5 | Hope

883 71 3

Hanni POV

Today marks the fifth day of my stay in the hospital. Everyday is almost the same here—waking up, eating, watching movies, reading a bit, and then going back to bed. For most of the part, I'm thankful that I have Minji by my side.

On the first day, she stays with me the entire time. We talk for hours, play board games, watch movies, and even dabble in some video games. Minji attends to my every need, helps me move around, and buys me whatever food I crave.

The next day, she went to work as usual. Well, obviously, she has life outside these hospital walls.

Throughout the day, I feel vacant without her. It feels like something is missing, so I kept on texting her and asking what she was doing. 

Even though she was busy, she was still replying to my texts quickly, answering my calls, and arriving here as fast as possible just so we could spend time together and both of us wouldn't have to miss each other anymore.

It's Saturday. We have the whole day together without her having to rush off to work.

I'm feeling much better now. With any luck, I might be discharged in a day or two. These days in the hospital have been memorable. I won't forget the moments I've shared with Minji here.

"Oh, no." Minji furrows her brows, seeing what the number on the dice leads her to.

I move her small boat piece along the boxes, counting aloud, "One, two, three, four, five."

"Go to jail." I shoot her a mischievous look, smirking evilly.

"You're really good at this game, aren't you?" Minji shakes her head in mock defeat as she moves her piece to the jail spot on the Monopoly board.

"No, Min. You're the one who's bad at this," I giggle.

Suddenly, a phone rings, cutting through our serene morning.

Minji pulls her phone out of her pocket and answers, "Yeah?"

The voice on the other end says something as her eyes narrow at me.

I blink repeatedly.

Who's calling? What is it about?

Could it be something about me?

Without another word, Minji gets up from her seat and steps out of the room, closing the door softly behind her.

I look at the Monopoly board emptily. What am I going to do now?

After some time playing on my phone, Minji finally comes back. Her face looks more serious than ever.

"Hanni," she calls.


"Do you have any crucial evidence that you keep with you to prove the bullying?"

Holy crap, that's so straightforward. I look down, playing with my fingers.

"Like recording audio, bruises, pictures, or anything?"

My fingers fidget nervously as I answer, "I don't."

I hear she groans, and I can't bear to look at her now. That must be scary.

She settles down on the chair beside me.

"This is so important, sweetheart. Be honest with me." Her voice holds so much authority.

"I really don't," I answer almost quickly. "How can I think of taking pictures, recording, or anything like that while they are cursing me out, anyway?"

"Right," she says, releasing a heavy breath. "Does your boss know about this?"

I shake my head. "I just don't want to cause trouble, Minji. I'm scared. My boss always loves them like they have no flaws, I don't think he'd help me or even listen to me anyway."

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