woman leaning against her black Lamborghini, arms crossed, a smirk on her lips.

She's in her work shirt, black with no tie or coat, the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and the top two buttons undone.

"Minji," I whisper.

I run to her, and she opens her arms wide to welcome me. I throw myself into her embrace, hugging her tightly like I haven't seen her in forever.

She wraps her arms around me, holding me close with her head resting on my shoulder.

"I've missed you," I mumble.

"It's only been hours since we last saw each other." She chuckles, kissing my cheek. "I've missed you too," she then whispers.

We slowly loosen our hug, but her arms remain around my waist.

I look into her dark brown eyes. Her gaze is so soft, warm, and comforting.

It's as if she's telling me she's in love just by the way she looks at me.

I cup her face with my hands. She kisses my cheek. It's not the first time she's done that. She kissed my forehead, hand, and cheeks before.

Is it normal for friends to do that? Is it just a sweet gesture, or does it mean something more?

"You alright?" Her deep voice pulls me back to reality.

I realize the position we're in and quickly withdraw my hands from her face while she releases her arms from my waist.

I glance around, noticing all the people walking by. Oh, shoot.

"It's okay, Han. They've already seen me carry you up."

My head snaps back to her, my eyes wide.

"They... what?"

Minji smirks knowingly. "Remember the last time I tried to pick you up from work? You fainted."

I blink repeatedly, then gasp, quickly covering my wide-open mouth.

Minji brushes it off and opens the car door. "Get inside. We need to get to the restaurant fast. We both have work tomorrow."

"Minji, I—" I cup her face again, making her focus on me.

Her eyes lock onto mine so intensely that I gulp.


I lean in, standing on tiptoe, and press a kiss to her cheek, almost at the corner of her mouth.

I pull back and look away, my face heating up from what I just did.

What's wrong with me?

"So... what was that, sweetheart?"

"You always kiss me." I clear my throat. "I wanted to kiss you back."

Minji blinks before bursting into laughter. Her head falls onto my shoulder, the vibrations coursing through me.

"Hey, what's so funny?" I huff.

"Nothing. You're just too adorable." She kisses my cheek.

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