Chapter 3: Dinner was Great, Now for Desert

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They exit their room and walk back to the elevators.

"Any hint of what you're hungry for? We have several options. There's a steakhouse, a great Tex-Mex place, a really good buffet, and the coffee shop is one of the best in town."

"Ooh! Tex-Mex sounds good," Lara replied. "Do they have a good margarita?"

"I've never tried one, but I've always heard good reports abouth them. I do know they're big, though."

"That settles it. Lead the way."

K took Lara's hand as the elevator doors slid open, and they walked toward the location they'd chosen for dinner. K watched Lara as he looked around, taking in everything going on.

"Is it always this busy here? All these people can't live here in Reno, can they?"

"Some of them do. They could be here to see a show and are just getting dinner, but the majority are from out of town. They're here to see the sights, to gamble with the hopes of hitting it big, or they're just in for the weekend to relax and enjoy themselves. This time of year, there's still snow at the higher elevations, so they could be here for the skiing. It's hard to tell."

Lara nods, listening to everything K has told her. She feels overwhelmed because of the crowds of people milling through the lobby and Casino area, yet deep down senses that K won't allow her to be harmed. She slides closer to her and grips K's arm.

"Relax, babe, you're gonna be okay. It's a little crowded, I have to admit, but you're safe with me."

They make their way through the flow of people, finally reaching their destination. Approaching the hostess station, they're met by a young woman who smiles at them.

"Welcome to Casa Grande, ladies. Will it be two for dinner?"

"Yes, thank you," K replied.

"Great. If you'll just come with me then."

The hostess leads them to a booth and hands them their menus.

"There we go. Your server will be with you shortly, enjoy your evening."

K looks across the table at Lara as she reaches for her hand.

"She seems to be so amazingly accepting," K sat there thinking. "Like my being Trans was just as normal as how I wore my hair."

"So getting back to your experience with the Customs agent. Did you really tell him that I was a cop?"

"Yes, I did. It seemed to be the only way I was going to shut him up. He simply refused to accept that I was flying here to meet you for the first time as a suitable answer and reason for my visiting the United States."

"You do what you have to do, I suppose. Hell, I faked my way through the majority of my life as a straight guy because it was the safest thing to do. I finally just couldn't do it any longer and embraced my truth."

"I'm impressed that you were willing to choose to transition at all in your line of work."

"It hasn't been all hassle and headache, truth be told, but it hasn't exactly been all roses and clover either. I've learned to take the good with the bad and do my best to find the middle ground."

As K and Lara sat chatting, a young woman approached the table.

"Good evening ladies, my name is Stacey, and I'll be your server this evening. Can I start you off with a cocktail or appetizer?"

"Could I have a margarita, please?" Lara asked.

"Sure thing, sweetie. And you ma'am?"

"I'd like a Carte Blanca, if you have one, please."

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