Chapter Sixteen: Ten years

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Chapter Sixteen: Ten years

(Sarah's Pov)

"Derek? You up?" I called as I climbed the steps of our house. "Sunshine, can you help me?" I walked in and saw Derek nearly strangling himself trying to get his tie on. I shook my head and sighed, "you should learn how to do this by yourself. Your a big boy." I said and he cupped my rear in his hands. "Yes, but otherwise I wouldn't be able to do this." He whispered and kissed me. I giggled and flicked his forehead. "And I wouldn't be able to do that. Come on, David and Alison are getting impatient to go." I said, David is protective over his twin sister Alison, and in return Alison loves David. Our funny ten year olds... I found out I was pregnant after three months from Seattle and the first time. The family couldn't have been happier! Ellison dragged her boyfriend Trent into the wedding, he was the ring barrier while Ellison was one of the maids of honour. Charlene and Amanda were also my other maids of honour while Barrett and Jason were Derek's best men. Xavier gave me away, Lydia was my matron of honour, and Franny was the flower girl.

"Daddy! Hurry! We'll be late for the party!" Alison said, she was in a pink dress, her dark brown hair was done up in a French twist per her little demand of instructions. "Alison, don't worry, mom makes sure we're never late." David said, he looked a lot like his daddy, in his dark blue suit with a black shirt and shoes. He learned how to properly tie on a bow tie so he also had on a dark blue bow tie. "That's right sweetheart, mom always gets us on track." Derek said as we drove to the docks where we'd be having the party. It was a big occasion, famous singers would be there too, like Demi Lovato who Alison loves, Shakira, Rihanna, and Meghan Trainor. Actors also, like Jennifer Lawrence and Matt Smith who David loves but trys to keep it a secret from us. "Do you know why were going?" David asked, teasing his sister. "Because Daddy and mom closed a big deal with Hollywood!" She said happily as we parked and walked on board of the yacht. I kept a close eye on David and Alison throughout the night. David was talking to Matt Smith, smiling like a goof. He loves Doctor Who, Matt Smith is his favorite Doctor and he was heartbroken when he regenerated. Alison was trying to talk to Demi Lovato but was too shy to try. "Do you want me to come with?" I asked and she shook her head. "Excuse me one moment Mr. Smith." I heard David say, I turned to see David walking over to Alison. She hugged him and I sighed, "they are very cute children Mrs. Winters." Matt Smith said, "thank you Mr. Smith. David really looks up to you." I said and he smiled as he saw my children walk over to Demi. She turned and smiled to them and began to talk. "Very well mannered as well." He chuckled and I smiled, "yes, I didn't even have to teach them that. It comes naturally to them." Derek came walking over, "Matt! So glad to see you again." Derek as and shook the man's hand. "I was just telling your wife how extraordinary your children are." He said and they came back with large smiles on their faces.

My family is extraordinary, and I love them dearly.

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