Chapter 9: Magical

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K slipped through traffic, working her way down the street. 

" I hope you're hungry.  If not for a sandwich, they also have homemade soup, and fresh salads of every kind."

"Is this another hidden gem that you just stumbled upon or did someone else tell you about it?"

"Oh this was definitely one of those that you couldn' find on your own unless you had a bit of inside information."

Lara looked at K, waiting for further explaination."

"I was in town for of all things, an eye appointment, and my Optometrist, who's also a good friend, told me about it.  He gave me spot on directions, and I try to stop in every time I'm down this way."

"How often are you in Reno?"

"For a while, it was about every other week, but now I average one trip a month."

Lara looked at her for a moment before asking, "even once a month seems extreme."

"It's only 90 miles, babe.  Nothing more than a day trip usually.  This trip though, was hugely different because you are here.  Plus we have two more days before we'll have to check out of our room, and head back to the 'ville."

"So what exactly are we going to do during the rest of the weekend?  Personally, I wouldn't mind going back to our room and having more mind altering sex, and maybe trying a new place for dinner."

K glanced at her, seeing the grin on her face, and shook her head as she chuckled.

"You are a very naughty girl, my love.  Have no fear though, there will be plenty time for that too, I promise."

"That's good to hear," Lara replied, "because I've been thinking of ways to make you melt all day."

"We can talk about that tonight, babe.  Right now, get your appetite ready.  We're here."

K turned into the paking lot of a small shopping center and eased her truck into a slot in front of an unasuming store front.

"Here it is.  I know it doesn't look like much on the outside, but the true character of the place hits you the second you open the door."

K shut off the truck and jumped out then trotted around to open Lara's door for her.

"Thank you my love," she said as she stepped out and took K's hand.

K smiled, taking a step back to give Lara room to step clear of the door.  K shut the door behind Lara, and the two of them walked to the door of the cafe.

K opened the door allowing Lara to enter ahead of her before entering herself.  They stepped into a room decorated in a fusion of cultures.  Lara picked out images that she knew to be Italian and Spanish, and a few that she thought might be Middle Eastern.  She stood there absorbing things as K placed her hand on her shoulder.

"You okay babe?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine.  It seems quite eclectic in here.  Things from places in Europe and farther east, it's a bit overwhelming."

"It is a bit to take in the first time, but it grows on you," K assured her.

As they stood looking at the decor of the foyer, a small dark haired woman approached them.

"Ahh!  Miss K!  So good to see you again!"

"Hello Maria," K replied as the woman wrapped her arms around her.  "It's great to see you again too."

"And who do we have here?" Maria asked as she looked toward Lara with a smile

"Maria, this is my friend, Lara.  She's visiting from Canada."

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