Chapter 16: A Fun Day

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K pulled into the parking lot near the beach she'd mentioned to Lara, and they climbed out K's truck after she'd turned of the engine. Taking Lara's hand, K led her down the beach to a large driftwood log.

"This reminds me of back home. We used to get some pretty big stuff roll up on the beached during bigger storms. Even after the weather improved, you had to be careful when the tide came in because a wave might roll up th beach far enough to cause the log to move. I've heard about folks getting seriously hurt because they got rolled over by one that shifted with a wave."

"That sound scary. Do you think that this one will safe?"

"Oh yes. There's no storm action or heavy winds, and even for its size, Lake Tahoe doesn't react to a tide. We'll be good for as long as we intend to be close to it, baby."

K steadied Lara as she stepped over the log and sat down. She looked towards K and smiled as K opened up her phone and selected her camera. As they'd done on the California side of the lake, K moved around where Lara sat wanting to get images from different angles. Finally satisfied with her efforts, K closed her phone with a smile.

"That ought to do it, lover," K told her. "We got roughly the same number on both sides of the lake, and I made sure to get shots that have indicators to show you were definitely in two states on the same body of water. Granted you could just show folks back home a map to prove that Tahoe sits between Calfornia and Nevada, but without a sign here or there, they could easily say that we just took pictures a few hundred yards apart. That's why I've made sure to get a shot here and there as we've moved around the lake to show that we were most assuredly on both sides of the pond, so to speak."

"You seem to have thought of everything, Honey-bun," Lara replied looking around. "But did you think of this?"

Before K could answer, Lara brabbed the hem of her top and pulled it over her head. Tossing it to the side, she placed her hands behind her head and arched her back as she smile broadly.

K stared for a moment before opening the camera on her phone once again, and snapping several more images. Lara's full breasts thrust forward and up proudly with her movements, and K marvelled at how incredibly beautiful she was in the bright light of midday with the blue of the lake behind her.

"No, I certainly did NOT think of that, babe," K laughed as she closed her phone once again. "You caught me completely by surprise with this."

"Well here's another surpise for you," Lara said as she stood up and collected her top. "Because now it's your turn."

K stood quietly for several seconds as her brain processed what Lara was telling her. She was proud of her body, but she'd never once given thought to exposing herself in the open like this.

"Honey-bun, what's the matter? You should be proud of how gorgeous you are, and how incredible your body is. There's no should be no shame involved."

"Oh, I'm not ashamed my Angel," K replied. "I just wasn't prepared to bare my soul you might say."

"I'm not asking for your soul, silly girl. I just want your body."

Trying not to laugh at Lara's comment, K slowly unbuttoned her blouse and letting it slip off her shoulders. She deftly folded it and laid it across a large rock she'd been standing beside.

"Damn, but you're sexy! Now just relax and smile for the camera."

K grinned as she seated herself on the rock next to her. She folded her legs under her and raised her arms over her head. She pulled her shoulders back, causing her breasts to thrust forward and appear fuller than they were naturally.

"Now there's my sexy girl!"

K smiled broadly as she posed for Lara and her camera. A dozen clicks of the shutter later, and Lara lowered her phone with a smile.

"I can't believe how incredibly beautiful you are. Or how lucky I am that you've come into my life."

K chuckled as she buttoned her blouse once again.

"So did you get some nice images?"

"We can compare once we get back to the hotel," Lara told her. "Then, if you're up for it, we can take a few more. Since we're going to be naked anyway."

K smiled and nodded as she took Lara's hand and they walked back to the truck. After ensuring that Lara was safely buckled in, she walked to the dirver's side and climbed in. Buckling her seatbelt, K started the engine. She placed it in gear, and drove out of the parking lot and back onto the highway.

"So are we going to return the same way we came up?"

"Nope. We came up on the California side, and we'll go back down the mountain on the Nevada side."

"So there will be more new territory to see?"

"That's a fact. Honestly I enjoy the drive down the Nevada side of things in the afternoons because you're not driving into the sun. Plus dropping down into the Carson and Washoe Valleys is a pretty ride."

"I'm such a lucky girl," Lara sighed as she leaned back in her seat. "I get my own personal guide to show me this beautiful country. I'm looking forward to seeing more during my time here, but for today I've been beyond satisfied with everything you've shown me. And meeting Don was just the greatest bonus. I can't wait to talk to Cassie this evening, and tell her how awesome it was to meet him!"

"Yeah, that was a wonderful surprise. He's really a character. It was nice to talk to him and learn a bit about his experiences there in Incline for so many years."

K drove on following the highway signs, and with one final turn, she pointed the nose of her truck down the mountain.

Glancing at the clock on the dash, Lara looked towards K.

"So what do you have planned for this afternoon before we look to have dinner?"

"Actually, I thought we could just go back to hotel and have wildly mind boggling sex until the sun goes down. Then we could find somehwere to have a quick meal before we go to the club."

"Ooh! That sounds like a fabulous plan. Just one question though."

"What's that my Angel?"

Lara turned to look at K with a devilish grin.

"Who gets to be on top?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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