3 | The Truth

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Hanni POV

I wake up with the warm shine of sunlight on my face. A smile tugging at the corners of my lips as I reach for my phone. My heart skips a beat as I see a text from Minji.

Good morning, cutie pie.

How's your foot?

I chuckle at her concern. It's been a week, and she's still asking about that.

Good morning, my human teddy bear.

I can't wait to throw it at you.

I sink deeper into the comfort of my bed as I wait for her reply.

Too violent for a little girl like you to say that.

I'm not little! >:(


Okay, okay, you win.

Come to my restaurant today, like usual.

Have a good day, sweetheart.

Already want to go? :(

Oh shoot, I should get ready for work.

See you later! Have a good day too! ^^

Just as I start to lose myself, the reality crashes back on me. The memory of their cruel words echoes in my mind.

You're pathetic, you live to work for us. No one will ever love you.

A sharp pain pulses in my head. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, trying to push the hurtful words aside. But the memory of my coworker keeps repeating over and over again, ruining my peaceful morning.

I'm jolted back to the present by a knock on the door.

"Hanni, wake up! It's already seven in the morning!"

"Yeah, already!" I shout back.

I rise from my bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and stretching to shake off the grogginess.

Oh, how much I want to resume my sleep. But I can't. I need to work. I need money to pay my bills, eat good food, and go on a vacation.

This morning, I happily shower and get ready for work. As I do my makeup, I notice I'm way different from previous days. To put it in words, I think I'm happier. Whatever this feeling is, one thing is certain—it's because of that human teddy bear, Kim Minji.

"Hey. I heard about what happened yesterday. Are you okay? Did she hurt you physically?" she asks, her eyes filled with concern.

I nod, whispering, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... let's say it's not as bad as before."

Danielle's expression turned irritated. "Bullshit. I know damn well you're not fine. I'm sick of seeing them bully you every single day."

I glance down, gripping my mug tightly. I know there's no room for arguing when Danielle is in this mode.

"Fight back or you know what? Just quit this job."

I look at her incredulously. "Are you crazy? How am I going to pay this house's bills?"

"You're dating Minji, aren't you? Everyone in this city knows about her wealth, Hanni. She can pay your bills, and you won't even have to work," she retorts so simply.

I fall silent. Danielle really thinks I'm dating Minji, but the truth is, we're not. It's just a lie I made up a few days ago, and now I have to live with it.

I release a sigh. "I don't want to burden her," I mutter.

"Really, Hanni? I've had enough, and that's all you have to say?" Danielle scoffs, finishing her coffee before getting up.

"I thought you were better than this. I thought you knew better than to let anyone walk all over you," she says as she walks away.

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