Chapter 11: The Truth Comes Out

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Cassie looked up for her duties behind the Tiki Bar and smiled as she saw K and Lara approach.

"Just couldn't resist my charms, huh K?"

K shook her head, even as she heard Lara giggle at Cassies's words.

"Can we help it that you are so incredibly awesome at your craft, luv?"

"You do mix a great cocktail, sweetie," Lara told her.

"This is Lara, I take it?" Cassie asked.

"It is indeed," K affirmed.

"She's even prettier up close, K," Cassie said, smiling at both Lara and K.

Lara smiled as she felt her cheeks flush.

"She is that and much more," K agreed.

"So what can I do for you, lovebirds, before I close things up here and start getting ready for my real job?"

"We were hoping that we might get a second drink, but if you're short on time between posts, we'll understand."

"Oh, that's no problem. Two Mojitos coming up."

Cassie got straight to work and soon had the drinks poured for them.

"To you, dear Cassie," Lara said as she picked up her glass. "Thank you for the spectacular service you've provided us this afternoon."

"Oh my! Thank you, Lara. I'm delighted to make your stay here enjoyable."

"Exactly what time does your other shift start?" K asked.

"Things don't open until 9, so you have plenty of time to get dinner or whatever else you might need to take care of."

Taking K's arm, Lara smiled.

"That will give us plenty of time to get dinner, find a sexy outfit for the club, and whatever else might come to mind," Lara told her.

"What have you got in mind, my naughty girl?" K whispered.

"You'll see, baby. Let's go back to our room. We can watch the sunset while we make love, then get ready to meet Cassie after dinner."

Turning to face Cassie, Lara smiled.

"It was great meeting you, Cassie, and thank you for the drinks. We'll see you later, but right now, I'm going to take K back to our room and make love to her while we watch the sun set."

"Well, you two go have fun, and I'll see you later tonight," Cassie said with a wink and a grin.

K and Lara gathered up their things and walked back into the hotel.

"You certainly were direct in talking with Cassie, my love."

"I suppose I may have been, but I figured she could handle the truth. Now come on. I want you to take me back upstairs so we can make love."

"Your wish shall be my command, my angel," K said as she made a quick bow."

Both women laughed as they walked up the corridor towards the elevators. Lara impatiently tapped the "Up" button, willing things to move faster.

"Damn this thing!" she thought. "Why must it move so slow? I want to feel K's body against mine. I want to feel her filling me to the limit again."

The chime of the elevator doors opening pulled her from her thoughts, and she entered the car as K held the door for her. Wasting no time, she pressed the button for the 17th floor and stepped into K's embrace. She pressed her face against K's firm breasts inhaling her scent and smiled.

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