Chapter Four: First day disasters

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Chapter Four: First day disasters

I got up and took a very cold shower. I took a photo of the sunrise and I slipped on one of the black suits with the matching heels. I found my purse and made sure I had the new diary made in my handwriting, and the old diary with a blue ribbon around it so I knew which was which. I collected ball point pens and a couple mechanical pencils. I tied my hair up into a knot and pinned it down with an alligator clip. I made some coffee and sat down in front of the window, watching the sky turn from a deep purple, to light pink, finally to a white/blue. At six twenty-five I got up and turned everything off and stepped out into the hallway. I stood beside the door and waited for Derek to walk out. He finally stepped out at six thirty-five, his hair: messy, and his tie: off center. "Ah! Good morning Sarah." I nodded, "Mr Winters, your tie isn't straight." I said and he tried to fix it but somehow made it worse. I felt my eye twitch. "May I fix it?" I asked and he sighed uneasily, "Yes please, or I'll be trying to fix it all day." I nodded and undid the knot. "I don't know how I could manage without you before." He said as I smoothed out his bed head. I smiled and stepped back. "You seemed to do just fine before me." I said and he chuckled, "I usually ran late for work--" "then maybe we should switch the curfew sir. Getting up at five thirty and going to work at six, might help with that." I said and he shook his head, "No, this morning was different. But normally I wouldn't get out of bed till six thirty." He said and I nodded. "Right sir." I said and he sighed, "Sarah, we're still alone--" someone else got on and stood in between us. We road down in silence and got into a limo which took us to the head quarters. I worked in the far west wing but now I worked in the main office, top floor, and I have a desk right outside of Mr Winters's office. He smiled over to me and disappeared behind large doors. I sat down and got the feel of what to do.

"Hello, Mr Winters's office?" I asked ready to write down information. "Hello? Is this Sarah Song?" I held my breath. "Yes, this is she." I said and I heard someone giggle, "Good, tell my brother that I'm coming down will you?" "Yes, to whom am I speaking to?" I asked and she sounding like she swatted her forehead. "Right, sorry. This is Ellison. Tell Derek that Ellison is on her way." She said and hung up. I took in a deep breath and knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard him yell. "Sir, your sister, Miss Ellison, is on her way to see you. She did not give a reason behind the visit." He hung off of every word I said. He called me closer, I did as I was told. He patted desk and I was hesitant to do anything. That dream, could it have foreshadowed my future?! No. Sarah. Separate your work life and social life. I cleared my throat. "Yes sir?" I asked, my voice was slightly off pitch because of the fright, fright of this, of my dream... of what he could do to me... keep your mind set Sarah. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Thank you Sarah for the warning... God, this is what happens when you have a teenager for a sister." He said and I nodded before I turned and went back to my desk. A girl walked by, stopped and turned to look at me. "You must be Sarah! Derek has been telling us all about you! All good things! No need to worry or anything!" She said energetically. Her short blonde and brown hair was wind rustled, her jean shorts were frayed and torn. She wore knee length shoes to match her sea foam green sweater. She pulled me to my feet and ran into Derek's office. "Ellison, don't disturb Sarah from her work." He said getting up as I tripped as she pulled me along. Her grip loosened as everything seemed to go into slow motion. I moved my feet and caught myself before I landed on my face. I heard the phone ring and I went to get it. "Hello, Mr Winters's office?" I said standing at my desk as I heard raised voices in Derek's office. "Hello Sarah Song, this is Charlene, Derek's sister-in-law, could you please tell him that his brother and his niece are coming? We're on our way. Thank you." And she hung up. I knocked on the door, "Sarah, you don't need to knock!" Derek yelled from within. I stepped into the room and saw Ellison spinning in his chair. "Your brother, sister-in-law, and niece are also coming. I'll let them through." I said and he sighed, "God, my world is ending." He muttered and Ellison giggled, "could just be starting!" She sang. I went back to my desk and began to type up reports when, not long later, the door opened to reveal a dark haired man, a red haired woman, and a red haired haired girl who could have been near second or third grade perhaps. They stopped in front of my desk and I stood up, "please go through, he's expecting you. He is also with Miss Ellison Winters at the moment as well." They smiled and thanked me. The girl walked behind the desk and grabbed my hand and began to tug me along. "Franny, she has work to do, don't bother her so--" Mr Winters said and his wife shook her head, "first time Franny has shown such interests in people." She said, obviously a lie but I'm happy to go along. When we walked in she pulled me over, "can you pick me up?" She asked and I did so. "Great, now, can you place me in that chair?" She asked and I did as I was told. "I must be getting back to work now, but it was wonderful meeting you Miss Franny." I said and walked out. Another call. I hope it's not more of his family... "Hello, Mr Winters's office?" I asked, "yes, hello. This is Globalization Industries. Is Derek Winters available?" Asked an angry sounding man. "I'm sorry, he'd a bit busy right now can I--" "well make him unbusy!" He snapped and I bit back the urge to slam the receiver down. "I will try sir." I whispered and set him on hold. I knocked on the door and opened it quickly. They all watched me. "Excuse the interruption Mr Winters, but Globalization Industries is on line one, they are asking to see you." Derek shook his head, "tell them to call back." I nodded and left. "I'm sorry but could you please call back?" The man spat profane language into the phone and slammed down his end. I sighed and landed my head on my desk. What a major ass hole. I sighed and went back to work.

By the time of my lunch break everyone had already gone and that was when Derek asked me to go to lunch with him. I agreed and we went to a small pub near the building. "So, what did GI say when I wouldn't see them?" He asked, "well, the man said harsh words and ended the call." Derek stopped chewing his ham sandwich. "Wha?" A small bit of ham hung off of his flabbergasted lips. "The man said some choice words and hung up." I said again and his eyes grew into a raging inferno. "But I shouldn't worry about it." I said and he kept watching me. "That guy insulted you! Your just going to roll over and take it?" He said bitterly. "Yes." He watched me confused. "Because from the way he sounded, the words he used, the they way he acted, he was the boss. I try never to end up on the wrong side of people like that." I said and Derek sighed, "if he ever calls again show him the same courtesy. Okay?" I nodded, that was my plan all along really.

My first day was a bit hectic but by the end of lunch I was smiling and joking with Derek all the way to the office.

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