Chapter 5: May I Buy You a Drink

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K pulled Lara closer to her side as she nuzzled her ear and neck.

"You're incredible, babe!" K exclaimed softly. "Never in my life have I ever experienced like what you just did to me."

"Like you're the only one wondering how the person they've just shared this absolutely incredible experience with developed their amazing oral talents," Lara teased. "My god K, I've never experienced an orgasm like that. My legs are still shaking. The tongue of yours, baby, is a gift from the gods."

Lara's hand trailed down K's body until it rested on her now flaccid member.

"I think I'm in love with this thing. In fact, I can't wait to feel it other places tonight."

"Well, before all that happens, I need a drink. Then we can come back, get a shower, and just let nature take its course."

"Oh, I like the way you think," Lara replied as she began to gather up her clothes. Slipping her panties back up her legs, she sat watching K as she rose from the bed and moved towards the bathroom.

"Baby, I've seen you naked. I don't think you really need to hide in the bathroom to get dressed again."

"If you had noticed silly girl," K joked, "I don't have my clothes with me, but if you must know, I have to step in here and see a man about a horse."

Lara looked at her quizzically, then giggled.

"Oh, by all means, handle that business."

"Thank you ma'am," K chuckled, "you know it's sort of funny, but even with the hormones, if I orgasm, I have to pee."

K stepped in the bathroom while Lara giggled.

Finishing up with her "business," K reentered the room and picked up her bra. Fastening it around her ribcage, she slipped her arms through the straps and adjusted her full breasts in the cups.

"Now, where did my panties land when you tossed them across the room?"

"Here they are, sweetheart," Lara answered as she dangled them from her finger.

Extending her arm to pluck them from Lara's grip, K leaned forward.

Lara grasped K's wrist and pulled her down to the bed on top of her body. Her legs wrapped around K's hips as she ground her pelvis against K's.

"We'd better hurry and get that drink because I want to continue with everything I've been imagining would happen tonight."

Extracting herself from Lara's thighs, K picked up her panties as she stood again.

"Then we'd better finish getting dressed because we'd get some pretty wild looks if we entered the bar dressed like this."

Both women finished getting dressed, then picking up their purses, departed the room for the elevators once more.

They stood waiting and exchanging kisses and smiles until the doors opened and they entered the car. K grabbed Lara in her arms as the doors closed and pulled her close. She lowered her head to Lara's throat and first kissed, then bit her gently. She smiled to herself as the sensations she was creating caused Lara to sigh in pleasure. She continued to nibble at Lara's throat as they slowly descended, stopping only as she felt the car begin to slow as it approached the ground floor. The two women quickly regained their composure as the doors opened, and they stepped out into the crowd, waiting to go up to their own rooms.

"So where exactly are we going?" Lara asked.

"Well, there's one bar right over there," K replied as she pointed to the walk-up bar directly across from the elevators. "Or there's another half dozen situated here and there around the casino floor."

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