Chapter 14: Tahoe Bound

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The sun streamed through the gap in the curtain, rousing K from her slumber. She yawned and stretched, then looked at the sleeping figure of the woman who less than a full day before she'd freely and willingly given her heart to.

"So much has happened since Lara appeared at the top of those stairs Thursday afternoon," she reflected. "I know that we've known one another for over a year, but have we moved too fast? Are we truly ready for what we've put in motion?"

As K mused over the happenings of the past two days, Lara turned and snuggled closer to her.

"What are you laying there so deep in thought over, Honey-bun?" She sleepily asked.

K chuckled softly as she smiled at the sleep filled eyes looking at her.

"Just reflecting over that past two days, my angel. We definitely haven't been idle in our time together. Nights of mind boggling sex. Days filled with adventures and experiences that we'll be able to share forever. It's been a very busy period of time, you will have to admit."

"It's been absolutely marvelous if you ask me. Since I walked into your arms and felt your lips against mine, I've known that we were destined to be together for all eternity."

"Eternity is a very long time my angel. What makes you so sure about things?"

"Because I've felt the truth almost since we first began talking. I knew that our lives have been entwined since the beginning of time. We are meant to be together."

"One thing is for sure my love. I definitely admire your faith and your confidence."

"Do you have doubts, babe?"

"I've learned that nothing in life is assured. This past year, and these past two days, have been a gift. A gift that I will cherish for all my days."

Lara looked quizzically at K as she continued.

"I want what we have to outlast the universe, and from this day forward, I never want it to end."

"K, my love," Lara interupted. "I am yours, and you are mine. As you've told me yourself. You told me that our love was ordained and blessed by the War Gods. That we would withstand the breaking of this world and the forging of the new. Through ten thousand worlds, and a thousand lifetimes, we would be together. You told me that we were eternal. That we were forever and always."

Hearing Lara echo her words back to her, K closed her eyes as she felt her tears fall down her cheeks. She ground her teeth together, attempting to hold back her sobs

"Honey-bun!" Lara exclaimed. "Please don't cry. I didn't mean to make you cry."

K smiled through her tears and shook her head.

"It's alright my angel," K told her, taking her hand. "You didn't make me cry. If anyone did that, I did it to myself. All you did was remind me of the deep-seated truth that's been an intrinsic part of our relationship."

"What's that?"

"That we are eternal. That we are forever and always. Unto the breaking of this world and the forging of the new."

Lara reached up and wrapped her arms arms around K's neck and shoulders. Pulling K down to her, she kissed K long and deeply. Her tongue probed past K's teeth, and entwined wih her tongue as she listened to K's soft moans. She finally released her and smiled.

"Now, enough of all this melancholy. We've got a full day ahead of us, and I'm anxious to get going."

K chuckled as she threw back the blanket. Sitting up, she rose from the bed and made her way into the bathroom. She turned on the water and set about her morning routine, then after scrutinizing her chin for any stray hairs, she washed her face, and picked up the razor to shave.

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