Chapter 7: Good Morning Sunshine

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Lara opened her eyes and stretched as she sat up. She looked around the room smiling as she relived the events of the previous evening.

"Last night was phenomenal!" she thought. "K's such a passionate lover. She's tender when she should be firm when she needs to be. I think I'm falling in love with her."

Getting out of bed, she walked to the window and opened the curtains. Marveling at the view of the Sierras, she breathed deeply and sighed contentedly. Her thoughts were interrupted at the sound of the door opening, and her smile widened as K entered with a cup in each hand.

"Good morning, my angel," K said as she approached and handed Lara a cup. "I wasn't exactly sure how you'd like your coffee, so I opted to get you a mocha latte. Hope that's okay."

"That's perfect, babe, thank you."

"I also got you something small to refuel before we have a real breakfast."

Holding out two small bags, she asks, "Chocolate or Cream Cheese?"

"Ooh, chocolate for me, thanks."

K handed her the bag, and they sat down at the table to share their snack and enjoy the view.

"I never felt you get out of bed this morning. Are you a ninja or something, too?"

"Nothing so mysterious as all that. You were sleeping so soundly that I could have held a heavy metal concert in here, and you would have never moved."

"I guess everything yesterday caught up with me."

Lara ate the pastry that K had brought to her as she enjoyed her coffee and got fully awake.

"So after breakfast, what's on our agenda?"

"I figured that we might drive downtown and take a walk along the river. This time of year the water level is still pretty decent, so you'll have folks playing in the riffles and there's even a kayak course, so we might see a few trying to navigate through it. There are also some really great cafes in that area so we could do lunch while we're there."

"That sounds fun. Let me get dressed, and we'll get going."

Lara stood up from her chair and began to walk by K.

K reached out, wrapping her arm around Lara's waist, pulling her into her lap.

Lara squealed in surprise at K's actions. Her giggles then turned to soft moans as K's lips made contact with her throat.

"Mmmm, we can't start this again, babe. We'll never get anywhere if we do."

Sighing deeply, K looked into her eyes and nodded.

"You're right, my love. Alright, I'll stop. Besides, I need to get you fed.

Releasing Lara from her grasp, she sat watching her move from her lap and scamper to where her suitcase rested.

Looking at her phone, K checked the weather and whistled softly.

"What's up, lover?" Lara asked, looking towards K.

"You're not going to want to dress too heavily, babe. The forecast is for temperatures in the mid 70's today. Combine that with all the reflective heat from the concrete and asphalt, and it's going to feel like it's in the 80s."

"Oh good. I was thinking of wearing shorts and my flip-flops."

"Perfect. I think I might change too, since I'm thinking that jeans, especially black jeans, might be a bit much."

K walked over and opened up her duffle bag. After a short search, she removed a pair of faded blue denim shorts and a pair of sandals.  Looking down, she put the sandals back and pulled out her sneakers.

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