12 | The rescue

700 52 15

Minji POV

I signal for the team to halt. Haerin and Hyein take their positions, scanning the surroundings for any signs of threat.

"Stay quiet and stick to the plan. We get in, find Hanni, and get out. No unnecessary risks," I remind them.

"I've got your back," Haerin asserts.

Hyein's eyes are cold and focused. "I'll cover the perimeter. If anyone tries to escape, they'll have to go through me first."

We split up, moving silently toward the warehouse. My mind races with thoughts of Hanni—her voice, her smile, her laugh. 

I have to save her. I can't let her suffer because of me.

I won't die until I get on my knees and beg for her forgiveness, hugging her and kissing her over and over like I promised.

The darkness covers us as we walk through the entrance. I hold my breath. The building is so silent. The only noise comes from the creaking of the metal doors as they sway in the wind.

I glance at Haerin. She nods sharply. We push open the door and slip inside.

The warehouse is vast and shrouded in shadows. The air is thick with the smell of rust and oil. I tighten my grip on my gun, scanning the darkness for any sign of danger.

A faint light flickers in the distance, illuminating a narrow path through the crates. I nudge my head for Haerin to follow me. The cold concrete floor muffles our footsteps.

We move deeper and deeper until the sound of muffled voices reaches my ears. My heart skips a beat. 


I quicken my pace, my breath coming in short gasps. The voices grow louder, clearer. I can hear the cries of my love, filled with fear and pain.

We round a corner and finally see Andras. His scarred face twists into a sinister smile. 

Hanni is tied to a chair behind him, her head hanging down, her long hair masking her tear-streaked face.

"You fucking..." I sneer, my whole body flaring up with anger at the sight in front of me.

He stands there, half of his face and body marred by burn scars, a grotesque reminder of the night I thought I'd killed him. The scars stretch across his cheek, down his neck, and disappear under his shirt. His left eye, clouded and milky, contrasts sharply with the evil glint in his right eye.

"Ah, Minji, my friend. How have you been? Long time no see, isn't it?" Andras snickers, his lips curves into a sweet smile. Then, as his smile fades, his face turns into a deep, scary anger. "It's been a while since you burned me alive."

I clench my jaw, tightening my grip as I point my gun right at his face. "Let her go. This is between you and me."

He laughs, a cold, hollow sound. "Oh, Minji. Always the hero. Too bad that this isn't a fairy tale. There are no happy endings."

Haerin aims her gun at his face too. "Talk again and I'll fucking kill you."

"Not that easy, kitty." Andras smiles again, then it's replaced by a look of pure hatred. "Not until I see you both burn."

Haerin fires a shot, hitting him in the shoulder. He staggers back, clutching his wound but doesn't go down.

"Kang Fucking Haerin," he grunts.

Haerin lunges at Andras, knocking him to the floor. She strikes him with the gun over and over. "Move, Min! Get your girl!"

I sprint forward, reaching Hanni's side and swiftly untying her.

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