13 | The Trip

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Hanni POV

Weeks have passed since that horrific night. The bruises have faded, the cuts have healed, and the pain has become a distant memory.

Minji has taken serious measures to ensure our safety, upgrading our home's security with cameras, motion detectors, and a state-of-the-art alarm system. She even hired a private security team to patrol the area.

Today, as I stand in front of the mirror, I see not just a girl who survived but a girl who's stronger and braver.

Minji walks into the room, wrapping her arms around my waist from behind.

"You look beautiful," she whispers, her breath warm against my neck.

I smile, leaning into her embrace. "Thanks to you. You make me feel beautiful every day."

She turns me around, her eyes filled with love. "Thanks to us. Now, can I show you just how beautiful you are tonight?" She cups my cheek, leaning in to kiss me, her lips hot and demanding against mine.

That night, under the soft glow of the moonlight, our room fills with the sounds of our shared pleasure.

I straddle her hips, feeling her deep inside me, moving rhythmically. I cling to her neck, reveling in the way she fulfills me completely. My body is slick with sweat, trembling with each thrust.

Minji quickens her pace, drawing louder moans from my lips. Despite the shaking of my body, I lean back to drink in the sight of her.

Oh, my. I can't believe this woman right here is mine. Her slicked-back black hair, her face glistening with sweat—she's radiant.

"Hnghh... Hahh... Ahhh..." I moan, cupping her face in my hands.

"Is this okay?" she asks, still moving inside me.

"Slower... please..." I manage to gasp.

"Alright, sweetheart," she murmurs, leaning in to capture my lips in a searing kiss.

I sigh in relief as she slows her pace, making the sensation more bearable yet deeply satisfying. She's so big, filling me perfectly.

"Look at me, Han. Don't think too much," she orders.

I obey, locking my gaze with hers, my hands still cradling her face.

"I'm... I'm close..." I breathe out.

"Cum for me, love," she whispers, her hands pressing me closer as her hips maintain their steady rhythm.

I scream her name as I reach my climax, clutching her tightly. Panting, I fill my lungs with much-needed oxygen, resting in her embrace.

"Is this okay? Did you enjoy it too?"

I nod.

"Do you want to stop?" she asks tenderly.

I shake my head quickly, pulling her into a passionate kiss. She replies with the same passion. Slowly, I pull away, our mouths connecting with a streak of saliva.

"No, don't stop."

Minji gently shifts, her eyes searching mine for any sign of hesitation. Finding none, she smiles, her fingers tracing patterns on my flushed skin.

"Let's try something different," she husks out with lust.

I nod, my breath catching as she helps me onto my knees, positioning me in front of her. I feel her hands on my hips, guiding me, steadying me. My heart races.

She enters me again, this time from behind, the angle bringing a new wave of pleasure that makes me gasp. I brace myself on the bed, my body arching back toward her.

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