14 | The Happiest News

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Minji POV

We walk into the cozy restaurant. I spot our friends at a large table in the back, already having fun gossiping and laughing.

"Seems like the lovebirds have finally arrived," Danielle calls out as we approach, a teasing smile on her face.

We slide into our seats. I sit between Hanni and Hyein, Danielle and Haerin are across from us.

"So, let's ask Haerin first before Minji," Hyein prompts with a grin. "How was meeting Danielle's parents?"

Haerin chuckles, her cheeks tinged with pink. "It was... not so hard, I can say. Her dad grilled me about everything—my job, my intentions, even my favorite foods. But her mom was super sweet. She kept trying to feed me more desserts."

Danielle laughs. "Both of them love Haerin so much, especially knowing she's the COO of a company."

"I'm just glad I got their blessing," Haerin continues, her smile warm. "Even though it feels like they just love me for my money sometimes."

"Hey, that's not it!" Danielle huffs, hugging her body before turning away.

Haerin chuckles, planting a kiss on Danielle's cheek. "I know, sunshine, just kidding."

Turning the attention to me, Hyein prompts, "And how about you, Minji?"

I shrug casually, a smug grin quirking my lips. "Well, it's Kim Minji. Who can resist me?"

"Confident as always," my girlfriend teases, slapping my shoulder playfully.

We all raise our glasses in a toast to Haerin and me, the clinking of glasses filling the air.

"Cheers to all our successes," Hyein declares.


We down our drinks. I glance at Hanni. She grimaces at the taste before setting the half-empty glass down on the table.

Hyein leans back in her chair with a dramatic sigh. "I swear, being single is no fun. Everyone around me is in love, and then there's me."

"Don't worry, Hyein. Your time will come. Someone special will see your kind heart," Hanni assures her.

"Yeah, yeah," Hyein grumbles playfully. "It's not like I want to be in love, but you know the feelings when you're fifth-wheeling in between two couples. It's quite challenging, you know."

We all laugh.

Haerin sticks out her tongue before taking another sip of her drink.

A few minutes later, Hyein gets up to go to the restroom. As she moves, she accidentally bumps into a passing woman.

"Oops, sorry!" Hyein apologizes, reaching out to steady the woman.

"It's okay," the woman replies with a smile. "My fault too."

The woman walks away. Hyein notices something on the floor—her wallet.

Picking it up, Hyein looks around for the woman before running around to chase her. After some times, she returns to our table, slightly breathless and frustrated.

"Guys, you won't believe this," she says, dropping back into her seat. "I bumped into a woman, and she dropped her wallet. I tried to find her, but she disappeared before I could catch up."

"Did you check inside?" Danielle asks calmly.

"Yeah," Hyein nods, flipping it open. "There's an ID, but no phone number. Just a name and address."

"Maybe we can find her on social media?" Hanni suggests.

"Or we could go to the address and return it," I chime in.

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