Chapter Three: Fantasy and Reality

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Chapter Three: Fantasy and Reality

[Derek's Pov]

I left Sarah to organise her outfits... she is very orderly, when she looked over the diary her eyes gave away the horror of it all. So I'm not the most organized of people... that's why I have Sarah. When that man called her plain I felt like ripping his throat out, but Sarah stopped me in her silent way of being incredibly hot in those outfits. It was hard enough keeping it in my pants, no pun intended... I smiled at the thought of hearing her voice cry my name over and over again as she reached her orgasm-- no. No. No. That will not help me control myself around her. I began to let my mind drift after awhile.

"Sarah would you mind coming in here for a moment?" I asked over the small intercom. She walked in promptly, a pencil held up her hair, just begging to be pulled out and let her long brunette locks cascade down her shoulders in slight ringlets. "Yes Mr Winters?" Sarah walked further into the room as I called her close. I patted the desk and she sat down, "yes?" Her small smile was all that could push me over the edge. "I want you, here, right now." I said and trapped her using my hands, locking them onto her full, curving hips. "Is that a request?" She'd ask in a innocent way, "no, it's a plea." I whispered as I began to trail kisses up and down the small sliver of skin. "Oh Derek." She moaned, her voice was soft, silk-like, and just as smooth as the nape of her neck. "Right now." I groaned as her hands wandered to my hair, she tangled her slim fingers in my short raven locks and--!

"Mr Winters, we're here." Said my driver. I looked up to him as he held out the door for me. My jaw didn't leave my fist that rested there as I was deep in thought. My mouth was left agape. "Huh?" Very clever, witty in fact. "You asked to be brought home sir, your here." I nodded and cleared my throat. "Thank you." I said and went inside as quick as I could. God, thinking of Sarah and all the things I could do to her... it was hard to walk, again if there was a pun there it was not intentional.

I first went to the bathroom to fix up some things. I cleared away the drool hanging from the corner of my mouth and fixed my problem. "Derek!" My mother said and hugged me as I walked into the sitting room where they were, the whole family was. "Amanda was telling us all about her!" My younger sister, Ellison, said. "Finally found your mate. Good on you." Dad said and held mom's hand. "Tell us all about her! What's she like?" My mother said, smiling like there might not have been a tomorrow. "Her name is Sarah Song. She, as of yesterday, started as my personal assistant. She's orderly and strong." I said and sat down next to my niece. Her father, Barrett, the older of us four, ruffled my hair and chuckled. "Stronger then a werebear?" He asked and I nodded, "Yeah... her parents... they died yesterday, she nearly died, and she didn't even cry..." I said and my mother gasped, "Oh, poor dear... and you made her work today?" I shook my head, "Never. Yesterday night she asked to just be home and eat ice cream, and watch movies. I respected her wishes and so she's in her apartment doing just that." I said and my sister nodded, "don't chase her off, she's really cool." My brother chuckled, "I nearly lost Charlene because of respecting her space too much. She nearly left." Charlene lightly hit his shoulder, "Also don't wait a year after the marriage to tell her exactly what you are." My mother said and my father blushed deeply "And don't drop the bomb in bed." Amanda's fiancee, Jason Kirtland, said and Amanda gave a slight laugh, "yeah... you might want to tell her once she gets to know you a bit better." My niece said. I looked down to my seven year old niece. Franny was smart for her age and skipped second grade awhile back. "She's right." My father said and I sighed, "I just hope she finds me attractive." "Who wouldn't?" My mother said, being biased as always.

[Sarah's Pov]

I went and bought another little black book and began to rewrite everything into it. Don't mess this up Sarah. Keep your work life and your personal life separated for your own good. Even if you new boss is the hottest man in New York, you must not do or say anything you shouldn't do, you may not forget anything. Use that big brain of yours and remember anything and everything you are needed to remember.

After giving myself a pep talk I went to go take a shower. The bathroom was huge and there was a large window out looking the twinkling lights of New York. I smiled as I drew my bath, placing in some bubbles because I am never too old for a bubble bath. I placed the shampoo and conditioner on one side of the tub and the body wash on the other. I locked the door and began to get ready for the bath.

I have missed being able to relax at this time of night... I missed relaxing period. I smiled as I wrapped my fluffy bathrobe around me and I pulled the drain plug out of place to set the dry, soapy water out. I rubbed my hair dry and I french braided it to keep it out of my face. I got dressed into my pyjamas and looked at the time, 7:20 isn't that late... I made some cocoa and sat down on the couch. I figured out how to use this television and I began to watch reruns of I Love Lucy. I watched it for awhile before there was a knock on the door. I turned the television off and went to go get the door. I opened it and saw Derek Winters standing there with flowers. "Have you had dinner yet?" He asked after I thanked him for the flowers. "No, not yet--" "if you want I can order something in." He said and I shrugged, "only if you want sir." "It's Derek." he said, I turned and saw him directly behind me. I watched him as he watched me. He leaned in slightly and I moved to the side. He looked down with blush on his face, "Sorry, my depth perception is off. I thought you were--" I shook my head, "no worries." He kept watching me as he ordered. That depth perception lie was pretty cute, only because I wouldn't have bought it. He ordered in from a Chinese restaurant not far from here. "Egg rolls!" He said happily as he got them from the guy. He set them down on the coffee table and he turned on the television. I curled up with a pillow as we ate egg rolls and watched I Love Lucy. I felt him look me over rather than the television. Soon it was nine and I felt tiered. I yawned and Derek smiled, "Right, I'll see you in the morning Sarah." I nodded as he began to leave. "Thanks Derek." I said and he chuckled, "see you at six thirty." And with that he left. I turned off all the lights and locked the door. I walked into my bedroom and pulled the large covers over my body.

"Sarah," Derek panted, his hot breath curled around my neck as he loosened my tie. "I want you, no, I need you." His voice was pleading. "What if someone sees us?" I asked as he began to unbutton my blouse. He had called me in to look over some documents, but this ended with him kissing me, me kissing back, and him picking me up and nearly straddling me on his desk. "I don't care!" He moaned as he kissed my neck, finding a sweet spot of mine which sent shivers down my spine. "Derek I--!"

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