7 | Moving Together

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Hanni POV

As the days pass, my bond with Minji grows stronger than ever. She's my girlfriend now, so I don't have to limit my boundaries with her anymore.

We text and call each other every day. Though she's busier now as the CEO of her company, she still picks me up from work and drives me home, sacrificing her time just for me.

I've been thinking about this, Minji too. About us, living together for the betterment of our relationship.

Now it's already been a month since we dated. I want to take another step further in our relationship.

Tonight, the dining room is filled with the aroma of freshly cooked Korean food. Steaming bowls of bibimbap, plates of crispy Korean fried chicken, and a variety of banchan adorn the table.

It's been a while since we enjoyed a home-cooked dinner together, with both of us busy balancing work and our relationship.

"Dani," I call out as she bites into an apple, engrossed in a report on her tablet.

She looks up at me. "Yeah?"

"There's something I want to talk to you about."

"You want to move in with Minji?" she guesses out of the blue.

I'm taken aback. "Wait, how did you know?" I furrow my brows.

Danielle chuckles. "Of course I do. Don't worry, Han, I've been thinking the same thing. You move in with Minji, I move in with Haerin, and then we both live with our billionaire girlfriends," she winks.

I can't help but laugh. I remember thinking Danielle was so lucky to date a hot billionaire, and now I'm dating one too.

Life sure can have its own twists sometimes.

"How are things with Minji?" Danielle suddenly brings up.

"So far, everything's been going quite well. She's busier now, but it's understandable because she's a CEO. She treats me right, like always. Sometimes I can't even believe she's a real person. She's too good to be true."

"Aww," Danielle coos, looking genuinely happy for me. "I'm just so happy that you finally found someone. You really deserve her after all."

I smile to myself, feeling grateful for having Minji in my life.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. I look at Danielle in confusion, but she just smiles knowingly before heading over to open it.

And in walks our lifesavers.

"Haerin!" Danielle exclaims, rushing over to her girlfriend and enveloping her in a tight hug.

Haerin laughs, returning Danielle's embrace. "Easy there," she teases before planting a kiss on Danielle's cheek.

"May I come in?" Minji asks, struggling to slip past them and enter the house.

I smile seeing my beloved coming over. She's holding a plastic bag of food containers before placing it on the dining table along with the other dishes.

"Han," Minji calls out, opening her arms wide to welcome me.

I pout playfully, making a mock sulky face as I walk towards her, slowly wrapping my arms around her and snuggling close.

Minji chuckles, stroking the back of my head softly. We enjoy each other's warmth for a moment.

"You didn't tell me you were coming."

"We wanted to surprise you, sweetheart." She kisses my head.

Now I understand why Danielle cooked more than usual tonight.

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