Chapter 13: A Wild New Experience

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They began to gather their things as Cassie walked up to them.

"Wrapping things up for the evening ladies?"

"Hey, beautiful," Lara replied smiling.  "Yeah, we're calling it a night.  We want to take up where we left off after sunset."

"Oh, I see," Cassie said with a grin and an exaggerated wink.  "Well you two have a fantastic night."

"Cassie, have you got a pen handy?" K asked.

"Sure!  Here you are, doll," Cassie said as she handed K a pen.

Picking up a napkin, K quickly jotted her cell number on it before handing both the pen and the napkin back to Cassie.

"Here's my number, girlfriend.  Feel free to shoot me a text tomorrow, and we'll finalize plans for the evening."

"That sounds great, babe.  Okay, I have to get back to work, and you two need to continue with whatever it was you were doing while you watched the sunset."

Lara stifled a giggle as K grinned and picked up her purse from the bar.

"Would you like a play by play in the morning?"

"I think that can be a hard pass, sweetie.  You ladies have a great night, and I'll be in touch tomorrow."

Cassie waved and returned to her duties as Lara took K's hand.

"Come my love.  It's time I make my fantasies reality.  I want to fuck you, and make you cum just like you have made me cum for the past two days."

K smiled as she pulled Lara into her arms and kissed her softly.

"I can't wait my love.  When we get back to the room, I'll help you adjust the harness so it sits correctly around your hips, and allows you pleasure too."

"I've never used anything like what you have in your bag.  I don't want to do something wrong, and I certainly don't want to hurt you."

"We'll take things slow, lover.  Don't worry."

They stood waiting for the elevator to arrive, K's arms wrapped protectively around Lara.  She snuggled back into K's embrace, cherishing the secure warmth of her touch and the innate strength of K's arms.

"This woman," Lara thought.  " This guardian sent to me by the gods to watch over me.  To protect and defend me from all comers."

A low sigh escaped her lips, and she smiled to herself.

"What are you thinking about my angel?"

"Oh, I'm just thinking about the wonderful things I've experienced and what we've shared in the short time since I've arrived."

"Feeling a little overwhelmed, lover?

"I admit there have been times that were incredibly surprising, but I won't say they were overwhelming."

"Well let's see how you feel in about twenty minutes as you're having your way with me," K whispered.

Lara shivered as images of what was to come formed in her head.

"Oh, you are indeed a very evil woman Killashandra Leigh," she said as she turned in K's arms to face her. 

"Not evil my love," K whispered.  "Just anxious to feel you inside me.  Are you ready to be on the giving end of things?"

"I have to admit that I'm not familiar with it, but I am very excited to give you the same level of pleasure that you've given me so far babe."

"Then I think it's high time that we got back upstairs," K told her.  "I'll help you with everything once we're in the room so you don't need to concern yourself with that."

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