Chapter 15: Lunch by the Lakeshore

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K turned out of the parking lot and returned to the highway, proceeding along the western shore.  She worked her way through the narrow turns and roadway stretches being created by other drivers who had chosen to park on the roadside instead of the designated areas.

"These other people sure don't make this an easy trip," Lara commented as K slowly passed the parked vehicles.

"No, they don't, but many of the better spots along the lake either don't have parking areas, or those parking areas are too small.  With the weather warming up, the crowds will grow substantially through the summer."

"Is there a time when there aren't any crowds?"

"Maybe in early spring or late fall," K told her.  "I'm not really sure if there is an uncrowded part of the year up here.  Between the families who simply want to picnic by the lake through the summer, the fishermen who are up here nearly year round, and of skiers and snowmobilers, it's always busy.  Just another day in one of the most beautiful places in California or Nevada."

"It certainly is beautiful," Lara agreed as she looked through the window at the surrounding area.  "What I can't believe is that there's still snow here."

"Lover, you have to remember you're nearly eight thousand feet above sea level.  In some places, the snow never melts off.  It's just one of the many reasons this area is something of a skier's paradise."

"So can they ski year round then?"

"There are some places where you can still ski nearly through June at least, but that's about it.  By that time, most of the slopes are bare, and the resorts have to get their annual maintenance done for the following season."

"That's incredible.  We get a lot of snow where I live, but most of ours is gone by this time of year."

K chuckled.

"I grew up a half hour from the ocean, so I was used to rain most of the year.  If we wanted to play in the snow, it was nearly two hours drive to do that."

"So snow isn't your favorite thing, I take it."

"It's pretty to look at, but I'd rather not drive in it because it tends to cause people to become real foolish.  We get a lot of traffic through the 'ville who come from places where it rarely snows, and they typically display zero common sense behind the wheel.  It's the same for new cops who come down south.  They get up here, buy some big lifted four by four, then drive like they're invincible.  A heavy foot is never a good thing in bad weather."

Lara nodded in understanding.  She'd seen her fair share of idiot drivers on the highways at home.

They continued driving along the shore past other groups of vehicles until the road widened and the trees thinned out.

"We're coming up on what is basically the birthplace of the Truckee River," K told her.  "Tahoe City sits beside a small spillway, that is considered the beginning of the river.  It's nothing to write home about, but it's an interesting thing to see."

Lara turned to look out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of what K had told her.

"There it is," K said as she slowed down and turned into a small parking lot.

Pulling into an open space, she shut off the engine and pointed through the windshield.  Opening her door, she stepped out and made her way around the truck to open Lara's door.  Climbing out of the cab, Lara took K's hand and followed her to the edge of the parking lot.  Before her, Lara saw a dam from which flowed a strong current of water.  Farther to the right, she spotted a series of buoys strung as a barrier.

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