9 | All the Secrets

791 60 11

Hanni POV

The lively mall echoes with chatter, laughter, and the rustle of shopping bags.

Danielle and I walk through the crowd, carrying bags filled with our latest purchases. It's been a refreshing afternoon, a pleasant escape from the stress of work.

We stop at a boutique. Danielle holds up a dress against herself, looking into the mirror.

"What do you think?" she asks, twirling the dress slightly.

I smile sincerely. "Lovely, just like you. Haerin will definitely like it."

She beams, draping the dress over her arm as she turns to fully face me.

Her eyes suddenly narrow, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Oh-oh, sweetie, what's that on your neck?"

My heart skips a beat. "What? Where?" I ask, pretending not to know, but my hand instinctively flies to my neck.

Danielle laughs. "Seriously, Han? You're trying to play innocent with me? You've got a love bite, girl. Looks like someone had a very good night."

I groan, feeling my cheeks heat up. "It's not what you think," I mumble, but the blush spreading across my face tells her otherwise.

"Sure, it's not," she teases, winking. "Come on, spill the tea. You've done it with Minji?"

I can't help but smile at the mention of her name. My mind instantly floods with memories of last night.


Danielle laughs again, nudging me playfully. "You're getting naughtier, sweetie. But seriously, cover that up unless you want the whole mall to know."

I reach into my bag, pulling out a light scarf, quickly wrapping it around my neck.

"Better?" I ask, feeling the heat in my cheeks still linger.

"Much better," Danielle says, giving me a flying kiss. "Now let's get to the checkout. I still need to grab a few things before we leave."

We make our way out of the boutique. The moments we shared keep playing over and over in my head.

Her touch, her kisses, the way she makes me feel—everything about her is intoxicating. I get so lost in thoughts.

Not until I notice something strange.

A man in black is standing near the entrance of the mall, his eyes fixed on me. He wears a cap pulled low over his face. His cold gaze sends a shiver through my skin. I try to shrug it off, but there is something unsettling about the way he is watching me.

My steps falter, and I clutch my bags tighter. My heart hammering my chest. The man seems to notice that I've spotted him. Hastily, he pulls his cap down further, then turns away and disappears into the crowd.

I stop in my tracks. My breath came in short, panicked bursts.

Who's that? What does he want?

I scan the area. He's nowhere to be seen.

Just then, Danielle appears beside me, her face creased with concern. "What's wrong, Han? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I shake my head, trying to calm myself. "I-I just saw someone... he was watching me. He looked like he'd been there quite sometimes and then just... left."

Danielle looks around the mall, her protective instincts kicking in. "Now, where is he?"

"I don't know," I reply, my voice shaky. "He's gone."

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