Chapter 8: The River Walk

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K and Lara returned to their room in order for K to change from her sneakers for her sandals, and once again, they made their way back to the ground floor. Together they walked to the Valet counter where K presented her ticket to the young woman there, and exited the hotel to await the arrivel of K's truck.

They stood there holding one another closely as they watched a myriad variety of vehicles arrive with fresh faced young men and women behind the wheel to in turn hand over the keys to varying guests. Soon, a small red truck rolled to a stop in front of them, and a young man exited from behind the wheel.

"Here's your truck ma'am," the teenager said as her handed K the keys.

"Thank you sweetie," K replied as she tipped him $10.

K approached the passenger door, and beckoned Lara to climb in as she opened the door. After ensuring that she was safely seated and her seatbelt was secured, she shut the door and proceeded around the nose of the truck to the driver's door. Climbing behind the wheel and fastening her own seatbelt, K started the truck, and slowly drove away from the hotel entrance.

"Good grief!" Lara exclaimed. "This traffic is crazy!"

"Baby, this is nothing," K told her glancing at the clock. "Give it another 6 hours or so, and it will be sheer insanity. Beings as you flew in on Thursday, and considering we never left the hotel your first night in town, you've never experienced the craziness that rush hour traffic can be, and I can promise that with today being Friday, things are going to be even crazier."

K laughed as she turned onto the street, and made her way through traffic to the downtown area. Lara stared through the window as she watched the scene change around her. Finally, K found an "off the beaten path" spot to park, and after slipping her debit card in and out of the parking meter, both women began their walk by the river.

They walked hand in hand, smiling at one another and talking at they watched the river flow past them. Stopping near a small amphitheater that rested on a manmade island in the middle of the stream, they watch a group of kayakers try their hand at shooting the gated course.

"It's so wild to see that sort of thing in an environment that isn't at the Olympic level," Lara said.

"Personally, I couldn't imagine doing some of what the folks who are serious about the sport do. I mean the whole inverted thing, gives me the willies, and I'm a good swimmer."

"Does my big strong girl have a fear of the water?"

"Baby, I was Navy, and I served in Submarines. The water doesn't bother me. Plus, I practically grew up on a river bank. No, it's the chance of something seriously bad happening, and not having the training to get myself out of a potentially dangerous, if not deadly, situation."

"Oh I can see your point there. I know of rivers and streams in Canada where really crazy individuals do even crazier things in kayaks. It looks terrifying."

"That's why I leave that type of thing to the professionals, my love. Send me to sea in a steel tube that sinks and I'm fine, but stuff me into something shaped like a cigar and hand me a paddle, and I'm not going anywhere."

Lara giggled at K as she leaned close and kissed her.

The two of them walked slowly beside the river watching the kids in their inner tubes float with the current, and smiling when a small rapid caused someone to turn or spin unexpectedly. They kept walking enjoying the day and one another's company. K lifted Lara's hand and gently kissed it before pulling her into her embrace.

"Can it truly be happening?" K thought. "Am I really falling in love with this girl? Granted we've known one another for well over a year, but phone calls, emails, and video chats don't make for what most people would call a solid basis to fall in love, but those folks have never fallen in love with anyone like Lara."

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