Chapter 6: Showers and Shampoos

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Lara and K walked hand in hand as they made their way back to the elevators. Lara pressed the button, anxious to get K back upstairs.

"Damned elevator!" she thought. "Why is it taking so long?"

A chime brought her back to reality as the doors opened, and K beckoned her to enter ahead of her. Lara wanted to grab K by the arm and pull her through the door with her, but did her best to maintain a sense of calm. Stepping to the back of the car, she turned and motioned for K to join her. Stepping into the elevator, K pressed the button for the seventeenth floor, then stepped closer to where Lara stood in the corner. Taking the young woman in her arms once more, K leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"Are you ready for this baby?"

Lara looked into K's eyes and nodded.

"I've never been more ready for anything my life, my love."

The elevator stopped once again, and the doors opened. Lara took K's hand, and pulled her into the hall.

"K, I want you so badly! I want to feel your body against mine as we make love tonight. It's all I've been thinking about since I got off the plane."

"Easy lover," K told her as she put her arm around Lara's shoulders. "We have all night. Now let's get that shower we've been talking about then we can do everything you want until the sun comes up."

Smiling, Lara replied seductively, "just remember to hang the "Do Not Disturb" sign."

K smiled and nodded in agreement, then taking Lara's hand, led her down the hall. Reaching their room, K swiped the key card and opened the door. She motioned for Lara to enter ahead of her. As Lara walked past K, she felt a sharp blow on her backside and jumped as she turned to face K.

"You need to warn a girl before you do things like that babe."

"Are you telling me that you didn't like that?"

"Oh no, I did like it. I just wasn't expecting it."

Entering the room and letting the door close behind her, K smiled.

"Well then I'll tell you now, that you'd better expect it."

"Wow, this is certainly a surprise," Lara thought. "After the way she acted earlier I would have never guessed that she had a dominant side too."

K moved to the foot of the bed and sat down to remove her boots. Slowly, she began to remove her clothes once more until she stood clad only in her bra and panties.

"You're a bit overdressed, don't you think babe?"

Lara laughed and nodded as she shed her clothes.

"C'mon lover, time to get wet," K joked.

"Oh I've been wet since we got off the elevator."

Lara noticed how the expression in K's eyes changed from loving and friendly to lustful and almost feral.

"I think I've unleashed a wild woman," Lara thought. "She looks so amazing standing there. So beautiful. So fierce. So strong. So sexy."

K slowly removed the last of her clothing as Lara approached her. Lara reached up as she got close and ran her fingers through K's hair again, reveling in the purring K produced.

"I'm anxious to fill this luxurious mane with lather for you babe. I want to run my fingers through your damp tresses when I'm done as I help you dry it before we fall asleep."

"Mmmmm! Let's get this going then."

Entering the bathroom, K reached into the shower and turned on the water. After a few adjustments, she judged the temperature to be right for them both, and taking Lara's hand helped her into the enclosure, and under the cascade falling from the shower head. K joined her and began to massage Lara's neck and shoulders as the hot water flowed over them both. K leaned forward and kissed the base of Lara's neck as her hands covered Lara's breasts. Her own breasts pressed against Lara's back, as she pllayfully bit her shoulder. Lara moaned softly relishing the sensations that K was creating.

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