Chapter 2: The Big Reveal

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The cab ride took twenty minutes as the driver navigated through afternoon traffic, pulling up in front of the hotel. K paid the driver, and wrangeld Lara's bag out of the trunk.

"I've already checked us in, so all we need to do is go to our room."

"That's fantastic. You're really seem to have things figured out."

K chuckled as she took Lara's hand and led her through the doors. They made their way around the edge of the Casino floor as they walked toward the elevators.

"This place is beautiful. I really love the motif they have."

"It's something of a tribute to the history of Nevada. The big bronze statue out front is a representation of the herds of wild mustangs you can find here in the high desert, and the one in the lobby as you enter, represents the history that Reno had once been a station along the Pony Express route back in the day."

"That's fascinating," Lara replied. "I was doing some research before the trip, and found where Nevada is called the "Silver State". What's that about?"

"Huge parts of this area were built thanks to the massive silver strikes made here. The Costock Mine is probably the most famous. Virginia City was established as a boom town, and grew to be enormous by 19th century standards. There are still active mines in that area, but it's a tourist attracton for the most part these days. Lots of history in that area."

"I think it's really cool that you know so much about this area."

"I'm something of a history geek, and there's a lot of history around here. We'll have to take a few days to just ride around so you can see the area. It's beautiful country really."

Reaching the elevators, K pressed the button, then held the door for Lara to enter the car before entering herself, and pressing the button for their floor. The ride was quick and soon enough the doors opened once again and they exited on the 17th Floor. Looking at the small signs directing guests towards one of three hallways, K nodded and led Lara down the hall to their room. Reaching the door, K swiped the key card and pushed it open letting Lara enter ahead of her.

"OK, let's just put this right here," K said as she positioned Lara's suitcase on the luggage stand.

"It's been a long day for you, luv, I bet you're hungry.  Any idea of what you might like for dinner?"

K turned to face Lara as she asked the last question, and saw Lara standing looking at her.

"Mind if I ask you a question first?"

"Ask away, sweetie. What's on your mind?"

"Is there a reason that you never told me that you're transgender?"

K's breath caught in her throat as her heart skipped a beat and she felt a chill go down her spine.

"Oh hell!" she thought. "The cat's out of the bag now. Well, nothing for it, but to face the music."

Steeling her nerves, K stepped toward Lara and looked deep into her emerald eyes searching for even the smallest hint of hatred. Finding none, she leaned forward and kissed her deeply.

"Would it have kept you from getting on that plane this morning if you'd known the truth?"

"No. I'm just curious why you never told me."

"Truth is, I was terrified. I was afraid that if you knew the truth you'd just disappear."

Placing her arms around K's waist, Lara smiled at her.

"Babe, I don't care. I can understand your reasoning, but you have me mistaken for someone else. I was attracted to you with the first photo I ever saw. I was further attracted the minute you first spoke to me. Then today, when you kissed me that first time, I knew that my decision to board that plane this morning was one of the best I'd ever made in my life."

K drew a ragged breath as she felt the anxiety leave her body.

"Deep breath baby. It's okay. Like I said, I understand why you were scared, but you didn't have to be. Now I'm beginning to understand why you always seemed so self conscious every time we'd video chat. It wasn't like you were nude on camera, but you were never just in a t-shirt and panties if we were chatting after 9 o'clock. You always had on gym shorts. You were just trying to conceal the bulge."

K stood there for a moment then leaned against the edge of the desk smiling.

"You are pretty observant doll. That was exactly why.  Well that and the fact that I sleep in the nude.  Now I could have just sat in the middle of my bed in the buff, but I couldn't bring myself to let you know the truth.  Looking back, I realize that it was a silly thing to do, and I'm sorry for not being up front with you about things."

"No need to apologize, luv. Like I told you, I understand the reason you were nervous and scared. Rejection can be an absolute bitch, but you're stuck with me now."

"Alright, if you insist," K replied with a smile.

"Tell you what. I am hungry, so let's go back downstairs and find someplace to eat and get a drink. Then we can come back to the room and get to know each other better. How does that sound?"

"I think it's a capital suggestion."

Reaching for the door with one hand, she reached toward Lara with the other. Lara took her hand and allowed herself to be led from the room and into the hall.

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