Chapter 4: Ready or Not

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K looked down into Lara's eyes and smiled.

"Holy shit!" she thought. "I wasn't expecting that.  Alright, steady girl. Don't blow this. Remember, you're holding the most incredible woman to ever enter your life in your arms right now."

Lara's thoughts raced as she stood there in K's arms.

"Did I move too fast? Did I push too hard? K is a remarkable woman, and I want this trip to be worth all the hard work we've put into it. I don't want to screw this up."

Pulling Lara closer, K started toward the elevators once again. Arriving in the alcove, flanked by doors on both sides, the couple waited for a door to open. A chime gave them both pause, and they entered the elevator.

"We're on 17, babe."


Lara pressed the button, and the doors closed.

As the car began to rise, K pushed Lara against the wall, kissing her deeply. She let her hands roam across Lara's lithe form, feeling the swell of her hip and the fullness of her breast. She gently squeezed, causing a soft moan to escape Lara's lips. Lara's hands gripped K's shoulders in response as she pressed her body against K's and returned the kiss.

The slowing of the elevator brought them out of their revelry as they gathered themselves for the opening of the doors. K took Lara's hand, and they exited the car to make their way to the hallway where their room was located.

K reached into her purse and extracted the key card. With a quick swipe, the light turned green, and the door handle turned in K's hand. Pushing the door open, K motioned for Lara to enter ahead of her with a grin. Lara giggled as she walked past her, then turned suddenly, grabbed K's hand, and pulled her into the room.

Wrapping her arms around K, she reached up and kissed her once more. K tried to return her kiss, but Lara squirmed out of her grasp and backed deeper into the room. She pulled her shirt over her head as she kicked off her shoes and wiggled out of her jeans. Demurely, she stood before K clad in only bra and panties, a shy smile crossing her lips as she raised her chin.

"Your turn," she told her.

Smiling, K sat on the edge of the bed and removed her boots.

"I couldn't step out of these," she said.

Rising back to her feet, she lifted the hem of the blouse she wore and pulled it over her head. She slowly unfastened her slacks and slid them over the curve of her ass and down her legs. Stepping out of the puddle of fabric at her feet, K kicked them to the side out of her path. Slowly, she approached Lara, smiling seductively. She stretched her arms over her head, causing her full breasts to lift. K knew she was no bikini model by any stretch of the imagination, but she was proud of her body.

"I may not be a damn supermodel, but I look pretty good for an old lady," she thought as she lowered her arms and reached out to wrap them around Lara's waist.

"Damn girl!" Lara exclaimed. "You look amazing!"

"Not bad for an old lady, huh?"

"Baby, you're not old. You're mature, you're experienced, you're"

"Those are just fancy ways of saying I'm old, lover," K interupted, bringing a scolding look from Lara. "It's okay, babe. I know I'm no spring chicken. I've seen and experienced more than most folks ever will, but I still try to remember what my dad instilled in me when I was a kid."

"What was that?"

"He always reminded me that no matter where I go, never give up the opportunity to learn, and at the same time, to be willing to share that knowledge with others."

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