Chapter 10: Sunset over the Sierra

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K pulled up in front of the hotel, and put the truck in park. As she opened the door, a young woman jogged up.

"Good afternoon ma'am. Are you ladies checking in?" she asked.

"No sweetie, we checked in yesterday, but thank you for asking."

"Yes ma'am," the girl said as she handed K a claim ticket. "Enjoy the rest of your afternoon."

K smiled and nodded as she placed the ticket in her purse, then walked around to help Lara get out. They walked into the lobby and in hand and made their way to the elevators. K put her arms around Lara's waist and pulled her close. Leaning down, she kissed her deeply as her hands drifted down over Lara's backside. She gently squeezed causing her to moan softly and push back against K's hand. Their lips separated and Lara smiled.

"Now who's the naughty girl?" she asked with a giggle.

"I seem to recall you saying something last night about how you believed you were falling in love with my ass. Well, the feeling is mutual."

They stood looking into one another's eyes, looking up only as the chime announced the arrival of the elevator. Entering the car, Lara pressed the button for the seventeenth floor and the doors shut behind them as the elevator began to rise.

She pushed K into the corner as she slipped her arms around K's waist, pulling her close. Reaching up, she kissed K deeply, sliding her tongue between K's parted lips. Her tongue played across K's teeth and tongue, relishing in the soft moans that she caused K to utter. Her hands slid down past the swell of K's hips and she grasped her round full backside with both hands.

Hearing K softly whimper brought a smile to her lips, and she probed deeper with her tongue as her hands roamed across K's body further.

K for her part, returned the level of Lara's lust with equal applomb, but refusing to give in and submit completely to her passion. Deep down she knew that Lara was her "One and Only", but she also knew that her own inherant stubbornness might not allow her to give up willingly.

"I love this woman," she thought, "But can I give myself fully over to her? If I've learned anything from the past, giving up control is never the best idea."

The elevator slowed to a stop as the doors opened and both Lara and K excited onto the floor.

"Lover what's the matter?" Lara asked. "I'm getting a very strong feeling that there's something very important rolling around in your head."

Taking time to look around where she stood, K steeled herself before she spoke.

"Give me a minute, my angel and I promise to explain everything," she told Lara.

Lara nodded and followed K down the hall to their room door. K swiped the key card, then opened the door to allow Lara to enter ahead of her. Stepping into the room, K stood still until the door closed, ensuring their privacy.

"OK, before we go any further, I need to apologize to you babe. I've hidden more from you than the just fact that I'm Trans, and I am beyond sorry for that.

"Lover, what on earth has brought this on? You're beginning to scare me."

"Remember last night when you told me that you'd never let anyone hurt me?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with," Lara stopped as she realized the connection between her words and K's actions."

"Oh baby! I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it. I would have never guessed that anyone would have hurt you, or had even tried to hurt you."

"It's alright my angel. It was a long time ago. Nearly 15 years ago in fact."

"Want to talk about it?  I've learned that talking some things out really helps."

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