10 | I did the right thing

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Minji POV

I stand at the kitchen counter, chugging down a cold drink as the events of last night replay in my mind.

Hanni is still asleep in our bedroom, having no single idea of what happened or what is going on. I sigh, fighting the thoughts in my head.

The first time I fell in love, I was sure.

Now I'm not.

Do I even deserve to be loved?

Gingerly, I touch the bruise on my cheek. The pain will forever remind me of the threat to my girlfriend.

The doorbell rings. I frown, not expecting anyone to come today, especially at this hour.

Putting the bottle back in the fridge, I head to the door and open it.

My heart drops.

My father is standing in front of me, his face a mask of anger and disappointment.

"Dad," I say, my voice flat and cold.

"Minji," he calls me, stepping into the penthouse uninvited. He looks around before stopping at me to take in the sight of my injuries. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Nothing that concerns you." I shut the door behind him. "Why do you care anyway? All these years, you never asked me how I'm doing or even bothered to know if I'm still alive."

His eyes are as cold as ice as he steps closer. "I know you've found someone you love. Pham Hanni, right?"

My heart stops. "How did you—"

"I have my ways," he scoffs. "You were supposed to focus on the business. You know what our world is like. You know that loving her will only mean putting her in danger."

"So you came to my house just to talk about this?" My voice trembles with anger. "You never allowed me to love because of your fucking business, because of all the crimes you're involved in. I have to pay for something I didn't commit."

His face hardens. "Don't you ever learn? There's no room for love for people like us. It makes you weak. It makes you a prey."

"Then why did you ever marry Mom? You think she was weak because she loved you? Because she loved us? She died because of you and your decisions!" I scream, the words tearing me apart.

He stands still, as if I hadn't screamed at him. "Your mother and I knew the risks. That's exactly why I don't want you to go through the same thing."

My blood boils at the mention of my mother. "She died because of you! Because of this so-called business you're so proud of. She was innocent, and she got caught up in your crimes!"

His face pales, but he stands his ground. "I did what I had to do to protect this family."

"Protect us?" I laugh wryly. "You're the reason she died. You're the reason you don't deserve love, not even from me."

He steps forward. "You need to end things with Hanni. It won't last. Both of you will only end up hurting."

I stand tall, defiant. "No. I love her, and I will not let you take that away from me."

For the first time in a long while, I feel suffocated in my own house. Each breath I take weighs heavily on my chest.

Suddenly, Hanni appears in the hallway, her eyes wide with concern. "Minji? What's going on?"

I turn to her, my expression softening. "Nothing, Hanni. Go back to bed."

She looks between my father and me, then releases a soft gasp. "Is this... your father?"

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